155 research outputs found

    Teaching Parallel Programming Using Java

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    This paper presents an overview of the "Applied Parallel Computing" course taught to final year Software Engineering undergraduate students in Spring 2014 at NUST, Pakistan. The main objective of the course was to introduce practical parallel programming tools and techniques for shared and distributed memory concurrent systems. A unique aspect of the course was that Java was used as the principle programming language. The course was divided into three sections. The first section covered parallel programming techniques for shared memory systems that include multicore and Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems. In this section, Java threads was taught as a viable programming API for such systems. The second section was dedicated to parallel programming tools meant for distributed memory systems including clusters and network of computers. We used MPJ Express-a Java MPI library-for conducting programming assignments and lab work for this section. The third and the final section covered advanced topics including the MapReduce programming model using Hadoop and the General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU).Comment: 8 Pages, 6 figures, MPJ Express, MPI Java, Teaching Parallel Programmin

    Supporting Parallelism in Server-based Multiprocessor Systems

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    Developing an efficient server-based real-time scheduling solution that supports dynamic task-level parallelism is now relevant to even the desktop and embedded domains and no longer only to the high performance computing market niche. This paper proposes a novel approach that combines the constant bandwidth server abstraction with a work-stealing load balancing scheme which, while ensuring isolation among tasks, enables a task to be executed on more than one processor at a given time instant.Comment: WiP Session of the 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposiu

    Property-Driven Fence Insertion using Reorder Bounded Model Checking

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    Modern architectures provide weaker memory consistency guarantees than sequential consistency. These weaker guarantees allow programs to exhibit behaviours where the program statements appear to have executed out of program order. Fortunately, modern architectures provide memory barriers (fences) to enforce the program order between a pair of statements if needed. Due to the intricate semantics of weak memory models, the placement of fences is challenging even for experienced programmers. Too few fences lead to bugs whereas overuse of fences results in performance degradation. This motivates automated placement of fences. Tools that restore sequential consistency in the program may insert more fences than necessary for the program to be correct. Therefore, we propose a property-driven technique that introduces "reorder-bounded exploration" to identify the smallest number of program locations for fence placement. We implemented our technique on top of CBMC; however, in principle, our technique is generic enough to be used with any model checker. Our experimental results show that our technique is faster and solves more instances of relevant benchmarks as compared to earlier approaches.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 4 algorithms. Version change reason : new set of results and publication ready version of FM 201

    A parallel programming model for ada

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    Over the last three decades, computer architects have been able to achieve an increase in performance for single processors by, e.g., increasing clock speed, introducing cache memories and using instruction level parallelism. However, because of power consumption and heat dissipation constraints, this trend is going to cease. In recent times, hardware engineers have instead moved to new chip architectures with multiple processor cores on a single chip. With multi-core processors, applications can complete more total work than with one core alone. To take advantage of multi-core processors, parallel programming models are proposed as promising solutions for more effectively using multi-core processors. This paper discusses some of the existent models and frameworks for parallel programming, leading to outline a draft parallel programming model for Ada

    Transactions Everywhere

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    Arguably, one of the biggest deterrants for software developers who might otherwise choose to write parallel code is that parallelism makes their lives more complicated. Perhaps the most basic problem inherent in the coordination of concurrent tasks is the enforcing of atomicity so that the partial results of one task do not inadvertently corrupt another task. Atomicity is typically enforced through locking protocols, but these protocols can introduce other complications, such as deadlock, unless restrictive methodologies in their use are adopted. We have recently begun a research project focusing on transactional memory [18] as an alternative mechanism for enforcing atomicity, since it allows the user to avoid many of the complications inherent in locking protocols. Rather than viewing transactions as infrequent occurrences in a program, as has generally been done in the past, we have adopted the point of view that all user code should execute in the context of some transaction. To make this viewpoint viable requires the development of two key technologies: effective hardware support for scalable transactional memory, and linguistic and compiler support. This paper describes our preliminary research results on making “transactions everywhere” a practical reality.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA
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