5 research outputs found

    Boreal Forest Properties from TanDEM-X Data Using Interferometric Water Cloud Model and Implications for a Bistatic C-Band Mission

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    Data from TanDEM-X in single-pass and bistatic interferometric mode together with the interferometric water cloud model (IWCM) can provide estimates of forest height and stem volume (or the related above-ground biomass) of boreal forests with high accuracy. We summarize results from two boreal test sites using two approaches, i.e., 1) based on model calibration using reference insitu stands, and 2) based on minimization of a cost function. Both approaches are based on inversion of IWCM, which models the complex coherence and backscattering coefficient of a homogeneous forest layer, which includes gaps where free-space wave propagation is assumed. A digital terrain model of the ground is also needed. IWCM is used to estimate forest height or stem volume, since the two variables are assumed to be related through an allometric equation. A relationship between the fractional area of gaps, the area-fill, and stem volume is also required to enable model inversion. The accuracy of the stem volume estimate in the two sites varies between 16% and 21% for height of ambiguity <100 m. The results clearly show the importance of using summer-time acquisitions. Based on the TanDEM-X results at X-band, C-band data from the ERS-1/ERS-2 tandem mission are revisited to investigate the potential of a future bistatic C-band interferometric mission. Out of nine ERS-1/ERS-2 pairs, only one pair was found to be acquired at summer temperatures, without precipitation and with high coherence. A simulated bistatic phase height is shown to give approximately the same sensitivity to stem volume as TanDEM-X

    On the Sensitivity of TanDEM-X-Observations to Boreal Forest Structure

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    The structure of forests is important to observe for understanding coupling to global dynamics of ecosystems, biodiversity, and management aspects. In this paper, the sensitivity of X-band to boreal forest stem volume and to vertical and horizontal structure in the form of forest height and horizontal vegetation density is studied using TanDEM-X satellite observations from two study sites in Sweden: Remningstorp and Krycklan. The forest was analyzed with the Interferometric Water Cloud Model (IWCM), without the use of local data for model training, and compared with measurements by Airborne Lidar Scanning (ALS). On one hand, a large number of stands were studied, and in addition, plots with different types of changes between 2010 and 2014 were also studied. It is shown that the TanDEM-X phase height is, under certain conditions, equal to the product of the ALS quantities for height and density. Therefore, the sensitivity of phase height to relative changes in height and density is the same. For stands with a phase height >5 m we obtained an root-mean-square error, RMSE, of 8% and 10% for tree height in Remningstorp and Krycklan, respectively, and for vegetation density an RMSE of 13% for both. Furthermore, we obtained an RMSE of 17% for estimation of above ground biomass at stand level in Remningstorp and in Krycklan. The forest changes estimated with TanDEM-X/IWCM and ALS are small for all plots except clear cuts but show similar trends. Plots without forest management changes show a mean estimated height growth of 2.7% with TanDEM-X/IWCM versus 2.1% with ALS and a biomass growth of 4.3% versus 4.2% per year. The agreement between the estimates from TanDEM-X/IWCM and ALS is in general good, except for stands with low phase height

    Understanding forest health with Remote sensing-Part II-A review of approaches and data models

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    Stress in forest ecosystems (FES) occurs as a result of land-use intensification, disturbances, resource limitations or unsustainable management, causing changes in forest health (FH) at various scales from the local to the global scale. Reactions to such stress depend on the phylogeny of forest species or communities and the characteristics of their impacting drivers and processes. There are many approaches to monitor indicators of FH using in-situ forest inventory and experimental studies, but they are generally limited to sample points or small areas, as well as being time- and labour-inte

    The Impact of Forest Density on Forest Height Inversion Modeling from Polarimetric InSAR Data

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    Forest height is of great significance in analyzing the carbon cycle on a global or a local scale and in reconstructing the accurate forest underlying terrain. Major algorithms for estimating forest height, such as the three-stage inversion process, are depending on the random-volume-over-ground (RVoG) model. However, the RVoG model is characterized by a lot of parameters, which influence its applicability in forest height retrieval. Forest density, as an important biophysical parameter, is one of those main influencing factors. However, its influence to the RVoG model has been ignored in relating researches. For this paper, we study the applicability of the RVoG model in forest height retrieval with different forest densities, using the simulated and real Polarimetric Interferometric SAR data. P-band ESAR datasets of the European Space Agency (ESA) BioSAR 2008 campaign were selected for experiments. The test site was located in Krycklan River catchment in Northern Sweden. The experimental results show that the forest density clearly affects the inversion accuracy of forest height and ground phase. For the four selected forest stands, with the density increasing from 633 to 1827 stems/Ha, the RMSEs of inversion decrease from 4.6 m to 3.1 m. The RVoG model is not quite applicable for forest height retrieval especially in sparsely vegetated areas. We conclude that the forest stand density is positively related to the estimation accuracy of the ground phase, but negatively correlates to the ground-to-volume scattering ratio