13,628 research outputs found

    The Impact of I.T. on the Degree of Outsourcing, the Number of Suppliers, and the Duration of Contracts

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    It has long been accepted within theinformation technology (IT) researchcommunity that IT should have a profoundimpact on industrial organization. However,there has been as yet on the changes to be expected in the design of firms or industries; rather, there is an apparently inconsistent collection of conjectures and analyses. We are now able to offer an integrative framework for describing the impacts of IT on an industrial organization. Our analyses generally support the "move to the middle" hypothesis that states that the impact of IT on the organization of economic activity is to lead to a greater degree of outsourcing where this increased outsourcing is done from fewer suppliers with whom the buyer has long-term relationships.

    Competence, specificity and outsourcing: impact on the complexity of the contract

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    This paper focuses on the link between the three types of specificity and the complexity of outsourcing contracts because specificity is generally considered as the most important transaction cost attribute. It also integrates external uncertainty in the model. External uncertainty is a multidimensional concept that reflects the lack of knowledge about events that may take place in the environmentoutsourcing; transaction cost economics; resource-based view; contracts; partial least squares

    The impact of business process outsourcing on firm performance and the influence of governance : a long term study in the German banking industry

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    Does BPO pay off at the firm-level? Although there are several studies which analyze the potential benefits of BPO, there is a virtual absence of research papers on BPO outcomes. Based on an analysis of 137 Business process outsourcing (BPO) ventures at 254 German banks in a period between 1994 and 2005, we found that the outsourcer's financial performance in terms of profitability and cost efficiency was increased significantly compared to industry peers without BPO. The increase stems not from workforce reductions but rather from increased employee productivity. Further, we show how BPO governance ensures BPO success: individually negotiated outsourcing contracts help to improve cost efficiency and profitability measures. Relational governance based on trust has only positive effects on profitability. Keywords: Business Process Outsourcing, firm performance, firm characteristics, banking, German banks, governance JEL Classifications: G21, L14, L21, L2

    Managing IT Outsourcing Risk: Lessons Learned

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    This document takes stock from several studies on outsourcing risk. A definition of risk is offered and illustration from many case studies is used to show how risk can be managed. Results show that an active risk management approach can reduce risk exposure subtantially while enabling the organizations to still reap the benefits associated with outsourcing. Cet article fait un constat des leçons tirées de récentes analyses du risque d'impartition. Une définition opérationnelle du risque d'impartition est donnée. Les mécanismes de gestion de risque sont également discutés. Les résultats de différentes études démontrent qu'une gestion active du risque permet de réduire sensiblement les niveaux d'exposition au risque, notamment dans le cas de contrats d'impartition des technologies de l'information.Outsourcing of IS, IS risk management, agency theory, transaction cost economics, decision making under risk and uncertainty, Impartition, gestion des risques, agence, coûts de transaction, décision, risque et incertitude


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    Outsourcing grew rapidly during the 1990s and has now become an accepted dimension of corporate strategy. While outsourcing continues to grow in importance, the nature and focus of outsourcing is evolving. Historically, most outsourcing took place in manufacturing industries, but it is now spreading rapidly within service industries. Whether in manufacturing or services, outsourcing is becoming increasingly cross- national and global. The growth of international outsourcing has accentuated controversy surrounding trade liberalization efforts in developed economies, especially in the United States.outsourcing, trade liberalization, international trade

    Supply Chains and Porous Boundaries: The Disaggregation of Legal Services

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    The economic downturn has had significant effects on law firms, and is causing many of them to rethink some basic assumptions about how they operate. In important respects, however, the downturn has simply intensified the effects of some deeper trends that preceded it, which are likely to continue after any recovery that may occur. This paper explores one of these trends, which is corporate client insistence that law firms “disaggregate” their services into discrete tasks that can be delegated to the least costly providers who can perform them. With advances in communications technology, there is increasing likelihood that some of these persons may be located outside the formal boundaries of the firm. This means that law firms may need increasingly to confront the make or buy decision that their corporate clients have regularly confronted for some time. The potential for vertical disintegration is a relatively recent development for legal services, but is well-established in other sectors of the global economy. Empirical work in several disciplines has identified a number of issues that arise for organizations as the make or buy decision becomes a potentially more salient feature of their operations. Much of this work has focused in particular on the implications of relying on outsourcing as an integral part of the production process. This paper discusses research on: (1) the challenges of ensuring that work performed outside the firm is fully integrated into the production process; (2) coordinating projects for which networks of organizations are responsible; (3) managing the transfer of knowledge inside and outside of firms that are participants in a supply chain; and (4) addressing the impact of using contingent workers on an organization’s workforce, structure, and culture. A review of this research suggests considerations that law firms will need to assess if they begin significantly to extend the process of providing services beyond their formal boundaries. Discussing the research also is intended to introduce concepts that may become increasingly relevant to law firms, but which currently are not commonly used to analyze their operations. Considering how these concepts are applicable to law firms may prompt us to rethink how to conceptualize these firms and what they do. This paper therefore is a preliminary attempt to explore: (1) the extent to which law firms may come to resemble the vertically disintegrated organizations that populate many other economic sectors and (2) the potential implications of this trend for the provision of legal services,the trajectory of legal careers, and lawyers’ sense of themselves as members of a distinct profession

