3,351 research outputs found

    Quantum Field as a quantum cellular automaton: the Dirac free evolution in one dimension

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    We present a quantum cellular automaton model in one space-dimension which has the Dirac equation as emergent. This model, a discrete-time and causal unitary evolution of a lattice of quantum systems, is derived from the assumptions of homogeneity, parity and time-reversal invariance. The comparison between the automaton and the Dirac evolutions is rigorously set as a discrimination problem between unitary channels. We derive an exact lower bound for the probability of error in the discrimination as an explicit function of the mass, the number and the momentum of the particles, and the duration of the evolution. Computing this bound with experimentally achievable values, we see that in that regime the QCA model cannot be discriminated from the usual Dirac evolution. Finally, we show that the evolution of one-particle states with narrow-band in momentum can be effi- ciently simulated by a dispersive differential equation for any regime. This analysis allows for a comparison with the dynamics of wave-packets as it is described by the usual Dirac equation. This paper is a first step in exploring the idea that quantum field theory could be grounded on a more fundamental quantum cellular automaton model and that physical dynamics could emerge from quantum information processing. In this framework, the discretization is a central ingredient and not only a tool for performing non-perturbative calculation as in lattice gauge theory. The automaton model, endowed with a precise notion of local observables and a full probabilistic interpretation, could lead to a coherent unification of an hypothetical discrete Planck scale with the usual Fermi scale of high-energy physics.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum, Stochastic, and Pseudo Stochastic Languages with Few States

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    Stochastic languages are the languages recognized by probabilistic finite automata (PFAs) with cutpoint over the field of real numbers. More general computational models over the same field such as generalized finite automata (GFAs) and quantum finite automata (QFAs) define the same class. In 1963, Rabin proved the set of stochastic languages to be uncountable presenting a single 2-state PFA over the binary alphabet recognizing uncountably many languages depending on the cutpoint. In this paper, we show the same result for unary stochastic languages. Namely, we exhibit a 2-state unary GFA, a 2-state unary QFA, and a family of 3-state unary PFAs recognizing uncountably many languages; all these numbers of states are optimal. After this, we completely characterize the class of languages recognized by 1-state GFAs, which is the only nontrivial class of languages recognized by 1-state automata. Finally, we consider the variations of PFAs, QFAs, and GFAs based on the notion of inclusive/exclusive cutpoint, and present some results on their expressive power.Comment: A new version with new results. Previous version: Arseny M. Shur, Abuzer Yakaryilmaz: Quantum, Stochastic, and Pseudo Stochastic Languages with Few States. UCNC 2014: 327-33

    Quantum cellular automata and free quantum field theory

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    In a series of recent papers it has been shown how free quantum field theory can be derived without using mechanical primitives (including space-time, special relativity, quantization rules, etc.), but only considering the easiest quantum algorithm encompassing a countable set of quantum systems whose network of interactions satisfies the simple principles of unitarity, homogeneity, locality, and isotropy. This has opened the route to extending the axiomatic information-theoretic derivation of the quantum theory of abstract systems to include quantum field theory. The inherent discrete nature of the informational axiomatization leads to an extension of quantum field theory to a quantum cellular automata theory, where the usual field theory is recovered in a regime where the discrete structure of the automata cannot be probed. A simple heuristic argument sets the scale of discreteness to the Planck scale, and the customary physical regime where discreteness is not visible is the relativistic one of small wavevectors. In this paper we provide a thorough derivation from principles that in the most general case the graph of the quantum cellular automaton is the Cayley graph of a finitely presented group, and showing how for the case corresponding to Euclidean emergent space (where the group resorts to an Abelian one) the automata leads to Weyl, Dirac and Maxwell field dynamics in the relativistic limit. We conclude with some perspectives towards the more general scenario of non-linear automata for interacting quantum field theory.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, revtex style. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1601.0483

    An evolutionary model for simple ecosystems

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    In this review some simple models of asexual populations evolving on smooth landscapes are studied. The basic model is based on a cellular automaton, which is analyzed here in the spatial mean-field limit. Firstly, the evolution on a fixed fitness landscape is considered. The correspondence between the time evolution of the population and equilibrium properties of a statistical mechanics system is investigated, finding the limits for which this mapping holds. The mutational meltdown, Eigen's error threshold and Muller's ratchet phenomena are studied in the framework of a simplified model. Finally, the shape of a quasi-species and the condition of coexistence of multiple species in a static fitness landscape are analyzed. In the second part, these results are applied to the study of the coexistence of quasi-species in the presence of competition, obtaining the conditions for a robust speciation effect in asexual populations.Comment: 36 pages, including 16 figures, to appear in Annual Review of Computational Physics, D. Stauffer (ed.), World Scientific, Singapor

    Minimizing local automata

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    International audienceWe design an algorithm that minimizes irreducible deterministic local automata by a sequence of state mergings. Two states can be merged if they have exactly the same outputs. The running time of the algorithm is O(min(m(n − r + 1), m log n)), where m is the number of edges, n the number of states of the automaton, and r the number of states of the minimized automaton. In particular, the algorithm is linear when the automaton is already minimal and contrary to Hopcroft's minimisation algorithm that has a O(kn log n) running time in this case, where k is the size of the alphabet, and that applies only to complete automata. (Note that kn ≥ m.) While Hopcroft's algorithm relies on a "negative strategy", starting from a partition with a single class of all states, and partitioning classes when it is discovered that two states cannot belong to the sam class, our algorithm relies on a "positive strategy", starting from the trivial partition for which each class is a singleton. Two classes are then merged when their leaders have the same outputs. The algorithm applies to irreducible deterministic local automata, where all states are considered both initial and final. These automata, also called covers, recognize symbolic dynamical shifts of finite type. They serve to present a large class of constrained channels, the class of finite memory systems, used for channel coding purposes. The algorithm also applies to irreducible deterministic automata that are left-closing and have a synchronizing word. These automata present shifts that are called almost of finite type. Almost-of-finite-type shifts make a meaningful class of shifts, intermediate between finite type shifts and sofic shifts

    Automata theoretic aspects of temporal behaviour and computability in logical neural networks

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