30 research outputs found

    The Kerf Toolkit for Intrusion Analysis (Poster Abstract)

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    We consider the problem of intrusion analysis and present the Kerf toolkit, whose purpose is to provide an efficient and flexible infrastructure for the analysis of attacks. The Kerf toolkit includes a mechanism for securely recording host and network logging information for a network of workstations, a domain-specific language for querying this stored data, and an interface for viewing the results of such a query, providing feedback on these results, and generating new queries in an iterative fashion. We describe the architecture of Kerf in detail, present examples to demonstrate the power of our query language, and discuss the performance of our implementation of this system

    Kerf: Machine Learning to Aid Intrusion Analysts

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    Kerf is a toolkit for post-hoc intrusion analysis of available system logs and some types of network logs. It takes the view that this process is inherently interactive and iterative: the human analyst browses the log data for apparent anomalies, and tests and revises his hypothesis of what happened. The hypothesis is alternately refined, as information that partially confirms the hypothesis is discovered, and expanded, as the analyst tries new avenues that broaden the investigation

    Tools and algorithms to advance interactive intrusion analysis via Machine Learning and Information Retrieval

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    We consider typical tasks that arise in the intrusion analysis of log data from the perspectives of Machine Learning and Information Retrieval, and we study a number of data organization and interactive learning techniques to improve the analyst\u27s efficiency. In doing so, we attempt to translate intrusion analysis problems into the language of the abovementioned disciplines and to offer metrics to evaluate the effect of proposed techniques. The Kerf toolkit contains prototype implementations of these techniques, as well as data transformation tools that help bridge the gap between the real world log data formats and the ML and IR data models. We also describe the log representation approach that Kerf prototype tools are based on. In particular, we describe the connection between decision trees, automatic classification algorithms and log analysis techniques implemented in Kerf

    Department of Computer Science Activity 1998-2004

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    This report summarizes much of the research and teaching activity of the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College between late 1998 and late 2004. The material for this report was collected as part of the final report for NSF Institutional Infrastructure award EIA-9802068, which funded equipment and technical staff during that six-year period. This equipment and staff supported essentially all of the department\u27s research activity during that period

    A Domain-Specific Conceptual Query System

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    This thesis presents the architecture and implementation of a query system resulted from a domain-specific conceptual data modeling and querying methodology. The query system is built for a high level conceptual query language that supports dynamically user-defined domain-specific functions and application-specific functions. It is DBMS-independent and can be translated to SQL and OQL through a normal form. Currently, it has been implemented in neuroscience domain and can be applied to any other domain

    Repeating the past experimental and empirical methods in system and software security

