9,004 research outputs found

    Multipatch Approximation of the de Rham Sequence and its Traces in Isogeometric Analysis

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    We define a conforming B-spline discretisation of the de Rham complex on multipatch geometries. We introduce and analyse the properties of interpolation operators onto these spaces which commute w.r.t. the surface differential operators. Using these results as a basis, we derive new convergence results of optimal order w.r.t. the respective energy spaces and provide approximation properties of the spline discretisations of trace spaces for application in the theory of isogeometric boundary element methods. Our analysis allows for a straightforward generalisation to finite element methods

    The Penalized Lebesgue Constant for Surface Spline Interpolation

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    Problems involving approximation from scattered data where data is arranged quasi-uniformly have been treated by RBF methods for decades. Treating data with spatially varying density has not been investigated with the same intensity, and is far less well understood. In this article we consider the stability of surface spline interpolation (a popular type of RBF interpolation) for data with nonuniform arrangements. Using techniques similar to those recently employed by Hangelbroek, Narcowich and Ward to demonstrate the stability of interpolation from quasi-uniform data on manifolds, we show that surface spline interpolation on R^d is stable, but in a stronger, local sense. We also obtain pointwise estimates showing that the Lagrange function decays very rapidly, and at a rate determined by the local spacing of datasites. These results, in conjunction with a Lebesgue lemma, show that surface spline interpolation enjoys the same rates of convergence as those of the local approximation schemes recently developed by DeVore and Ron.Comment: 20 pages; corrected typos; to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Isogeometric Boundary Elements in Electromagnetism: Rigorous Analysis, Fast Methods, and Examples

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    We present a new approach to three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems via fast isogeometric boundary element methods. Starting with an investigation of the theoretical setting around the electric field integral equation within the isogeometric framework, we show existence, uniqueness, and quasi-optimality of the isogeometric approach. For a fast and efficient computation, we then introduce and analyze an interpolation-based fast multipole method tailored to the isogeometric setting, which admits competitive algorithmic and complexity properties. This is followed by a series of numerical examples of industrial scope, together with a detailed presentation and interpretation of the results

    Curve network interpolation by C1C^1 quadratic B-spline surfaces

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of interpolating a B-spline curve network, in order to create a surface satisfying such a constraint and defined by blending functions spanning the space of bivariate C1C^1 quadratic splines on criss-cross triangulations. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the surface, providing a constructive algorithm for its generation. We also present numerical and graphical results and comparisons with other methods.Comment: With respect to the previous version, this version of the paper is improved. The results have been reorganized and it is more general since it deals with non uniform knot partitions. Accepted for publication in Computer Aided Geometric Design, October 201

    Extending the range of error estimates for radial approximation in Euclidean space and on spheres

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    We adapt Schaback's error doubling trick [R. Schaback. Improved error bounds for scattered data interpolation by radial basis functions. Math. Comp., 68(225):201--216, 1999.] to give error estimates for radial interpolation of functions with smoothness lying (in some sense) between that of the usual native space and the subspace with double the smoothness. We do this for both bounded subsets of R^d and spheres. As a step on the way to our ultimate goal we also show convergence of pseudoderivatives of the interpolation error.Comment: 10 page

    On thin plate spline interpolation

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    We present a simple, PDE-based proof of the result [M. Johnson, 2001] that the error estimates of [J. Duchon, 1978] for thin plate spline interpolation can be improved by h1/2h^{1/2}. We illustrate that H{\mathcal H}-matrix techniques can successfully be employed to solve very large thin plate spline interpolation problem
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