20 research outputs found

    An impossibility result for process discrimination

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    Two series of binary observations x1,x1,...x_1,x_1,... and y1,y2,...y_1,y_2,... are presented: at each time nNn\in\N we are given xnx_n and yny_n. It is assumed that the sequences are generated independently of each other by two B-processes. We are interested in the question of whether the sequences represent a typical realization of two different processes or of the same one. We demonstrate that this is impossible to decide, in the sense that every discrimination procedure is bound to err with non-negligible frequency when presented with sequences from some B-processes. This contrasts earlier positive results on B-processes, in particular those showing that there are consistent dˉ\bar d-distance estimates for this class of processes

    Guessing Revisited: A Large Deviations Approach

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    The problem of guessing a random string is revisited. A close relation between guessing and compression is first established. Then it is shown that if the sequence of distributions of the information spectrum satisfies the large deviation property with a certain rate function, then the limiting guessing exponent exists and is a scalar multiple of the Legendre-Fenchel dual of the rate function. Other sufficient conditions related to certain continuity properties of the information spectrum are briefly discussed. This approach highlights the importance of the information spectrum in determining the limiting guessing exponent. All known prior results are then re-derived as example applications of our unifying approach.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in IEEE Transaction on Information Theor

    The recurrence of blocks for Bernoulli processes

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