142 research outputs found

    Manpower Development and Employee Commitment in Selected Local Government Areas in Delta State

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    Nigerian local governments have been investing in employee training and manpower development over the years to improve the institutions' overall performance and level of dedication. This is because it is acknowledged that training and workforce development play a critical role in achieving organizational goals and objectives. Thus, in a few Delta State local government units, this study looked at the relationship between employee commitment and manpower development. Using a self-administered questionnaire, 390 employees provided data, and the Taro Yamane method was used to calculate the sample size. With the help of the Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0, the collected data was analyzed using percentages and frequency, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and linear and multiple regression. The results showed that employee commitment (affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment) was highly influenced by manpower development. The study came to the conclusion that employee commitment and manpower development increase organizational effectiveness. Therefore, in order to effectively improve employee performance and organizational effectiveness, policies that enhance workplace commitments and duties must be promoted. Therefore, among other recommendations made by the study, the management of Delta State's Local Government Councils should set up programmes for staff members' professional and personal growth. This means making long-term plans for career development initiatives. Employee commitment (affective, continuance, and normative commitments) will be greatly increased as a result, and employees will be able to meet their goals

    The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on Multinational Leadership: A Semantic Review

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    Never before the need to function efficiently in multicultural contexts has been more apparent than today as, in our global and interconnected world, cultural intelligence (CQ) has become the central pillar of efficient leadership. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to critically analyze the specific literature on cultural intelligence and its modeling role for performant leadership and to identify gaps or inconsistencies of research employing this concept to contribute to its revamping. Based on a systematic review, we have structured this article into four directions of conceptual clarification, which could improve the current notions and applicability of CQ. The first two sections investigate and present the existing conflicting definitions and models of culture and cultural intelligence and move towards the common ground in our new challenging economic context. The third direction particularly questions the validity of the actual cultural intelligence scales and will try to point the need to develop new adapted measuring tools. The last one focuses on the limitations and new influencing factors of the link between cultural intelligence and efficient leadership, considering that globalization, the digital revolution, immigration, circular economy, or artificial intelligence are shaping a new operating business model. Our conceptual research is based on a systematic approach to literature and a critical analysis of the main concepts and ideas dealing with cultural intelligence. The findings, regrouped around inconsistencies, show that the new economic reality might impact the existing academic theories regarding the link between cultural intelligence and multinational leadership. The research limits are bordered by emotional intelligence (EQ), an individual parameter, and main leadership success factors. However, our present work will develop an understanding of the cultural intelligence impact on multinational leadership and opens the gate for future research questions and challenges arising from this study's findings

    Model of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) Influencing Food Inspection Management in UAE

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    Muslims abide by strict dietary regulations that specify that the foods must be Halal for the consumption by Muslims. Previous research has shown that there is no definite or appropriate model of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) related to halal food inspection. The success of a project is largely dependent on critical factors, which primarily track the project's development from the ground up (Ahsen et al. 2021). As a result, this study employed a quantitative approach to formulate a structural model of success factors that halal food authorities can use to optimise their inspection model, with a focus on training and development. The factors that affect/influence halal food inspection management, particularly when dealing with packaged food and halal certificates were identified through literature work. Questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data that was used in the formulation of the model. The Critical Success Factors (CSFs) model, which was created,  tested and validated using SEM-AMOS software. The model has seven constructs (independent variables) and one dependent variable of the management of halal food inspection, thus having seven hypotheses. It was discovered that five out of seven of the hypotheses are were supported. These findings aid in the discovery of new information to several parties like managers, employees with progressively less experience, and local and foreign halal food inspectors, as well as curriculum and infrastructure beliefs, and how these effects affect opportunities and motivation. The study contributes significantly to UAE and global research community

    The Influence of Service Quality Aspects on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Graduate Students in Chongqing, China

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    Purpose: To attract students and grow the size of universities, it is vital to improving the indicators and quality of universities. The main objective of this study was to determine the significant effect of faculty services, campus infrastructure, academic aspects, university reputation, and access to university services to determine student satisfaction and student loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: A quantitative method (n=500) was used to conduct a questionnaire survey among college students in Chongqing. A non-probability sampling includes the selection of three well-known universities in Chongqing for judgment sampling. Quota sampling is to determine the proportionate sample of student. Convenience sampling was conducted via online questionnaire to collect data. Structural equation model (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to analyze the data's model fitting, reliability, and validity. Results: Faculty service, campus infrastructure, academic aspects, reputation, access, and student satisfaction significantly affected student loyalty. Student satisfaction had the greatest impact on student loyalty, followed by access, reputation, academic aspects, faculty service, and campus infrastructure. Conclusions: All six hypotheses are consistent with the research objectives. Therefore, it is suggested that universities establish a better visiting mechanism, improve their reputation and academic level, attach importance to faculty services and campus infrastructure, and promote student satisfaction and loyalty

    Factors Influencing Junior College Students’ Continuance Intention with Mobile Learning at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, China

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    Purpose: This study intends to assess the key variables significantly affecting junior college student's continued interest in mobile learning across four majors at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences in Sichuan, China. The researcher examined perceived usefulness, confirmation, service quality, system quality, and information quality to determine whether their effects on student satisfaction and continuance intention with mobile learning. Research design, data, and methodology: The researchers applied quantitative exploration methods to 489 samples and distributed quantitative questionnaires to junior college students majoring in English, Chinese language and Literature, Preschool Education, Broadcasting, and Hosting at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences. The sampling techniques were conducted using purposive, quota and convenience sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) are used to determine the relationships between the variables under study. Results: The findings provide evidence that perceived usefulness, confirmation, service quality, system quality, and information quality are antecedents of satisfaction towards continuance intention. Conclusions: University administrators and teaching staff should pay sufficient attention to the factors which have generated significant influence on the satisfaction of the instruction and consider the correlated teaching adjustment or reform in the future according to the findings of this research

