17,981 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of a three-dimensional, transonic rotor flow field from holographic interferogram data

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    Holographic interferometry and computerized aided tomography (CAT) are used to determine the transonic velocity field of a model rotor blade in hover. A pulsed ruby laser recorded 40 interferograms with a 2 ft dia view field near the model rotor blade tip operating at a tip Mach number of 0.90. After digitizing the interferograms and extracting the fringe order functions, the data are transferred to a CAT code. The CAT code then calculates the perturbation velocity in several planes above the blade surface. The values from the holography-CAT method compare favorably with previously obtained numerical computations in most locations near the blade tip. The results demonstrate the technique's potential for three dimensional transonic rotor flow studies

    Reconstruction of a 3-dimensional transonic rotor flow field from holographic interferogram data

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    Holographic interferometry and computer-assisted tomography (CAT) are used to determine the transonic velocity field of a model rotor blade in hover. A pulsed ruby laser recorded 40 interferograms with a 2-ft-diam view field near the model rotor-blade tip operating at a tip Mach number of 0.90. After digitizing the interferograms and extracting fringe-order functions, the data are transferred to a CAT code. The CAT code then calculates the perturbation velocity in seeral planes above the blade surface. The values from the holography-CAT method compare favorably with previously obtained numerical computations in most locations near the blade tip. The results demonstrate the technique's potential for three-dimensional transonic rotor flow studies

    A Multiscale Approach to Determination of Thermal Properties and Changes in Free Energy: Application to Reconstruction of Dislocations in Silicon

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    We introduce an approach to exploit the existence of multiple levels of description of a physical system to radically accelerate the determination of thermodynamic quantities. We first give a proof of principle of the method using two empirical interatomic potential functions. We then apply the technique to feed information from an interatomic potential into otherwise inaccessible quantum mechanical tight-binding calculations of the reconstruction of partial dislocations in silicon at finite temperature. With this approach, comprehensive ab initio studies at finite temperature will now be possible.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental investigation on shock wave diffraction over sharp and curved splitters

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    Shock wave diffraction occurs when a normal travelling wave passes through a sudden area expansion. Turbulent, compressible, and vortical are the characterising adjectives that describe the flow features, which are slowly smeared out due to the dissipative nature of turbulence. The study of this phenomenon provides insight into several flow structures such as shear layer formation, vortex development, and vortex/shock interaction whose applications include noise control, propulsion or wing aerodynamics. A large amount of research has been carried out in the analysis of shock wave diffraction mainly around sharp wedges, but only few studies have considered rounded corners. This project has the aim to examine and compare the flow features which develop around three different geometries, ramp, symmetric and rounded, with experimental incident shock Mach numbers of 1.31 and 1.59, and Reynolds numbers of 1.08×106 and 1.68×106. Schlieren photography is used to obtain qualitative information about the evolution of the flow field. The results show that ramp and symmetrical wedges with a tip angle of 172° behave in the same manner, which exhibit clear dissimilarities with a curved corner. The flow field evolves more rapidly for a higher incoming Mach number which is also responsible for the development of stronger structures

    S2LET: A code to perform fast wavelet analysis on the sphere

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    We describe S2LET, a fast and robust implementation of the scale-discretised wavelet transform on the sphere. Wavelets are constructed through a tiling of the harmonic line and can be used to probe spatially localised, scale-depended features of signals on the sphere. The scale-discretised wavelet transform was developed previously and reduces to the needlet transform in the axisymmetric case. The reconstruction of a signal from its wavelets coefficients is made exact here through the use of a sampling theorem on the sphere. Moreover, a multiresolution algorithm is presented to capture all information of each wavelet scale in the minimal number of samples on the sphere. In addition S2LET supports the HEALPix pixelisation scheme, in which case the transform is not exact but nevertheless achieves good numerical accuracy. The core routines of S2LET are written in C and have interfaces in Matlab, IDL and Java. Real signals can be written to and read from FITS files and plotted as Mollweide projections. The S2LET code is made publicly available, is extensively documented, and ships with several examples in the four languages supported. At present the code is restricted to axisymmetric wavelets but will be extended to directional, steerable wavelets in a future release.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, version accepted for publication in A&A. Code is publicly available from http://www.s2let.or

    A holographic interferometry technique for measuring transonic flow near a rotor blade

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    A technique that uses holographic interferometry to record the first interferograms of the flow near a hovering transonic rotor blade is presented. A pulsed ruby laser is used to record interferograms of a 2 ft diam field of view near a rotor tip operating at a tip Mach number of 0.90. Several interferograms, recorded along planes perpendicular to the rotor's tip path plane at various azimuth angles around the flow, are presented. These interferograms yield quantitative information about shock structure and location, flow separation, and radiated noise that will help helicopter researchers understand the complexities of the flow around high speed rotor blades and thus improve performance and reduce noise

    Artifacts in incomplete data tomography - with applications to photoacoustic tomography and sonar

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    We develop a paradigm using microlocal analysis that allows one to characterize the visible and added singularities in a broad range of incomplete data tomography problems. We give precise characterizations for photo- and thermoacoustic tomography and Sonar, and provide artifact reduction strategies. In particular, our theorems show that it is better to arrange Sonar detectors so that the boundary of the set of detectors does not have corners and is smooth. To illustrate our results, we provide reconstructions from synthetic spherical mean data as well as from experimental photoacoustic data