6 research outputs found

    The variety generated by all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains

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    We present the logic BL_Chang, an axiomatic extension of BL (see P. H\'ajek - Metamathematics of fuzzy logic - 1998, Kluwer) whose corresponding algebras form the smallest variety containing all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains. We will analyze this logic and the corresponding algebraic semantics in the propositional and in the first-order case. As we will see, moreover, the variety of BL_Chang-algebras will be strictly connected to the one generated by Chang's MV-algebra (that is, the variety generated by all the perfect MV-algebras): we will also give some new results concerning these last structures and their logic.Comment: This is a revised version of the previous paper: the modifications concern essentially the presentation. The scientific content is substantially unchanged. The major variations are: Definition 2.7 has been improved. Section 3.1 has been made more compact. A new reference, [Bus04], has been added. There is some minor modification in Section 3.

    Poset products as relational models

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    We introduce a relational semantics based on poset products, and provide sufficient conditions guaranteeing its soundness and completeness for various substructural logics. We also demonstrate that our relational semantics unifies and generalizes two semantics already appearing in the literature: Aguzzoli, Bianchi, and Marra's temporal flow semantics for H\'ajek's basic logic, and Lewis-Smith, Oliva, and Robinson's semantics for intuitionistic Lukasiewicz logic. As a consequence of our general theory, we recover the soundness and completeness results of these prior studies in a uniform fashion, and extend them to infinitely-many other substructural logics