6 research outputs found

    Transcripción de audio a texto en Sesiones Municipales de Planeta Rica

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    The document addresses the issue of manually transcribing municipal sessions in Planeta Rica. It investigates the use of open-source tools to automate the transcription of audio to text in these sessions with the aim of improving efficiency and accuracy in this process. The importance of integrating models into the system to address different aspects and enhance transcription quality is emphasized. In this regard, two artificial intelligence models are mentioned: OpenAI's Whisper and Deezer's Spleeter. Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model. On the other hand, Spleeter is an audio track separation tool that utilizes pre-trained models to separate voices from any audio track. Furthermore, an architecture is developed to enable the automatic integration of these models. This architecture is based on the use of Python for managing the artificial intelligence models, while the application's backend is developed using Go and the frontend with Next.js/React. This allowed for the automation of transcriptions for Planeta Rica's municipal council sessions, improving both efficiency and precision in the process.El documento aborda el tema de la transcripción manual de sesiones municipales en Planeta Rica. Se investiga el uso de herramientas de código abierto para automatizar la transcripción de audio a texto en estas sesiones con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia y precisión en este proceso. Se enfatiza la importancia de integrar modelos en el sistema para abordar diferentes aspectos y mejorar la calidad de la transcripción. En este sentido, se mencionan dos modelos de inteligencia artificial: Whisper de OpenAI y Spleeter de Deezer. Whisper es un modelo de reconocimiento de voz de propósito general. Por otro lado, Spleeter es una herramienta de separación de pistas de audio que utiliza modelos previamente entrenados para separar voces de cualquier pista de audio. Además, se desarrolla una arquitectura que permite la integración automática de estos modelos. Esta arquitectura se basa en el uso de Python para la gestión de los modelos de inteligencia artificial, mientras que el backend de la aplicación se desarrolla utilizando Go y el frontend con Next.js/React. Esto permitió automatizar las transcripciones de las sesiones de los concejos municipales de Planeta Rica, mejorando tanto la eficiencia como la precisión del proceso

    The notion of homonymy, synonymy, multivocity, and pros hen in Aristotle

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    This doctoral thesis addresses a group of conceptual instruments that are central to Aristotle's philosophy, namely, the concepts of pros hen, homonymy, synonymy and multivocity (a neologism for the phrase “to be said in many ways”). These instruments are crucial to many of Aristotle's works as he devotes himself to analysing the key notions in each of his investigations using these instruments. Despite the undisputable importance of these instruments, they display severe interpretative problems, which this thesis critically evaluates. The currently established view on the relationship between homonymy and multivocity is discussed and then reassessed in order to approach the definition of the so-called pros hen structure. This approach takes into account a so-far undescribed distinction of types of examples Aristotle uses and sheds new light on the assessments of the role of the pros hen structure in Aristotle’s philosophy and the theories on development in Aristotle’s thought. Niels Tolkiehn studied Philosophy and Systematic Musicology at the University of Hamburg. He continued his studies as a doctoral student at the Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, a graduate school of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp, he was awarded his doctoral degree in 2019 with this dissertation

    The notion of homonymy, synonymy, multivocity, and pros hen in Aristotle

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    This doctoral thesis addresses a group of conceptual instruments that are central to Aristotle's philosophy, namely, the concepts of pros hen, homonymy, synonymy and multivocity (a neologism for the phrase “to be said in many ways”). These instruments are crucial to many of Aristotle's works as he devotes himself to analysing the key notions in each of his investigations using these instruments. Despite the undisputable importance of these instruments, they display severe interpretative problems, which this thesis critically evaluates. The currently established view on the relationship between homonymy and multivocity is discussed and then reassessed in order to approach the definition of the so-called pros hen structure. This approach takes into account a so-far undescribed distinction of types of examples Aristotle uses and sheds new light on the assessments of the role of the pros hen structure in Aristotle’s philosophy and the theories on development in Aristotle’s thought. Niels Tolkiehn studied Philosophy and Systematic Musicology at the University of Hamburg. He continued his studies as a doctoral student at the Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, a graduate school of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp, he was awarded his doctoral degree in 2019 with this dissertation

    The MULTIVOC text-to-speech system

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