2 research outputs found

    Brilliance, contrast, colorfulness, and the perceived volume of device color gamut

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    With the advent of digital video and cinema media technologies, much more is possible in achieving brighter and more vibrant colors, colors that transcend our experience. The challenge is in the realization of these possibilities in an industry rooted in 1950s technology where color gamut is represented with little or no insight into the way an observer perceives color as a complex mixture of the observer’s intentions, desires, and interests. By today’s standards, five perceptual attributes – brightness, lightness, colorfulness, chroma, and hue - are believed to be required for a complete specification. As a compelling case for such a representation, a display system is demonstrated that is capable of displaying color beyond the realm of object color, perceptually even beyond the spectrum locus of pure color. All this begs the question: Just what is meant by perceptual gamut? To this end, the attributes of perceptual gamut are identified through psychometric testing and the color appearance models CIELAB and CIECAM02. Then, by way of demonstration, these attributes were manipulated to test their application in wide gamut displays. In concert with these perceptual attributes and their manipulation, Ralph M. Evans’ concept of brilliance as an attribute of perception that extends beyond the realm of everyday experience, and the theoretical studies of brilliance by Y. Nayatani, a method was developed for producing brighter, more colorful colors and deeper, darker colors with the aim of preserving object color perception – flesh tones in particular. The method was successfully demonstrated and tested in real images using psychophysical methods in the very real, practical application of expanding the gamut of sRGB into an emulation of the wide gamut, xvYCC encoding

    Computing Chromatic Adaptation

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    Most of today’s chromatic adaptation transforms (CATs) are based on a modified form of the von Kries chromatic adaptation model, which states that chromatic adaptation is an independent gain regulation of the three photoreceptors in the human visual system. However, modern CATs apply the scaling not in cone space, but use “sharper” sensors, i.e. sensors that have a narrower shape than cones. The recommended transforms currently in use are derived by minimizing perceptual error over experimentally obtained corresponding color data sets. We show that these sensors are still not optimally sharp. Using different computational approaches, we obtain sensors that are even more narrowband. In a first experiment, we derive a CAT by using spectral sharpening on Lam’s corresponding color data set. The resulting Sharp CAT, which minimizes XYZ errors, performs as well as the current most popular CATs when tested on several corresponding color data sets and evaluating perceptual error. Designing a spherical sampling technique, we can indeed show that these CAT sensors are not unique, and that there exist a large number of sensors that perform just as well as CAT02, the chromatic adaptation transform used in CIECAM02 and the ICC color management framework. We speculate that in order to make a final decision on a single CAT, we should consider secondary factors, such as their applicability in a color imaging workflow. We show that sharp sensors are very appropriate for color encodings, as they provide excellent gamut coverage and hue constancy. Finally, we derive sensors for a CAT that provide stable color ratios over different illuminants, i.e. that only model physical responses, which still can predict experimentally obtained appearance data. The resulting sensors are sharp