3 research outputs found

    Computer vision reading on stickers and direct part marking on horticultural products : challenges and possible solutions

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    Traceability of products from production to the consumer has led to a technological advancement in product identification. There has been development from the use of traditional one-dimensional barcodes (EAN-13, Code 128, etc.) to 2D (two-dimensional) barcodes such as QR (Quick Response) and Data Matrix codes. Over the last two decades there has been an increased use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Direct Part Marking (DPM) using lasers for product identification in agriculture. However, in agriculture there are still considerable challenges to adopting barcodes, RFID and DPM technologies, unlike in industry where these technologies have been very successful. This study was divided into three main objectives. Firstly, determination of the effect of speed, dirt, moisture and bar width on barcode detection was carried out both in the laboratory and a flower producing company, Brandkamp GmbH. This study developed algorithms for automation and detection of Code 128 barcodes under rough production conditions. Secondly, investigations were carried out on the effect of low laser marking energy on barcode size, print growth, colour and contrast on decoding 2D Data Matrix codes printed directly on apples. Three different apple varieties (Golden Delicious, Kanzi and Red Jonaprince) were marked with various levels of energy and different barcode sizes. Image processing using Halcon 11.0.1 (MvTec) was used to evaluate the markings on the apples. Finally, the third objective was to evaluate both algorithms for 1D and 2D barcodes. According to the results, increasing the speed and angle of inclination of the barcode decreased barcode recognition. Also, increasing the dirt on the surface of the barcode resulted in decreasing the successful detection of those barcodes. However, there was 100% detection of the Code 128 barcode at the company’s production speed (0.15 m/s) with the proposed algorithm. Overall, the results from the company showed that the image-based system has a future prospect for automation in horticultural production systems. It overcomes the problem of using laser barcode readers. The results for apples showed that laser energy, barcode size, print growth, type of product, contrast between the markings and the colour of the products, the inertia of the laser system and the days of storage all singularly or in combination with each other influence the readability of laser Data Matrix codes and implementation on apples. There was poor detection of the Data Matrix code on Kanzi and Red Jonaprince due to the poor contrast between the markings on their skins. The proposed algorithm is currently working successfully on Golden Delicious with 100% detection for 10 days using energy 0.108 J mm-2 and a barcode size of 10 × 10 mm2. This shows that there is a future prospect of not only marking barcodes on apples but also on other agricultural products for real time production


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    A fast blind restoration method of QR code images was proposed based on a blurred imaging mechanism. On the basis of the research on the centroid invariance of the blurred imaging diffuse light spots, the circular finder pattern is designed. When the image is blurred, the centroid of the pattern and the position of the QR code symbol can be quickly detected by methods such as connected components. Moreover, combined with step edge characteristics, gradient and intensity characteristics, edge detection technology, and optical imaging mechanism, the defocus radius of the blurred QR code image can be quickly and accurately estimated. Furthermore, the Wiener filter is applied to restore the QR code image quickly and effectively. Compared with the other algorithms, the proposed method has improved deblurring results in both structural similarity and peak signal-to-noise ratio, especially in the recovery speed. The average recovery time is 0.329 2 s. Experimental results show that this method can estimate the defocus radius with high accuracy and can quickly realize the blind restoration of QR code images. It has the advantages of rapidity and robustness, which are convenient for embedded hardware implementation and suitable for barcode identification-related industrial Internet of Things application scenarios

    Image Processing and Simulation Toolboxes of Microscopy Images of Bacterial Cells

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    Recent advances in microscopy imaging technology have allowed the characterization of the dynamics of cellular processes at the single-cell and single-molecule level. Particularly in bacterial cell studies, and using the E. coli as a case study, these techniques have been used to detect and track internal cell structures such as the Nucleoid and the Cell Wall and fluorescently tagged molecular aggregates such as FtsZ proteins, Min system proteins, inclusion bodies and all the different types of RNA molecules. These studies have been performed with using multi-modal, multi-process, time-lapse microscopy, producing both morphological and functional images. To facilitate the finding of relationships between cellular processes, from small-scale, such as gene expression, to large-scale, such as cell division, an image processing toolbox was implemented with several automatic and/or manual features such as, cell segmentation and tracking, intra-modal and intra-modal image registration, as well as the detection, counting and characterization of several cellular components. Two segmentation algorithms of cellular component were implemented, the first one based on the Gaussian Distribution and the second based on Thresholding and morphological structuring functions. These algorithms were used to perform the segmentation of Nucleoids and to identify the different stages of FtsZ Ring formation (allied with the use of machine learning algorithms), which allowed to understand how the temperature influences the physical properties of the Nucleoid and correlated those properties with the exclusion of protein aggregates from the center of the cell. Another study used the segmentation algorithms to study how the temperature affects the formation of the FtsZ Ring. The validation of the developed image processing methods and techniques has been based on benchmark databases manually produced and curated by experts. When dealing with thousands of cells and hundreds of images, these manually generated datasets can become the biggest cost in a research project. To expedite these studies in terms of time and lower the cost of the manual labour, an image simulation was implemented to generate realistic artificial images. The proposed image simulation toolbox can generate biologically inspired objects that mimic the spatial and temporal organization of bacterial cells and their processes, such as cell growth and division and cell motility, and cell morphology (shape, size and cluster organization). The image simulation toolbox was shown to be useful in the validation of three cell tracking algorithms: Simple Nearest-Neighbour, Nearest-Neighbour with Morphology and DBSCAN cluster identification algorithm. It was shown that the Simple Nearest-Neighbour still performed with great reliability when simulating objects with small velocities, while the other algorithms performed better for higher velocities and when there were larger clusters present