243,597 research outputs found

    Non-Local Probes Do Not Help with Graph Problems

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    This work bridges the gap between distributed and centralised models of computing in the context of sublinear-time graph algorithms. A priori, typical centralised models of computing (e.g., parallel decision trees or centralised local algorithms) seem to be much more powerful than distributed message-passing algorithms: centralised algorithms can directly probe any part of the input, while in distributed algorithms nodes can only communicate with their immediate neighbours. We show that for a large class of graph problems, this extra freedom does not help centralised algorithms at all: for example, efficient stateless deterministic centralised local algorithms can be simulated with efficient distributed message-passing algorithms. In particular, this enables us to transfer existing lower bound results from distributed algorithms to centralised local algorithms

    On a generalization of iterated and randomized rounding

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    We give a general method for rounding linear programs that combines the commonly used iterated rounding and randomized rounding techniques. In particular, we show that whenever iterated rounding can be applied to a problem with some slack, there is a randomized procedure that returns an integral solution that satisfies the guarantees of iterated rounding and also has concentration properties. We use this to give new results for several classic problems where iterated rounding has been useful

    Two Approaches to Sidorenko's Conjecture

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    Sidorenko's conjecture states that for every bipartite graph HH on {1,,k}\{1,\cdots,k\}, (i,j)E(H)h(xi,yj)dμV(H)(h(x,y)dμ2)E(H)\int \prod_{(i,j)\in E(H)} h(x_i, y_j) d\mu^{|V(H)|} \ge \left( \int h(x,y) \,d\mu^2 \right)^{|E(H)|} holds, where μ\mu is the Lebesgue measure on [0,1][0,1] and hh is a bounded, non-negative, symmetric, measurable function on [0,1]2[0,1]^2. An equivalent discrete form of the conjecture is that the number of homomorphisms from a bipartite graph HH to a graph GG is asymptotically at least the expected number of homomorphisms from HH to the Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graph with the same expected edge density as GG. In this paper, we present two approaches to the conjecture. First, we introduce the notion of tree-arrangeability, where a bipartite graph HH with bipartition ABA \cup B is tree-arrangeable if neighborhoods of vertices in AA have a certain tree-like structure. We show that Sidorenko's conjecture holds for all tree-arrangeable bipartite graphs. In particular, this implies that Sidorenko's conjecture holds if there are two vertices a1,a2a_1, a_2 in AA such that each vertex aAa \in A satisfies N(a)N(a1)N(a) \subseteq N(a_1) or N(a)N(a2)N(a) \subseteq N(a_2), and also implies a recent result of Conlon, Fox, and Sudakov \cite{CoFoSu}. Second, if TT is a tree and HH is a bipartite graph satisfying Sidorenko's conjecture, then it is shown that the Cartesian product THT \Box H of TT and HH also satisfies Sidorenko's conjecture. This result implies that, for all d2d \ge 2, the dd-dimensional grid with arbitrary side lengths satisfies Sidorenko's conjecture.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    A note on the data-driven capacity of P2P networks

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    We consider two capacity problems in P2P networks. In the first one, the nodes have an infinite amount of data to send and the goal is to optimally allocate their uplink bandwidths such that the demands of every peer in terms of receiving data rate are met. We solve this problem through a mapping from a node-weighted graph featuring two labels per node to a max flow problem on an edge-weighted bipartite graph. In the second problem under consideration, the resource allocation is driven by the availability of the data resource that the peers are interested in sharing. That is a node cannot allocate its uplink resources unless it has data to transmit first. The problem of uplink bandwidth allocation is then equivalent to constructing a set of directed trees in the overlay such that the number of nodes receiving the data is maximized while the uplink capacities of the peers are not exceeded. We show that the problem is NP-complete, and provide a linear programming decomposition decoupling it into a master problem and multiple slave subproblems that can be resolved in polynomial time. We also design a heuristic algorithm in order to compute a suboptimal solution in a reasonable time. This algorithm requires only a local knowledge from nodes, so it should support distributed implementations. We analyze both problems through a series of simulation experiments featuring different network sizes and network densities. On large networks, we compare our heuristic and its variants with a genetic algorithm and show that our heuristic computes the better resource allocation. On smaller networks, we contrast these performances to that of the exact algorithm and show that resource allocation fulfilling a large part of the peer can be found, even for hard configuration where no resources are in excess.Comment: 10 pages, technical report assisting a submissio

    Critical phenomena in complex networks

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    The combination of the compactness of networks, featuring small diameters, and their complex architectures results in a variety of critical effects dramatically different from those in cooperative systems on lattices. In the last few years, researchers have made important steps toward understanding the qualitatively new critical phenomena in complex networks. We review the results, concepts, and methods of this rapidly developing field. Here we mostly consider two closely related classes of these critical phenomena, namely structural phase transitions in the network architectures and transitions in cooperative models on networks as substrates. We also discuss systems where a network and interacting agents on it influence each other. We overview a wide range of critical phenomena in equilibrium and growing networks including the birth of the giant connected component, percolation, k-core percolation, phenomena near epidemic thresholds, condensation transitions, critical phenomena in spin models placed on networks, synchronization, and self-organized criticality effects in interacting systems on networks. We also discuss strong finite size effects in these systems and highlight open problems and perspectives.Comment: Review article, 79 pages, 43 figures, 1 table, 508 references, extende