188 research outputs found

    Strong Forms of Stability from Flag Algebra Calculations

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    Given a hereditary family G\mathcal{G} of admissible graphs and a function λ(G)\lambda(G) that linearly depends on the statistics of order-κ\kappa subgraphs in a graph GG, we consider the extremal problem of determining λ(n,G)\lambda(n,\mathcal{G}), the maximum of λ(G)\lambda(G) over all admissible graphs GG of order nn. We call the problem perfectly BB-stable for a graph BB if there is a constant CC such that every admissible graph GG of order nCn\ge C can be made into a blow-up of BB by changing at most C(λ(n,G)λ(G))(n2)C(\lambda(n,\mathcal{G})-\lambda(G)){n\choose2} adjacencies. As special cases, this property describes all almost extremal graphs of order nn within o(n2)o(n^2) edges and shows that every extremal graph of order nn0n\ge n_0 is a blow-up of BB. We develop general methods for establishing stability-type results from flag algebra computations and apply them to concrete examples. In fact, one of our sufficient conditions for perfect stability is stated in a way that allows automatic verification by a computer. This gives a unifying way to obtain computer-assisted proofs of many new results.Comment: 44 pages; incorporates reviewers' suggestion

    On the inducibility of small trees

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    The quantity that captures the asymptotic value of the maximum number of appearances of a given topological tree (a rooted tree with no vertices of outdegree 11) SS with kk leaves in an arbitrary tree with sufficiently large number of leaves is called the inducibility of SS. Its precise value is known only for some specific families of trees, most of them exhibiting a symmetrical configuration. In an attempt to answer a recent question posed by Czabarka, Sz\'ekely, and the second author of this article, we provide bounds for the inducibility J(A5)J(A_5) of the 55-leaf binary tree A5A_5 whose branches are a single leaf and the complete binary tree of height 22. It was indicated before that J(A5)J(A_5) appears to be `close' to 1/41/4. We can make this precise by showing that 0.24707J(A5)0.247450.24707\ldots \leq J(A_5) \leq 0.24745\ldots. Furthermore, we also consider the problem of determining the inducibility of the tree Q4Q_4, which is the only tree among 44-leaf topological trees for which the inducibility is unknown

    On the inducibility of cycles

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    In 1975 Pippenger and Golumbic proved that any graph on nn vertices admits at most 2e(n/k)k2e(n/k)^k induced kk-cycles. This bound is larger by a multiplicative factor of 2e2e than the simple lower bound obtained by a blow-up construction. Pippenger and Golumbic conjectured that the latter lower bound is essentially tight. In the present paper we establish a better upper bound of (128e/81)(n/k)k(128e/81) \cdot (n/k)^k. This constitutes the first progress towards proving the aforementioned conjecture since it was posed

    Maximising the number of induced cycles in a graph

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    We determine the maximum number of induced cycles that can be contained in a graph on nn0n\ge n_0 vertices, and show that there is a unique graph that achieves this maximum. This answers a question of Tuza. We also determine the maximum number of odd or even cycles that can be contained in a graph on nn0n\ge n_0 vertices and characterise the extremal graphs. This resolves a conjecture of Chv\'atal and Tuza from 1988.Comment: 36 page