9,326 research outputs found

    Fisher-Rao distance and pullback SPD cone distances between multivariate normal distributions

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    Data sets of multivariate normal distributions abound in many scientific areas like diffusion tensor imaging, structure tensor computer vision, radar signal processing, machine learning, just to name a few. In order to process those normal data sets for downstream tasks like filtering, classification or clustering, one needs to define proper notions of dissimilarities between normals and paths joining them. The Fisher-Rao distance defined as the Riemannian geodesic distance induced by the Fisher information metric is such a principled metric distance which however is not known in closed-form excepts for a few particular cases. In this work, we first report a fast and robust method to approximate arbitrarily finely the Fisher-Rao distance between multivariate normal distributions. Second, we introduce a class of distances based on diffeomorphic embeddings of the normal manifold into a submanifold of the higher-dimensional symmetric positive-definite cone corresponding to the manifold of centered normal distributions. We show that the projective Hilbert distance on the cone yields a metric on the embedded normal submanifold and we pullback that cone distance with its associated straight line Hilbert cone geodesics to obtain a distance and smooth paths between normal distributions. Compared to the Fisher-Rao distance approximation, the pullback Hilbert cone distance is computationally light since it requires to compute only the extreme minimal and maximal eigenvalues of matrices. Finally, we show how to use those distances in clustering tasks.Comment: 25 page

    A Fisher-Rao metric for paracatadioptric images of lines

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    In a central paracatadioptric imaging system a perspective camera takes an image of a scene reflected in a paraboloidal mirror. A 360° field of view is obtained, but the image is severely distorted. In particular, straight lines in the scene project to circles in the image. These distortions make it diffcult to detect projected lines using standard image processing algorithms. The distortions are removed using a Fisher-Rao metric which is defined on the space of projected lines in the paracatadioptric image. The space of projected lines is divided into subsets such that on each subset the Fisher-Rao metric is closely approximated by the Euclidean metric. Each subset is sampled at the vertices of a square grid and values are assigned to the sampled points using an adaptation of the trace transform. The result is a set of digital images to which standard image processing algorithms can be applied. The effectiveness of this approach to line detection is illustrated using two algorithms, both of which are based on the Sobel edge operator. The task of line detection is reduced to the task of finding isolated peaks in a Sobel image. An experimental comparison is made between these two algorithms and third algorithm taken from the literature and based on the Hough transform

    Detection of image structures using the Fisher information and the Rao metric

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    In many detection problems, the structures to be detected are parameterized by the points of a parameter space. If the conditional probability density function for the measurements is known, then detection can be achieved by sampling the parameter space at a finite number of points and checking each point to see if the corresponding structure is supported by the data. The number of samples and the distances between neighboring samples are calculated using the Rao metric on the parameter space. The Rao metric is obtained from the Fisher information which is, in turn, obtained from the conditional probability density function. An upper bound is obtained for the probability of a false detection. The calculations are simplified in the low noise case by making an asymptotic approximation to the Fisher information. An application to line detection is described. Expressions are obtained for the asymptotic approximation to the Fisher information, the volume of the parameter space, and the number of samples. The time complexity for line detection is estimated. An experimental comparison is made with a Hough transform-based method for detecting lines

    The Fisher-Rao metric for projective transformations of the line

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    A conditional probability density function is defined for measurements arising from a projective transformation of the line. The conditional density is a member of a parameterised family of densities in which the parameter takes values in the three dimensional manifold of projective transformations of the line. The Fisher information of the family defines on the manifold a Riemannian metric known as the Fisher-Rao metric. The Fisher-Rao metric has an approximation which is accurate if the variance of the measurement errors is small. It is shown that the manifold of parameter values has a finite volume under the approximating metric. These results are the basis of a simple algorithm for detecting those projective transformations of the line which are compatible with a given set of measurements. The algorithm searches a finite list of representative parameter values for those values compatible with the measurements. Experiments with the algorithm suggest that it can detect a projective transformation of the line even when the correspondences between the components of the measurements in the domain and the range of the projective transformation are unknown

    Application of the Fisher-Rao metric to ellipse detection

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    The parameter space for the ellipses in a two dimensional image is a five dimensional manifold, where each point of the manifold corresponds to an ellipse in the image. The parameter space becomes a Riemannian manifold under a Fisher-Rao metric, which is derived from a Gaussian model for the blurring of ellipses in the image. Two points in the parameter space are close together under the Fisher-Rao metric if the corresponding ellipses are close together in the image. The Fisher-Rao metric is accurately approximated by a simpler metric under the assumption that the blurring is small compared with the sizes of the ellipses under consideration. It is shown that the parameter space for the ellipses in the image has a finite volume under the approximation to the Fisher-Rao metric. As a consequence the parameter space can be replaced, for the purpose of ellipse detection, by a finite set of points sampled from it. An efficient algorithm for sampling the parameter space is described. The algorithm uses the fact that the approximating metric is flat, and therefore locally Euclidean, on each three dimensional family of ellipses with a fixed orientation and a fixed eccentricity. Once the sample points have been obtained, ellipses are detected in a given image by checking each sample point in turn to see if the corresponding ellipse is supported by the nearby image pixel values. The resulting algorithm for ellipse detection is implemented. A multiresolution version of the algorithm is also implemented. The experimental results suggest that ellipses can be reliably detected in a given low resolution image and that the number of false detections can be reduced using the multiresolution algorithm

    Diffeomorphic density registration

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    In this book chapter we study the Riemannian Geometry of the density registration problem: Given two densities (not necessarily probability densities) defined on a smooth finite dimensional manifold find a diffeomorphism which transforms one to the other. This problem is motivated by the medical imaging application of tracking organ motion due to respiration in Thoracic CT imaging where the fundamental physical property of conservation of mass naturally leads to modeling CT attenuation as a density. We will study the intimate link between the Riemannian metrics on the space of diffeomorphisms and those on the space of densities. We finally develop novel computationally efficient algorithms and demonstrate there applicability for registering RCCT thoracic imaging.Comment: 23 pages, 6 Figures, Chapter for a Book on Medical Image Analysi

    Diffeomorphic density matching by optimal information transport

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    We address the following problem: given two smooth densities on a manifold, find an optimal diffeomorphism that transforms one density into the other. Our framework builds on connections between the Fisher-Rao information metric on the space of probability densities and right-invariant metrics on the infinite-dimensional manifold of diffeomorphisms. This optimal information transport, and modifications thereof, allows us to construct numerical algorithms for density matching. The algorithms are inherently more efficient than those based on optimal mass transport or diffeomorphic registration. Our methods have applications in medical image registration, texture mapping, image morphing, non-uniform random sampling, and mesh adaptivity. Some of these applications are illustrated in examples.Comment: 35 page

    Weighted Diffeomorphic Density Matching with Applications to Thoracic Image Registration

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    In this article we study the problem of thoracic image registration, in particular the estimation of complex anatomical deformations associated with the breathing cycle. Using the intimate link between the Riemannian geometry of the space of diffeomorphisms and the space of densities, we develop an image registration framework that incorporates both the fundamental law of conservation of mass as well as spatially varying tissue compressibility properties. By exploiting the geometrical structure, the resulting algorithm is computationally efficient, yet widely general.Comment: Accepted in Proceedings of the 5th MICCAI workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy, Munich, Germany, 2015 (http://www-sop.inria.fr/asclepios/events/MFCA15/