33 research outputs found

    Secondary Services: The Smaller Producers

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    At a meeting for discussion on The Future of Information Services for U.K. Biologists, the author looks at reasons and justifications for small producers, and possible future trends

    Executive information systems, company libraries and the future of information services in business.

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the development of Executive Information Systems (EIS) in twenty large British companies and to also determine what role, if any, the company library played. Also investigated was the future of the library and other corporate information systems as a provider of information services to business. A multiple-case study methodology was adopted for carrying out the research. Interviews were conducted with nearly 70 respondents; these included librarians, EIS developers and senior manager users of the EIS, and EIS vendors. All three corporate respondent groups have poor perception of Information Management policy, politics and culture. Most EIS are developed using prototyping or CSF method without reference to any frameworks or strategic business plan, and a lack of co-operation from senior managers. EIS are developed because of internal pressures. Their main use is as an operational tool and for monitoring/analysis. EIS has made managers more aware of information as corporate asset but few request improvements to the system. Most EIS are successful and percolate further down the management hierarchy, but they have not lived up to their original expectations. EIS impact on both the library and company is slight. Most librarians know about EIS, mainly by chance. Only four company libraries were involved in the development of EIS because most EIS are internal financial systems, and the library is seen as irrelevant. However, they are more likely to be involved if the library reports to a corporate strategy department, be physically near EIS teams, and personally know the EIS developers. Libraries are consulted because they are seen as extemal data experts; their main role is acting as external information consultants or as a conduit for external sources directly into the EIS. Despite many librarians being proactive many also have a pessimistic view of their future. They believe they are seen by senior management as increasingly irrelevant and targets for cost cutting, and as such few openly promote themselves within the company. However, the study also shows that librarians may have new roles to play as information becomes much more widely accessible in business through knowledge management technology such as Lotus Notes and intranets

    Campus Services to Support Historians

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    As the environment in which humanities scholars work continues to evolve rapidly, the set of support services that will best enable innovative scholarship also changes. But too often, the support services made available to scholars are defined by the traditional core competencies of the service provider rather than by the needs of scholars. In this project, we will take a scholar-centric approach to understanding the information service needs of scholars in the field of history, seeking both to identify concrete needs for new information services and to model an approach to service development that evolves with the needs of scholars. This project will probe how scholars in the field of history rely on existing information services, identify concrete opportunities for new support services that would address unmet needs, and serve as a pilot for a broader program of investigation into the future of information services for the humanities

    Academic Senate - Meeting Minutes, 11/17/2015

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    The University Library and the development of higher education

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    En el artículo se aborda la importancia que tiene la biblioteca universitaria para el desarrollo de la Educación Superior, como inagotable fuente de conocimiento que cumple con la misión de hacer accesible la información de sus acervos a su comunidad universitaria. Se destacan funciones que se han llevado a cabo en esta institución desde su surgimiento en el siglo XII hasta la actualidad, con la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Se evidencia no sólo su relevancia para el apoyo a la docencia y la investigación, sino como una institución determinante en el desarrollo cultural de sus usuarios.No artigo se aborda a importância que tem a biblioteca universitária para o desenvolvimento da Educação Superior, como inesgotável fonte de conhecimento que cumpre com a missão de fazer acessível a informação de suas acervos a sua comunidade universitária. Destacam-se funções que se levaram a cabo nesta instituição desde seu surgimento no século XII até a atualidade, com a incorporação das tecnologias da informação e as comunicações. Se evidência não só sua relevância para o apoio à docência e a pesquisa, senão como uma instituição determinante no desenvolvimento cultural de seus usuários.The article refers to the importance of the university library for Higher Education as a greater source of knowledge. It also deals with the tasks that have been carried out in this institution since its foundation in the XII century up to now. It also states the different technologies for communication. Besides, its relevance is shown not only to support the academic and research process but also to contribute in the users´ cultural development

    New Leadership For Libraries: Who Has the Right Stuff?

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    Sculpting the Future: Planning for Libraries in Transformation

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    Books reviewed Library 2020: Today's Leading Visionaries Describe Tomorrow's Library. Edited by Joseph Janes. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow press. 2013. Print: 161 pp. 45.00 USD. ISBN-13: 978-0-8108-8714-5 (pbk. : alk. paper); 978-0-8108-8715-2 (ebook). Mossop, Stephen. Achieving Transformational Change in Academic libraries (Chandos Information Professional Series). Oxford: Chandos Publishing. 2013. Print: 197 pp. 80.00 USD. ISBN-13: 978-1-84334-724-8 (print); ISBN-13: 978-1- 78063-390-9 (online)

    Academic Senate - Agenda, 1/19/2016

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