    The Outsourcing-to-Insourcing Relocation Shift: A Response of U.S. Manufacturers to the Outsourcing Paradigm

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    Outsourcing has been utilized as a corporate strategy by U.S. manufacturers for over three decades to minimize manufacturing and production costs, focus on core competencies and achieve sustained competitive advantages in the global market. In recent years, manufacturers have begun evaluating nearshoring, reshoring and insourcing strategies as near-term responses to trigger events such as increased labor costs and decreased product quality. The United States Air Force also established outsourcing as its primary strategy for achieving cost-saving objectives associated with the design, engineering, manufacturing, production and sustainment of its fourth, fifth and sixth generation weapon systems. In order to decrease weapon system costs and consistently achieve congressionally mandated core and 50/50 requirements, the United States Air Force is evaluating opportunities to bring outsourced workload into the depot infrastructure. This research applies grounded theory and case study methodologies to examine the antecedents and barriers of the U.S. manufacturing outsourcing-to-insourcing relocation shift. A structured framework is presented to assist the United States Air Force as a guide for evaluating insourcing opportunities. The framework addresses contract duration, access to critical information, and the factors influencing the insourcing decision

    Domestic Outsourcing in the United States: A Research Agenda to Assess Trends and Effects on Job Quality

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    The goal of this paper is to develop a comprehensive research agenda to analyze trends in domestic outsourcing in the U.S. -- firms' use of contractors and independent contractors -- and its effects on job quality and inequality. In the process, we review definitions of outsourcing, the available scant empirical research, and limitations of existing data sources. We also summarize theories that attempt to explain why firms contract out for certain functions and assess their predictions about likely impacts on job quality. We then lay out in detail a major research initiative on domestic outsourcing, discussing the questions it should answer and providing a menu of research methodologies and potential data sources. Such a research investment will be a critical resource for policymakers and other stakeholders as they seek solutions to problems arising from the changing nature of work

    Managing the Risk of IT Outsourcing

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    While it can bring several benefits, IT outsourcing entails some risks. As it is the case in other types of investments or business ventures, the risk associated to an IT outsourcing project must be evaluated and managed. This paper proposes a framework for the management of IT outsourcing risk, and assesses the usefulness of the framework using data gathered about two cases of system development outsourcing. After providing a conceptual definition of risk and of risk exposure, the paper presents the proposed risk management framework. The two cases are then described along with the evaluation of the level of risk exposure of each, and the risk management mechanisms that were included in the contracts. The results of the study suggest that by charting the various items that contribute to risk exposure, and by specifically applying the appropriate mechanisms that can target the elements with the higher levels of risk exposure, outsourcing risk can be adequately managed. L'impartition des services informatiques, même si elle peut entrainer de nombreux bénéfices, implique un risque. Comme tout type d'investissement, ce risque doit être évalué et géré. Cet article propose un cadre d'analyse pour le risque d'impartition des services informatiques, et évalue ce cadre à l'aide d'une étude de cas. Ce cas présente deux décisions d'impartition de services informatiques, dans le domaine de l'assurance. Le niveau de risque de chaque décision est évalué et les mécanismes permettant de gérer ce risque sont présentés. Les résultats montrent que, en détaillant les facteurs de risque et les événenents correspondants, il est possible de cibler les éléments les plus risqués et de réduire le risque à un niveau acceptable.Outsourcing of IS, IS risk management, agency theory, transaction cost economics, case study, Sous-traitance des systèmes informatiques, gestion du risque des systèmes informatiques, théorie de l'agance, économie des coûts de transaction, étude de cas

    Information systems outsourcing in major Portuguese companies - contracting services

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    The information systems outsourcing presents itself as a strategic option for companies and continues to evolve in size and in type of contracts.In order to identify the most frequently outsourced services and aiming to get a better comprehension on the hiring process, a study was made based on a survey sent to information systems managers of large Portuguese companies.The study allowed to identify the information systems services usually outsourced, the main criteria used for selecting suppliers, the aspects considered in contracts, the difficulties that arise in relationships between customers and suppliers, and the mechanisms adopted for conflict resolution.- (undefined