7 research outputs found

    Erklärvideos von Studierenden und ihr Einsatz in der Hochschullehre

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    Erklärvideos erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit auf partizipativen Videoplattformen wie YouTube oder bildungsorientierten Initiativen wie TED-Ed. Ziel ist es dabei, komplexe Inhalte in kompakter Form und auf eine kreative Art und Weise zu vermitteln. Die Kombination mit der Methode "Lernen durch Lehren" eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten, um Studierende durch die Erstellung von Erklärvideos im Lernprozess an neue Inhalte heranzuführen. Folgender Beitrag bietet einen Ansatz, um Erklärvideos didaktisch im Bildungsraum Hochschule einzubetten und liefert einen Praxisbericht zum Einsatz von Erklärvideos durch Studierende. Das Konzept verknüpft forschungsgeleitete Lehre mit dem Medium Video und einer Lehr-Lern-Strategie. Erfahrungen haben gezeigt, dass sich Erklärvideos erfolgreich in der Lehre einbetten lassen. Studierende werden im Bereich der digitalen Kompetenz gefördert und schlüpfen in die Rolle des Erklärenden, wodurch neue Formen des Lernens unter- stützt werden. Lehrende können den Lernprozess innovativ gestalten und schaffen durch die mögliche Wiederverwendbarkeit von Videos einen Mehrwert für zukünftige Semester

    Exploring the Use of 360-degree Video for Teacher-Training Reflection in Higher Education

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    360-degree videos offer new features to extend video-based learning scenarios. In combination with virtual reality (VR) displays such as full-feature or cardboard displays the use of 360-degree video can further support the feeling of immersion and provide more degrees of freedom to look around. This paper presents preliminary results from an interpretive case study (n=16) evaluating the use of 360-degree videos for video reflection of teacher training sessions in a business education context. In two courses students were offered to record their teaching sessions with a 360-degree video camera in order to reflect on their teaching performance. The process of video reflection consisted of watching the video multiple times and answering specific questions on didactics, content and performance. For this case study participants could explore three viewing experiences, a head-mounted display, a cardboard viewer and a web-based player. Based on their experiences made, they were interviewed focusing on the usefulness for video-based self- reflection. Preliminary results show that 360-degree videos are embraced positively and perceived more useful than regular video for reflection. However, challenges were identified for the scalability and usability of 360-degree video content

    Evolutionary Business Information Systems - Perspectives and Challenges of an Emerging Class of Information Systems

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    This article reflects on existing and emerging future challenges arising in the area of “evolutionary business in- formation systems”, a class of systems that demand an evolutionary software development process and which sup- port secondary design of various con- ceptual layers. We place both existing contributions and future research op- portunities in context by referring to an idealized, preliminary system archi- tecture. Finally, we emphasize our plu- ralistic perspective on the research ob- ject and the resulting need for method- ological flexibility in the sense of inter- disciplinary configurations of research methods

    Towards an Integration of 360-Degree Video in Higher Education. Workflow, challenges and scenarios

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    Today video is being used in different facets supporting the e-learning experience. With a resurging interest and reduced barriers of entry to experience virtual and augmented reality applications, 360-degree video technology is becoming relevant as an option to produce and consume content for VR/AR applications. 360-degree video offers new features, which can prove useful in teaching & learning scenarios with a need for self directed control of view direction, immersion and a feeling of presence. Current adoptions of 360-degree videos are integrated manually for specialized activity-oriented learning scenarios. However, in order to adopt 360- degree video on a larger scale, a sufficient technical integration is required and knowledge of application scenarios needs to be communicated. To approach this challenge, workflow steps are analyzed, challenges are identified and scenarios are described in the context of creating 360- degree video content for higher education. We identify open gaps, which need to be addressed in order to integrate 360-degree video technology in an automated video processing tool chain