2 research outputs found

    The relationship between knowledge management and leadership: mapping the field and providing future research avenues

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    Purpose: Effectively handling knowledge is crucial for any organisation in order to survive and prosper in the turbulent environments of the modern era. Leadership is a central element for knowledge creation, acquisition, utilisation and integration processes. Based on these considerations, this study offers an overview of the evolution of the literature regarding the knowledge management-leadership relationship published over the last twenty years. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliometric analysis coupled with a systematic literature review were performed over a dataset of 488 peer-reviewed articles published from 1990 to 2018. Findings: We discovered the existence of four well-polarised clusters with the following thematic focuses: human and relational aspects, systematic and performance aspects, contextual and contingent aspects, and cultural and learning aspects. We then investigated each thematic cluster by reviewing the most relevant contributions within them. Research limitations/implications: Based on the bibliometric analysis and the systematic literature review we developed an interpretative framework aimed at uncovering several promising and little explored research areas, thus suggesting an agenda for future knowledge management-leadership research. Some steps of the paper selection process may have been biased by the interpretation of the researcher. We addressed this concern by performing a multiple human subject reading process whose reliability was confirmed by a Krippendorf鈥檚 Alpha coefficient value > 0.80. Originality/value: To our best knowledge, this is the first study to map, systematise and discuss the literature concerned to the topic of the knowledge management-leadership relationship

    Evaluaci贸n de un sistema de gesti贸n de conocimiento, para organizaciones BPO que usan inteligencia artificial

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    El objetivo de este documento es tratar de caracterizar las diferencias en la evaluaci贸n de un sistema de gesti贸n de conocimiento en una organizaci贸n que utiliza inteligencia artificial, para lograr el objetivo se realiz贸 una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura, que pudiera dar cuenta de las dimensiones caracter铆sticas de la evaluaci贸n de un sistema de gesti贸n de conocimiento. Luego de identificar los aportes de la literatura, se realiz贸 un estudio de caso, en una organizaci贸n BPO Colombiana, que hab铆a implementado un chatbot con inteligencia artificial para atender clientes. En el estudio de caso se analiza a trav茅s del mundo material, individual y social, la complejidad del sistema en estudio y as铆 poder determinar dimensiones particulares, no encontradas en la literatura y propias de la organizaci贸n y el sistema. EL aporte del documento a la organizaci贸n pudo evidenciarse en la determinaci贸n de aspectos relevantes para medir su sistema de gesti贸n de conocimiento, se logr贸 determinar dimensiones ajenas a la literatura encontrada y que podr铆an proveer un aporte significativo a las futuras implementaciones de Inteligencia Artificial.Abstract: The main propouse of this document is characterize the differences in the evaluation of a knowledge management system in an organization that uses artificial intelligence, to achieve the propouse a systematic review of literature was made, product of that, was possible caracterized the dimensions of the evaluation of a knowledge management system. After of that identifying the contributions of the literature, a case study was conducted in a Colombian BPO organization, which had implemented a Chatbot with artificial intelligence to serve customers. In the case study, the context of the system under study is analyzed through the material, individual and social world and thus determine particular dimensions, not found in the literature and specific to the organization and the system. The contribution of this document to the organization could be evidenced in the determination of relevant aspects to measure the knowledge management system, it was possible to determine dimensions don麓t inclued into the literature found and that could provide a significant contribution to future implementations of Artificial Intelligence in the same kind of organizations.Maestr铆