53 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Bourgain-Tzafriri restricted invertibility theorem

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    Is the Algorithmic Kadison-Singer Problem Hard?

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    We study the following KS2(c)\mathsf{KS}_2(c) problem: let c∈R+c \in\mathbb{R}^+ be some constant, and v1,…,vm∈Rdv_1,\ldots, v_m\in\mathbb{R}^d be vectors such that βˆ₯viβˆ₯2≀α\|v_i\|^2\leq \alpha for any i∈[m]i\in[m] and βˆ‘i=1m⟨vi,x⟩2=1\sum_{i=1}^m \langle v_i, x\rangle^2 =1 for any x∈Rdx\in\mathbb{R}^d with βˆ₯xβˆ₯=1\|x\|=1. The KS2(c)\mathsf{KS}_2(c) problem asks to find some SβŠ‚[m]S\subset [m], such that it holds for all x∈Rdx \in \mathbb{R}^d with βˆ₯xβˆ₯=1\|x\| = 1 that βˆ£βˆ‘i∈S⟨vi,x⟩2βˆ’12βˆ£β‰€cβ‹…Ξ±, \left|\sum_{i \in S} \langle v_i, x\rangle^2 - \frac{1}{2}\right| \leq c\cdot\sqrt{\alpha}, or report no if such SS doesn't exist. Based on the work of Marcus et al. and Weaver, the KS2(c)\mathsf{KS}_2(c) problem can be seen as the algorithmic Kadison-Singer problem with parameter c∈R+c\in\mathbb{R}^+. Our first result is a randomised algorithm with one-sided error for the KS2(c)\mathsf{KS}_2(c) problem such that (1) our algorithm finds a valid set SβŠ‚[m]S \subset [m] with probability at least 1βˆ’2/d1-2/d, if such SS exists, or (2) reports no with probability 11, if no valid sets exist. The algorithm has running time O\left(\binom{m}{n}\cdot \mathrm{poly}(m, d)\right)~\mbox{ for }~n = O\left(\frac{d}{\epsilon^2} \log(d) \log\left(\frac{1}{c\sqrt{\alpha}}\right)\right), where Ο΅\epsilon is a parameter which controls the error of the algorithm. This presents the first algorithm for the Kadison-Singer problem whose running time is quasi-polynomial in mm, although having exponential dependency on dd. Moreover, it shows that the algorithmic Kadison-Singer problem is easier to solve in low dimensions. Our second result is on the computational complexity of the KS2(c)\mathsf{KS}_2(c) problem. We show that the KS2(1/(42))\mathsf{KS}_2(1/(4\sqrt{2})) problem is FNP\mathsf{FNP}-hard for general values of dd, and solving the KS2(1/(42))\mathsf{KS}_2(1/(4\sqrt{2})) problem is as hard as solving the \mathsf{NAE\mbox{-}3SAT} problem

    Twice-Ramanujan Sparsifiers

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    We prove that every graph has a spectral sparsifier with a number of edges linear in its number of vertices. As linear-sized spectral sparsifiers of complete graphs are expanders, our sparsifiers of arbitrary graphs can be viewed as generalizations of expander graphs. In particular, we prove that for every d>1d>1 and every undirected, weighted graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) on nn vertices, there exists a weighted graph H=(V,F,w~)H=(V,F,\tilde{w}) with at most \ceil{d(n-1)} edges such that for every x∈RVx \in \R^{V}, xTLGx≀xTLHx≀(d+1+2dd+1βˆ’2d)β‹…xTLGx x^{T}L_{G}x \leq x^{T}L_{H}x \leq (\frac{d+1+2\sqrt{d}}{d+1-2\sqrt{d}})\cdot x^{T}L_{G}x where LGL_{G} and LHL_{H} are the Laplacian matrices of GG and HH, respectively. Thus, HH approximates GG spectrally at least as well as a Ramanujan expander with dn/2dn/2 edges approximates the complete graph. We give an elementary deterministic polynomial time algorithm for constructing HH
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