93 research outputs found

    An online electronic journal for teaching purposes

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    Electronic journals are rapidly increasing in importance as a means of communication, but there is, as yet, little available in the way of training in their production or use. An experimental online electronic journal has therefore been established to provide such training. The journal is provided on the World Wide Web as a distributed activity: in the recently concluded evaluation phase, issues were produced at three nodes ā€ Loughborough University, City University and the University of South Australia. The students involved in the evaluation have been on courses in information, library and publishing studies at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The main training topics are: accessing electronic journals and evaluating interfaces; refereeing and editing; evaluating layout and design. The results of the evaluation show that this simulation approach is highly acceptable to students. It also has the value of highlighting areas where students are uncertain, or experience problems in handling the material. Student reactions to, and comments on, electronic journals appear to parallel those among actual users of such journals. Hence the training activity throws some light on the general problems that can be expected in making the transition from printed to electronic journals. As a result of the evaluation activities reported here, an online training package is being assembled, which will be made available over the Internet

    Newspapers and their function in social community

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    Novine, kao jedan od masovnih medija u suvremenom informacijskom druÅ”tvu, obavljaju četiri temeljne uloge: informiranje, zabavu, uvjeravanje i transmisiju kulture. Navedenim ulogama novina mogu se dodati i obrazovna uloga, psihoterapeutska uloga te integrativna uloga. Stoga se novinama često pridaje značenje specifične javne službe. Usprkos činjenici da je novine vrlo teÅ”ko definirati, mnogi teoretičari novinarstva i novinstva raspravljali su o tome Å”to su novine. Njihova se razmiÅ”ljanja u mnogim elementima podudaraju, ali je i danas broj definicija i varijacija o pojedinim osobinama novina toliko Å”irok da je gotovo nemoguće postići konsenzus. Među definicijama novina svakako valja istaknuti definiciju Erica W. Allena iz 1930. godine na koju se referirao čitav niz kasnijih teoretičara te od novijih definiciju Michaela Kunczika i Astrid Zipfel iz 2006. godine. Zbog niza zadaća koje obavljaju u druÅ”tvenoj zajednici, novine predstavljaju za knjižnice, muzeje i arhive iznimno važnu vrstu građe i izvor informacija te je za ove ustanove i oblikovanje njihovih zbirki pitanje definiranja novina jedno od važnih teorijskih pitanja. U knjižničarskim je krugovima danas prihvaćena definicija novina koju donosi ISBD(CR) : međunarodni standardni bibliografski opis serijskih publikacija i druge neomeđene građe.Newspapers, as one of the most popular mass media forms in modern information society, perform four basic functions: information, entertainment, persuasion, and the transmission of culture. These can easily be accompanied by their educational, psychotherapeutic, and integrative functions. That is why newspapers are often given the meaning of a specific public service. Despite the fact that newspapers are very difficult to define, many theoreticians of journalism have debated what the newspapers really are. Their opinions correspond in many aspects, but even today there are so many definitions and variations on certain newspaper features that it is almost impossible to achieve a consensus. Among many newspaper definitions we point out the one given by Eric W. Allen in 1930, which has been referred to by a number of later scholars. Among more recent ones are the definitions by Kunczik Michael and Astrid Zipfel given in 2006. Since newspapers have many functions in social communities they represent important material and source of information for libraries, museums, and archives. That is why they find the question of defining newspapers important, too. In library circles the generally accepted definition of newspapers today is the one given in ISBD(CR): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials and Other Continuing Resources

    The Utilization of Electronic Journal: Analysis of The Source of References for Thesis Writing by Students of Early Childhood Teacher Education Department

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    Library technical implementation unit, especially in the sector of journal developers, has subscribed to numerous journals which have international reputation such as Sage, Oxford Journal, Emerald, Cambridge Journal, Springer Link, IEEE, Sage Research Method, ProQuest, and JSTOR. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of understanding of students in the utilization of electronic journals, to find out what reference sources are used, and to analyze how big the utilization of electronic journals was as references for thesis writing by students in the Department of ECTE. This research utilized a quantitative research method. Respondents in this study were students in the ECTE Department who were currently working on their thesis. Data collection for this study was carried out by using observation techniques and using questionnaires related to understanding and utilization of electronic journals by ECTE students. The number of respondents taken was 47 students who were working on their thesis. And the data analysis was presented by descriptive percentages. The results showed that the level of understanding of students in the utilization of electronic journals was 40.38% at the good level, 50% at the moderate level and 9.62% at the poor level. Sources of reference used by students in research are electronic journals (41.97%), books (36.63%), legislation (7.8%) and internet sources (13.63%). While the utilization of electronic journals as sources of reference used by students showed 44.23% or almost half of the references used are in the form of journals


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    The developments in Information Communication Technology (ICT) have altered the methods through which information for academic enquiry are processed, stored, distributed, retrieved and circulated. This study expounds the outcomes of an investigation on the awareness and use of electronic journal (e-journals) among the teaching staff of 5 selected private universities in South West zone of Nigeria, The study employed a descriptive analysis and the use of questionnaires as the key instruments to obtain information from the respondents. The prime finding of the study discovered that there is a clear-cut correlation linking awareness and use of e-journal among the academic staff of the selected universities, but not statistically important (p\u3e0.05). The study advocates for an increase in the awareness of e-journals among the academic members via regular workshops, use of bulletins, news-sheets, flyers and brochures. The study additionally recommends that the university authorities should expand and maintain a subscription to print journal as well

    Awareness and Impact of Electronic Journals Usage by Faculty Members and Lectures in Kumasi Polytechnic, Ghana

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    This study presents the results of a survey on the use of electronic journals (e-journals) subscribed through the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries In Ghana (CARLGH) among lecturers and faculty members in Kumasi Polytechnic in Ghana. A questionnaire was designed to gather information on the level of awareness, usage, impact and challenges encountered by users of e-journals and the way forward. Questionnaires were distributed to lecturers and faculty members at a training workshop. Data gathered were analyzed and presented in statistical data in the form of tables, graphs and charts. KEYWORDS: E-journals, E-journals use, Kumasi Polytechnic, Electronic Resources

    Accessing and Economics of Electronic Journals at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics Library: A Case Study

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    While technology progresses rapidly in Library and Information centers, it has become imperative to gather various opinions and cost effectiveness of the electronic-journals (e- Journals) in the libraries. The e-journals have opened up many service opportunities for academic libraries. Indian Institute of Astrophysics library is no exception in facing this transition. The Institute has been accessing the electronic versions for the last couple of years for some of the journals, which were acquired in print format for many years. This paper briefly describes the introduction of electronic journals in the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) library, the cost factors and their usage by the scientists. It also discusses the problems faced by the libraries in handling electronic journals

    E-Journals in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities : A Critical Study

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    The previously arcane electronic publishing has now changed into a popular everyday phenomenon fulfilling the exciting promises of many years. In recent years, a respectable portion of the traditional top journals in various disciplines have started offering new channels of access via electronic media that do not differ essentially from their paper formats. Increasingly more full text editions are appearing on the Internet. These electronic versions have both merits and demerits. Some of the advantages include improved retrieval and hyperlinking capabilities and speed of production and distribution. Disadvantages posed by e-journals include technological barriers, economic barriers etc. This paper critically examines some of the important e-journals in disciplines like Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
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