8 research outputs found

    The Lazy Bureaucrat Scheduling Problem

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    We introduce a new class of scheduling problems in which the optimization is performed by the worker (single ``machine'') who performs the tasks. A typical worker's objective is to minimize the amount of work he does (he is ``lazy''), or more generally, to schedule as inefficiently (in some sense) as possible. The worker is subject to the constraint that he must be busy when there is work that he can do; we make this notion precise both in the preemptive and nonpreemptive settings. The resulting class of ``perverse'' scheduling problems, which we denote ``Lazy Bureaucrat Problems,'' gives rise to a rich set of new questions that explore the distinction between maximization and minimization in computing optimal schedules.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, Latex. To appear, Information and Computatio

    Scheduling Algorithms for Procrastinators

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    This paper presents scheduling algorithms for procrastinators, where the speed that a procrastinator executes a job increases as the due date approaches. We give optimal off-line scheduling policies for linearly increasing speed functions. We then explain the computational/numerical issues involved in implementing this policy. We next explore the online setting, showing that there exist adversaries that force any online scheduling policy to miss due dates. This impossibility result motivates the problem of minimizing the maximum interval stretch of any job; the interval stretch of a job is the job's flow time divided by the job's due date minus release time. We show that several common scheduling strategies, including the "hit-the-highest-nail" strategy beloved by procrastinators, have arbitrarily large maximum interval stretch. Then we give the "thrashing" scheduling policy and show that it is a \Theta(1) approximation algorithm for the maximum interval stretch.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Subset sum problems with digraph constraints

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    We introduce and study optimization problems which are related to the well-known Subset Sum problem. In each new problem, a node-weighted digraph is given and one has to select a subset of vertices whose total weight does not exceed a given budget. Some additional constraints called digraph constraints and maximality need to be satisfied. The digraph constraint imposes that a node must belong to the solution if at least one of its predecessors is in the solution. An alternative of this constraint says that a node must belong to the solution if all its predecessors are in the solution. The maximality constraint ensures that no superset of a feasible solution is also feasible. The combination of these constraints provides four problems. We study their complexity and present some approximation results according to the type of input digraph, such as directed acyclic graphs and oriented trees

    The Lazy Bureaucrat Scheduling Problem

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    The Lazy Bureaucrat Problem with Common Arrivals and Deadlines: Approximation and Mechanism Design

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    in Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8070International audienceWe study the Lazy Bureaucrat scheduling problem (Arkin, Bender, Mitchell and Skiena [1]) in the case of common arrivals and deadlines. In this case the goal is to select a subset of given jobs in such a way that the total processing time is minimized and no other job can fit into the schedule. Our contribution comprises a linear time 4/3-approximation algorithm and an FPTAS, which respectively improve on a linear time 2-approximation algorithm and a PTAS given for the more general case of common deadlines [2,3]. We then consider a selfish perspective, in which jobs are submitted by players who may falsely report larger processing times, and show a tight upper bound of 2 on the approximation ratio of strategyproof mechanisms, even randomized ones. We conclude by introducing a maximization version of the problem and a dedicated greedy algorithm