374 research outputs found

    Edge-choosability of multicircuits

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    AbstractA multicircuit is a multigraph whose underlying simple graph is a circuit (a connected 2-regular graph). The List-Colouring Conjecture (LCC) is that every multigraph G has edge-choosability (list chromatic index) chβ€²(G) equal to its chromatic index Ο‡β€²(G). In this paper the LCC is proved first for multicircuits, and then, building on results of Peterson and Woodall, for any multigraph G in which every block is bipartite or a multicircuit or has at most four vertices or has underlying simple graph of the form K1, 1, p

    Star 5-edge-colorings of subcubic multigraphs

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    The star chromatic index of a multigraph GG, denoted Ο‡sβ€²(G)\chi'_{s}(G), is the minimum number of colors needed to properly color the edges of GG such that no path or cycle of length four is bi-colored. A multigraph GG is star kk-edge-colorable if Ο‡sβ€²(G)≀k\chi'_{s}(G)\le k. Dvo\v{r}\'ak, Mohar and \v{S}\'amal [Star chromatic index, J Graph Theory 72 (2013), 313--326] proved that every subcubic multigraph is star 77-edge-colorable, and conjectured that every subcubic multigraph should be star 66-edge-colorable. Kerdjoudj, Kostochka and Raspaud considered the list version of this problem for simple graphs and proved that every subcubic graph with maximum average degree less than 7/37/3 is star list-55-edge-colorable. It is known that a graph with maximum average degree 14/514/5 is not necessarily star 55-edge-colorable. In this paper, we prove that every subcubic multigraph with maximum average degree less than 12/512/5 is star 55-edge-colorable.Comment: to appear in Discrete Mathematics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.0410

    A note on total and list edge-colouring of graphs of tree-width 3

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    It is shown that Halin graphs are Ξ”\Delta-edge-choosable and that graphs of tree-width 3 are (Ξ”+1)(\Delta+1)-edge-choosable and (Ξ”+2)(\Delta +2)-total-colourable.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1504.0212

    Bounded degree graphs and hypergraphs with no full rainbow matchings

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    Given a multi-hypergraph GG that is edge-colored into color classes E1,…,EnE_1, \ldots, E_n, a full rainbow matching is a matching of GG that contains exactly one edge from each color class EiE_i. One way to guarantee the existence of a full rainbow matching is to have the size of each color class EiE_i be sufficiently large compared to the maximum degree of GG. In this paper, we apply a simple iterative method to construct edge-colored multi-hypergraphs with a given maximum degree, large color classes, and no full rainbow matchings. First, for every rβ‰₯1r \ge 1 and Ξ”β‰₯2\Delta \ge 2, we construct edge-colored rr-uniform multi-hypergraphs with maximum degree Ξ”\Delta such that each color class has size ∣Ei∣β‰₯rΞ”βˆ’1|E_i| \ge r\Delta - 1 and there is no full rainbow matching, which demonstrates that a theorem of Aharoni, Berger, and Meshulam (2005) is best possible. Second, we construct properly edge-colored multigraphs with no full rainbow matchings which disprove conjectures of Delcourt and Postle (2022). Finally, we apply results on full rainbow matchings to list edge-colorings and prove that a color degree generalization of Galvin's theorem (1995) does not hold

    Every Elementary Graph is Chromatic Choosable

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    Elementary graphs are graphs whose edges can be colored using two colors in such a way that the edges in any induced P3P_3 get distinct colors. They constitute a subclass of the class of claw-free perfect graphs. In this paper, we show that for any elementary graph, its list chromatic number and chromatic number are equal
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