    A Path Analysis to Identify Factors Influencing the Provision of Water in Addition to Breast Milk by Mothers of Infants under Six Months of Age in Conakry and Kindia Regions, Republic of Guinea

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    Water provision to infants under six months of age (IU6M) can hamper exclusive breastfeeding (EBF). Understanding factors and their relationships influencing this practice is needed to tailor EBF promotion programs. Using a validated questionnaire, this study aims to identify pathways in which individual factors and the environment interact to affect the provision of water in addition to breast milk among 300 mothers of IU6M. Our finding shows that 75% of mothers intended to provide water in addition to breast milk to their IU6M and that about 60% reported doing it. Results of the final path show that the subjective norm/SN (β = 0.432, p < 0.001), the attitude (β = 0.349, p < 0.001), and to a lesser extent the perceived control/PC (β = 0.141, p = 0.005) predict the intention of mothers to provide water in addition to breast milk to their IU6M. The environment scores predict the attitude (β = 0.210, p = 0.001) and the SN (β = 0.284, p < 0.001). Having the mother practicing early breastfeeding initiation at birth positively predicted the PC score (β = 0.157, p = 0.017) and predicted an increasing score of SN (β = 0.221, p = 0.003). Even though predicting the final behavior is complex, this research provides directions to nutrition education programs to tailor their content to the context and be more efficient in reducing the proportion of women providing water to their IU6M, hence contributing to the improvement of EBF

    Key Factors to Increasing Free Cash Flow for Manufacturers Utilizing Lean Production: An AHP-DEMATEL Approach

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    This paper aims to apply AHP and DEMATEL to analyze the key factors and interrelationships of lean production to increase free cash flow for manufacturers. The AHP hierarchy was determined through literature and interviews with leading management experts. The assessment criteria were categorized into five major criteria and 15 sub-criteria, including production, sales, human resources, R&D, and finance. According to the AHP results, the first eight key factors were identified as the key factors to increasing cash flow for manufacturers who utilized lean production. DEMATEL was used to identify the interactions among the eight key factors and further identify the four more important ones. The four key factors are strategic planning, strategic deployment, leadership, and goal orientation. This paper proposes management implications and improvement suggestions for the four key factors and their interactions

    New Directions in Compensation Research: Synergies, Risk, and Survival

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    We describe and use two theoretical frameworks, the resource-based view of the firm and institutional theory, as lenses for examining three promising areas of compensation research. First, we examine the nature of the relationship between pay and effectiveness. Does pay typically have a main effect or, instead, does the relationship depend on other human resource activities and organization characteristics? If the latter is true, then there are synergies between pay and these other factors and thus, conclusions drawn from main effects models may be misleading. Second, we discuss a relatively neglected issue in pay research, the concept of risk as it applies to investments in pay programs. Although firms and researchers tend to focus on expected returns from compensation interventions, analysis of the risk, or variability, associated with these returns may be essential for effective decision-making. Finally ,pay program survival, which has been virtually ignored in systematic pay research, is investigated. Survival appears to have important consequences for estimating pay plan risk and returns, and is also integral to the discussion of pay synergies. Based upon our two theoretical frameworks, we suggest specific research directions for pay program synergies, risk, and survival

    Green Marketing and Attitude Affect the Consumer Buying Behavior of Green Product in Turkey

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    Consumers are increasingly looking for natural goods to live more sustainably and healthily in recent years. As a result, firms have begun aligning their strategies with sustainability by emphasizing their production of natural products that are both beneficial for health and environmentally sustainable. However, there is a risk of deceptive claims being made. This is study focuses on determining consumer buying behavior regarding green products in Turkey, with an emphasis on the effect of green marketing and attitude on consumer buying behavior. The study integrates fundamental theoretical approaches to consumer buying, such as the theory of planned behavior (TPB), in a modified conceptual framework. A survey of 385 Turkish consumers knowledgeable about environmentally friendly green products was used to gather data, which was then analyzed using the SPSS 26 software. The results show that green marketing and attitudes have a significant influence on Turkish customers' consumer buying behavior.The findings of this study offer insight into theoretical approaches to consumer buying behavior for researchers and academicians and provide guidance for marketers in devising green marketing strategies to achieve optimal competitive advantage

    Cash Waqf Acceptance Among Entrepreneurs in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Cash waqf was introduced as an alternative for individuals who do not have an immovable asset but rather have the cash to donate as waqf. It can be observed, however, that Muslims in Kano State narrow their perception of waqf only to be in the form of a kind but not in cash. It is to say that public awareness and understanding of cash waqf are insignificant. Therefore, this study aims to assess factors influencing the intention to accept cash waqf among entrepreneurs in the Kano metropolis with particular reference to Singer Market. The study employed partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and was theoretically guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Structured survey questionnaires were administered to 379 respondents whom were registered entrepreneurs in Singer Market based on a convenience non-probability sampling technique. Descriptive statistics using charts and tables were employed to analyze the demographic information, while data collected from the respondents were analyzed utilizing AMOS, version 21. The study uncovered that perceived behavioral control and religiosity significantly influenced the intention to accept cash waqf among entrepreneurs in Singer Market in Kano Metropolis, while awareness and attitude did not. This paper recommends that the management of the Kano State Zakat and Hubsi Commission (KSZHC) should establish sensitization programs to create awareness and promote cash waqf for the public to mobilize more potential waqf donors in the state