5 research outputs found

    Unified representation of monitoring information across federated cloud infrastructures

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    Nowadays one of the issues hindering the potential of federating cloud-based infrastructures to reach much larger scales is their standard management and monitoring. In particular, this is true in cases where these federated infrastructures provide emerging Future Internet and Smart Cities-oriented services, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), that benefit from cloud services. The contribution of this paper is the introduction of a unified monitoring architecture for federated cloud infrastructures accompanied by the adoption of a uniform representation of measurement data. The presented solution is capable of providing multi-domain compatibility, scalability, as well as the ability to analyze large amounts of monitoring data, collected from datacenters and offered through open and standardized APIs. The solution described herein has been deployed and is currently running on a community of 5 infrastructures within the framework of the European Project XIFI, to be extended to 12 more infrastructures

    The IEEE Intercloud Testbed - Creating the Global Cloud of Clouds

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    The IEEE Intercloud Testbed - Creating the Global Cloud of Clouds

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    This paper presents the current work of the IEEE Intercloud Testbed project. The notion of an Intercloud has been an active research topic. Within the IEEE several researchers formed a Standards Working Group (IEEE P2302) where a specific set of conventions, formats, and protocols were proposed. It was decided by those in the Standards Working Group that due to the scale, variability of component Compute Clouds, and lack of insight into extremely large Compute Cloud operational issues, such a system could not realistically be fully defined without live experimentation. Therefore it was decided to set up a specifically structured organization within the IEEE in parallel to the Standards Working Group, to provide a structure for a live, experimental testbed. This paper describes the innovative organizational structure and various policies were used to provide the desire context. Also covered are how we sorted the issues around governance of the namespace, and the technical details of reference "Root" and "Exchange" functions. Ongoing work includes the plan to bootstrap the new testbed

    Uma arquitetura para a gerência da migração de máquinas virtuais em ambientes de computação em nuvem

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    Orientador: Carlos Alberto MazieroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/10/2020Inclui referências: p. 78-83Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: A virtualização oferece uma relevante contribuição para a consolidação dos propósitos das nuvens computacionais. Serviços em Nuvem (Cloud Services - CSs) surgiram com a perspectiva de atender à crescente variedade de perfis de consumidores. Nesse contexto, as Máquinas Virtuais (VMs) possuem um papel central, dada a flexibilidade decorrente do mapeamento de recursos físicos em virtuais. No entanto, quanto mais disseminada a utilização de CSs, maior é a tendência da sobrecarga dos recursos. Em decorrência, episódios de não cumprimento dos objetivos traçados em acordos (SLAs) tendem a ocorrer com maior frequência. Ações corretivas apenas encontram alguma solução quando associadas a esforços de gerência dos recursos, tais como a migração de VMs. Os hipervisores são essenciais no planejamento e na execução das migrações. Entretanto, embora promovam a garantia do isolamento de aplicações e, por consequência no controle do uso de recursos, seu espectro de ação é limitado. Capacidades de gerência que integrem e coordenem o uso de recursos ainda são incipientes. É, portanto, relevante considerar uma solução que potencialize as contribuições da migração de VMs. Tal solução requer uma orquestração entre os distintos níveis de decisão envolvidos em uma ação de migração: no nível operacional, a ação dos hipervisores precisa ser coordenada; no nível decisório, decisões necessitam ser guiadas pelo suporte estratégico de políticas que são delineadas em um nível de controle e gerência da migração. Esta tese apresenta uma solução para a gerência da migração de VMs, destacando um modelo de arquitetura que possibilita atingir tal propósito. Simulações possibilitaram a avaliação da arquitetura, destacando que a adoção das ações de gerência da arquitetura tornam os resultados de uma migração de VMs mais perenes, diminuindo novas instabilidades que, usualmente, indicariam a necessidade de novas migrações. Palavras-chave: Nuvens computacionais, Migração de máquinas virtuais, Máquinas Virtuais.Abstract: Virtualization offers a relevant contribution to the realm of Cloud Computing. Cloud Services (CSs) are a relevant approach, aiming to achieve several consumer profiles. Within such context, Virtual Machines (VMs) play a core role, regarding their flexibility due the easiness for mapping a physical resource in a virtual correspondent. However, as CSs are instantiated, the larger is the amount of resources required. The correct of issues can be successful if they are associated with resource management actions, such as the migration of VMs. However, the migration demands management efforts that are complex. Although hypervisors play an important role for the management, its actions are limited. In fact, there is still a lack of management actions that enable the integration and coordination of resource usage in cloud domains. As a consequence, it is important to consider a solution that enhances the contribution of the migration of VMs in the management of cloud resources. Such a contribution demands the coordination of distinct decision levels involved in a migration. In the operational level, it is necessary to coordinate distinct hypervisors; for the decision level, the support of both strategical and technical information are crucial to present a comprehensive approach to manage migrations. This thesis presents one solution to the management of VM migrations, proposing an architecture that meet that purpose. Simulations were executed to evaluate the architecture, highlighting that the adoption of management actions within the architecture aid in the stabilization of migration results, e.g., reducing that new instabilities arose as well as new migration needs. Keywords: Clouds, Migration of virtual machines, Virtual Machine