3 research outputs found

    The Mediating Role of Adaptive Personalization in Online Shopping

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    In the context of e-commerce, personalization system provides customers with recommendations on what products to buy. Grounded on social exchange theory, this study empirically examines and theoretically articulates the effects of willingness to share information and adaptive personalization on willingness to repurchase products. A survey was conducted and PLS was used demonstrating that adaptive personalization fully mediates the relationship between willingness to share information and willingness to repurchase products. The results suggest that online customers might take risks to provide their information to online retailers in exchange of offerings, and that continuous capturing of customer’s preferences throughout their interaction time with the system can lead to better recommendations from the system, thus providing more incentives for them to repurchase products

    User Experience in Personalized E-Commerce: A Configurational Approach

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    The present work aims to identify the interrelations among trust, privacy, emotions and experience in order to predict high purchase intentions, when using personalized services in the area of e-commerce. Building on complexity theory we present a conceptual model followed by research propositions. Our propositions are empirically validated through a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) on 182 customers with experience in personalized online shopping. The results indicate five configurations of trust, privacy, emotions, and experience that explain high purchase intentions. The importance of trust and happiness should be noted since they are both present most frequently as core factors. The study has both theoretical and practical implications towards the development of new emotion-centric theories and the design and provision of personalized services

    Impacto da personalização : na qualidade de informações disponibilizadas e no comportamento do consumidor

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    Diversos avanços na análise de big data permitem que as empresas, de diferentes setores, possam coletar e analisar dados de seus consumidores no ambiente online. Mesmo assim, acompanhado de oportunidades de mercado, estes dados trazem mudanças, desafiando as organizações a adequarem sua comunicação para manter a satisfação dos consumidores. Uma das estratégias encontradas para suprir este desafio foi a de personalização, pois ela permite a coleta e análise dos dados dos consumidores online em tempo real, a fim de entender as preferências e necessidades destes, para ofertar informações (recomendações de produto/serviço, mensagens, etc.). Porém, muitas vezes as informações são entregues sem a preocupação de representam qualidade ou relevância ao consumidor. Em vista disso, este trabalho tem como objetivo medir o impacto da personalização de informação e da sua qualidade na satisfação e no comportamento do consumidor online. Para tal, desenvolveramse dois artigos complementares. O primeiro, uma revisão sistemática de literatura sobre a relação entre personalização e os temas: tecnologia, informação e comportamento do consumidor online. Já o segundo, utilizou os achados do estudo anterior, para dar suporte a uma pesquisa do tipo survey com 315 consumidores online, a fim de verificar o impacto da personalização de informação na entrega de informações de qualidade e no comportamento do consumidor online. Por meio dos estudos, foi possível elaborar debates, sem precedentes na literatura de SI, sobre o tema em questão. Pôde-se resumir a informação como recurso fundamental à personalização, podendo assumir como termo adequado: “personalização de informação”. Também foi possível ilustrar o que ocorre após a aplicação desta estratégia, para que as empresas possam direcionar esforços com o objetivo de manter o alinhamento de insights de mercado e do consumidor, percebendo os recursos tecnológicos necessários e a complexidade de entender um consumidor em constante mudança. Além disso, em sua maioria, os consumidores têm intenção de continuar a usar e receber informações personalizadas; nem sempre enxergam essas informações como confiáveis e entregues no tempo certo; e sentem-se satisfeitos ao recebê-las, pois elas ajudam a economizar tempo ao procurar produtos/serviços ou conteúdos na internet.Different advances in big data collection allow organizations, from different sectors, to collect and analyze data from their consumers in online environment. Even though this data represents market opportunities, many companies are having to adjust their communication to maintain consumer satisfaction. One of the strategies found to meet this challenge was personalization because it allows collect and analyze consumer data online in real time, understanding their preferences and needs, and providing information (products/services recommendations, messages, etc.). However, information is often delivered without the concern of representing quality or relevance to consumer. In view of this, this work aims to measure the impact of personalizing information and its quality on online consumer satisfaction and behavior. To this end, two complementary articles were developed. The first, a systematic review of the literature on the relationship between personalization and topics: technology, information and consumer behavior online. The second, on the other hand, used the findings of the previous study, to support a quantitative survey methodology with 315 online consumers, to verify the impact of information personalization on the delivery of quality information and online consumer behavior. Through studies, it was possible to elaborate debates, unprecedented in the IS literature, on the subject in question. It was possible to summarize information as a fundamental resource for personalization, and it can be used as an appropriate term: “information personalization”. It was also possible to illustrate what happens after the application of this strategy, so that companies can direct efforts in order to maintain the alignment of market and consumer insights, realizing the necessary technological resources and the complexity of understanding a constantly changing consumer. In addition, the majority of consumers intend to continue to use and receive personalized information; they do not always see this information as reliable and delivered on time; and feel satisfied when receiving them, as they help to save time when looking for products / services or content on the internet