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    I propose a new method of analyzing intrusions: instead of analyzing evidence and deducing what must have happened, I find the intrusion-causing circumstances by a series of automatic experiments. I first capture process';s system calls, and when an intrusion has been detected, I use these system calls to replay some of the captured processes in order to find the intrusion-causing processes—the cause-effect chain that led to the intrusion. I extend this approach to find also the inputs to those processes that cause the intrusion—the attack signature. Intrusion analysis is a minimization problem—how to find a minimal set of circumstances that makes the intrusion happen. I develop several efficient minimization algorithms and show their theoretical properties, such as worst-case running times, as well as empirical evidence for a comparison of average running times. Our evaluations show that the approach is correct and practical; it finds the 3 processes out of 32 that are responsible for a proof-of-concept attack in about 5 minutes, and it finds the 72 out of 168 processes in a large, complicated, and difficult to detect multi-stage attack involving Apache and suidperl in about 2.5 hours. I also extract attack signatures in proof-of-concept attacks in reasonable time. I have also considered the problem of predicting before deployment which components in a software system are most likely to contain vulnerabilities. I present empirical evidence that vulnerabilities are connected to a component';s imports. In a case study on Mozilla, I correctly predicted one half of all vulnerable components, while more than two thirds of our predictions were correct.Ich stelle eine neue Methode der Einbruchsanalyse vor: Anstatt Spuren zu analysieren und daraus den Ereignisverlauf zu erschließen, finde ich die einbruchsverursachenden Umstände durch automatische Experimente. Zunächst zeichne ich die Systemaufrufe von Prozessen auf. Nachdem ein Einbruch entdeckt wird, benutze ich diese Systemaufrufe, um Prozesse teilweise wieder einzuspielen, so dass ich herausfinden kann, welche Prozesse den Einbruch verursacht haben —die Ursache-Wirkungs-Kette. Ich erweitere diesen Ansatz, um auch die einbruchsverursachenden Eingaben dieser Prozesse zu finden — die Angriffs-Signatur. Einbruchsanalyse ist ein Minimierungsproblem — wie findet man eine minimale Menge von Umständen, die den Einbruch passieren lassen? Ich entwickle einige effiziente Algorithmen und gebe sowohl theroretische Eigenschaften an, wie z.B. die Laufzeit im ungünstigsten Fall, als auch empirische Ergebnisse, die das mittlere Laufzeitverhalen beleuchten. Meine Evaluierung zeigt, dass unser Ansatz korrekt und praktikabel ist; er findet die 3 aus 32 Prozessen, die für einen konstruierten Angriff verantwortlich sind, in etwa 5 Minuten, und er findet die 72 von 168 Prozessen, die für einen echten, komplizierten, mehrstufigen und schwer zu analysierenden Angriff auf Apache und suidperl verantwortlich sind, in 2,5 Stunden. Ich kann ebenfalls Angriffs-Signaturen eines konstruierten Angriffs in vernünftiger Zeit erstellen. Ich habe mich auch mit dem Problem beschäftigt, vor der Auslieferung von Software diejenigen Komponenten vorherzusagen, die besonders anfällig für Schwachstellen sind. Ich bringe empirische Anhaltspunkte, dass Schwachstellen mit Importen korrelieren. In einer Fallstudie über Mozilla konnte ich die Hälfte aller fehlerhaften Komponenten korrekt vorhersagen, wobei etwa zwei Drittel aller Vorhersagen richtig war

    UFGM - 2006 Annual Report

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    INGV, SEZIONE DI CATANIAPublished2.6. TTC - Laboratorio di gravimetria, magnetismo ed elettromagnetismo in aree attiveope

    Protein Structure Data Management System

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    With advancement in the development of the new laboratory instruments and experimental techniques, the protein data has an explosive increasing rate. Therefore how to efficiently store, retrieve and modify protein data is becoming a challenging issue that most biological scientists have to face and solve. Traditional data models such as relational database lack of support for complex data types, which is a big issue for protein data application. Hence many scientists switch to the object-oriented databases since object-oriented nature of life science data perfectly matches the architecture of object-oriented databases, but there are still a lot of problems that need to be solved in order to apply OODB methodologies to manage protein data. One major problem is that the general-purpose OODBs do not have any built-in data types for biological research and built-in biological domain-specific functional operations. In this dissertation, we present an application system with built-in data types and built-in biological domain-specific functional operations that extends the Object-Oriented Database (OODB) system by adding domain-specific additional layers Protein-QL, Protein Algebra Architecture and Protein-OODB above OODB to manage protein structure data. This system is composed of three parts: 1) Client API to provide easy usage for different users. 2) Middleware including Protein-QL, Protein Algebra Architecture and Protein-OODB is designed to implement protein domain specific query language and optimize the complex queries, also it capsulates the details of the implementation such that users can easily understand and master Protein-QL. 3) Data Storage is used to store our protein data. This system is for protein domain, but it can be easily extended into other biological domains to build a bio-OODBMS. In this system, protein, primary, secondary, and tertiary structures are defined as internal data types to simplify the queries in Protein-QL such that the domain scientists can easily master the query language and formulate data requests, and EyeDB is used as the underlying OODB to communicate with Protein-OODB. In addition, protein data is usually stored as PDB format and PDB format is old, ambiguous, and inadequate, therefore, PDB data curation will be discussed in detail in the dissertation