4 research outputs found

    The Geometry of Relevant Implication II

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    This note extends earlier results on geometrical interpretations of the logic KR to prove some additional results, including a simple undecidability proof for the four-variable fragment of KR

    Relevant Implication and Ordered Geometry

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    This paper shows that model structures for R+, the system of positive relevant implication, can be constructed from ordered geometries. This extends earlier results building such model structures from projective spaces. A final section shows how such models can be extended to models for the full system R

    Relevant Implication and Ordered Geometry

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    This paper shows that model structures for R+, the system of positive relevant implication, can be constructed from ordered geometries. This extends earlier results building such model structures from projective spaces. A final section shows how such models can be extended to models for the full system R