23 research outputs found

    Disinformation 2.0 in the Age of AI: A Cybersecurity Perspective

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    With the explosive advancement of AI technologies in recent years, the scene of the disinformation research is also expected to rapidly change. In this viewpoint article, in particular, we first present the notion of "disinformation 2.0" in the age of AI where disinformation would become more targeted and personalized, its content becomes very difficult to distinguish from real news, and its creation and dissemination become more accelerated by AI. Then, we discuss how disinformation 2.0 and cybersecurity fit and a possible layered countermeasure to address the threat in disinformation 2.0 in a holistic manner

    Detecting Social Media Manipulation in Low-Resource Languages

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    Social media have been deliberately used for malicious purposes, including political manipulation and disinformation. Most research focuses on high-resource languages. However, malicious actors share content across countries and languages, including low-resource ones. Here, we investigate whether and to what extent malicious actors can be detected in low-resource language settings. We discovered that a high number of accounts posting in Tagalog were suspended as part of Twitter's crackdown on interference operations after the 2016 US Presidential election. By combining text embedding and transfer learning, our framework can detect, with promising accuracy, malicious users posting in Tagalog without any prior knowledge or training on malicious content in that language. We first learn an embedding model for each language, namely a high-resource language (English) and a low-resource one (Tagalog), independently. Then, we learn a mapping between the two latent spaces to transfer the detection model. We demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art models, including BERT, and yields marked advantages in settings with very limited training data-the norm when dealing with detecting malicious activity in online platforms

    How Does Twitter Account Moderation Work? Dynamics of Account Creation and Suspension During Major Geopolitical Events

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    Social media moderation policies are often at the center of public debate, and their implementation and enactment are sometimes surrounded by a veil of mystery. Unsurprisingly, due to limited platform transparency and data access, relatively little research has been devoted to characterizing moderation dynamics, especially in the context of controversial events and the platform activity associated with them. Here, we study the dynamics of account creation and suspension on Twitter during two global political events: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the 2022 French Presidential election. Leveraging a large-scale dataset of 270M tweets shared by 16M users in multiple languages over several months, we identify peaks of suspicious account creation and suspension, and we characterize behaviours that more frequently lead to account suspension. We show how large numbers of accounts get suspended within days from their creation. Suspended accounts tend to mostly interact with legitimate users, as opposed to other suspicious accounts, often making unwarranted and excessive use of reply and mention features, and predominantly sharing spam and harmful content. While we are only able to speculate about the specific causes leading to a given account suspension, our findings shed light on patterns of platform abuse and subsequent moderation during major events

    Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models

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    The emergence of tools based on Large Language Models (LLMs), such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft's Bing Chat, and Google's Bard, has garnered immense public attention. These incredibly useful, natural-sounding tools mark significant advances in natural language generation, yet they exhibit a propensity to generate false, erroneous, or misleading content -- commonly referred to as "hallucinations." Moreover, LLMs can be exploited for malicious applications, such as generating false but credible-sounding content and profiles at scale. This poses a significant challenge to society in terms of the potential deception of users and the increasing dissemination of inaccurate information. In light of these risks, we explore the kinds of technological innovations, regulatory reforms, and AI literacy initiatives needed from fact-checkers, news organizations, and the broader research and policy communities. By identifying the risks, the imminent threats, and some viable solutions, we seek to shed light on navigating various aspects of veracity in the era of generative AI.Comment: Our article offers a comprehensive examination of the challenges and risks associated with Large Language Models (LLMs), focusing on their potential impact on the veracity of information in today's digital landscap

    Spotting political social bots in Twitter: A use case of the 2019 Spanish general election

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    While social media has been proved as an exceptionally useful tool to interact with other people and massively and quickly spread helpful information, its great potential has been ill-intentionally leveraged as well to distort political elections and manipulate constituents. In the paper at hand, we analyzed the presence and behavior of social bots on Twitter in the context of the November 2019 Spanish general election. Throughout our study, we classified involved users as social bots or humans, and examined their interactions from a quantitative (i.e., amount of traffic generated and existing relations) and qualitative (i.e., user's political affinity and sentiment towards the most important parties) perspectives. Results demonstrated that a non-negligible amount of those bots actively participated in the election, supporting each of the five principal political parties

    Online Deep Learning from Doubly-Streaming Data

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    This paper investigates a new online learning problem with doubly-streaming data, where the data streams are described by feature spaces that constantly evolve, with new features emerging and old features fading away. A plausible idea to deal with such data streams is to establish a relationship between the old and new feature spaces, so that an online learner can leverage the knowledge learned from the old features to better the learning performance on the new features. Unfortunately, this idea does not scale up to high-dimensional multimedia data with complex feature interplay, which suffers a tradeoff between onlineness, which biases shallow learners, and expressiveness, which requires deep models. Motivated by this, we propose a novel OLD3S paradigm, where a shared latent subspace is discovered to summarize information from the old and new feature spaces, building an intermediate feature mapping relationship. A key trait of OLD3S is to treat the model capacity as a learnable semantics, aiming to yield optimal model depth and parameters jointly in accordance with the complexity and non-linearity of the input data streams in an online fashion. Both theoretical analysis and empirical studies substantiate the viability and effectiveness of our proposed approach. The code is available online at https://github.com/X1aoLian/OLD3S