18 research outputs found

    A syntactic soundness proof for free-variable tableaux with on-the-fly Skolemization

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    We prove the syntactic soundness of classical tableaux with free variables and on-the-fly Skolemization. Soundness proofs are usually built from semantic arguments, and this is to our knowledge, the first proof that appeals to syntactic means. We actually prove the soundness property with respect to cut-free sequent calculus. This requires great care because of the additional liberty in freshness checking allowed by the use of Skolem terms. In contrast to semantic soundness, we gain the possibility to state a cut elimination theorem for sequent calculus, under the proviso that completeness of the method holds. We believe that such techniques can be applied to tableaux in other logics as well

    Efficient elimination of Skolem functions in LKh\text{LK}^{\text{h}}

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    Elimination of a single Skolem function in pure logic increases the length of proofs only linearly. The result is shown for derivations with cuts that are free for the Skolem function in a sequent calculus with strong locality property.Comment: 31 pages; generalization of main results for calculus with cuts, added section on cut elimination, added discussion on eigenvariable conditio

    A Semantic Completeness Proof for TaMeD

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    International audienceDeduction modulo is a theoretical framework designed to introduce computational steps in deductive systems. This approach is well suited to automated theorem proving and a tableau method for first-order classical deduction modulo has been developed. We reformulate this method and give an (almost constructive) semantic completeness proof. This new proof allows us to extend the completeness theorem to several classes of rewrite systems used for computations in deduction modulo. We are then able to build a counter-model when a proof fails for these systems

    The many-valued theorem prover 3TAP. 3rd. edition

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    This is the 3TAP handbook. 3TAP is a many-valued tableau-based theorem prover developed at the University of Karlsruhe. The handbook serves a triple purpose: first, it documents the history and development of the prover 3TAP; second, it provides a user\u27s manual, and third it is intended as a reference manual for future developers, including porting hints. This version of the handbook describes 3TAP Version 3.0 as of September 30,1994

    Proof search without backtracking for free variable tableaux [online]

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    Assertion level proof planning with compiled strategies

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    This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not available in the sequent calculus without cut. In addition, a strategy language for abstract underspecified declarative proof patterns is developed. Together, the complementary methods provide a framework to automate declarative proofs. The benefits of the techniques are illustrated by practical applications.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich damit, das Formalisieren von Beweisen zu vereinfachen, indem Methoden entwickelt werden, um informale Beweise formal zu verifizieren und erzeugen zu können. Dazu wird ein abstrakter Kalkül entwickelt, der direkt auf der Faktenebene arbeitet, welche von Menschen geführten Beweisen relativ nahe kommt. Anhand einer Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die abstrakte Beweisführung auf der Fakteneben vorteilhaft für automatische Suchverfahren ist. Zusätzlich wird eine Strategiesprache entwickelt, die es erlaubt, unterspezifizierte Beweismuster innerhalb des Beweisdokumentes zu spezifizieren und Beweisskizzen automatisch zu verfeinern. Fallstudien zeigen, dass komplexe Beweismuster kompakt in der entwickelten Strategiesprache spezifiziert werden können. Zusammen bilden die einander ergänzenden Methoden den Rahmen zur Automatisierung von deklarativen Beweisen auf der Faktenebene, die bisher überwiegend manuell entwickelt werden mussten

    Assertion level proof planning with compiled strategies

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    This book presents new techniques that allow the automatic verification and generation of abstract human-style proofs. The core of this approach builds an efficient calculus that works directly by applying definitions, theorems, and axioms, which reduces the size of the underlying proof object by a factor of ten. The calculus is extended by the deep inference paradigm which allows the application of inference rules at arbitrary depth inside logical expressions and provides new proofs that are exponentially shorter and not available in the sequent calculus without cut. In addition, a strategy language for abstract underspecified declarative proof patterns is developed. Together, the complementary methods provide a framework to automate declarative proofs. The benefits of the techniques are illustrated by practical applications.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich damit, das Formalisieren von Beweisen zu vereinfachen, indem Methoden entwickelt werden, um informale Beweise formal zu verifizieren und erzeugen zu können. Dazu wird ein abstrakter Kalkül entwickelt, der direkt auf der Faktenebene arbeitet, welche von Menschen geführten Beweisen relativ nahe kommt. Anhand einer Fallstudie wird gezeigt, dass die abstrakte Beweisführung auf der Fakteneben vorteilhaft für automatische Suchverfahren ist. Zusätzlich wird eine Strategiesprache entwickelt, die es erlaubt, unterspezifizierte Beweismuster innerhalb des Beweisdokumentes zu spezifizieren und Beweisskizzen automatisch zu verfeinern. Fallstudien zeigen, dass komplexe Beweismuster kompakt in der entwickelten Strategiesprache spezifiziert werden können. Zusammen bilden die einander ergänzenden Methoden den Rahmen zur Automatisierung von deklarativen Beweisen auf der Faktenebene, die bisher überwiegend manuell entwickelt werden mussten

    The even more liberalized delta-rule in free variable semantic tableaux

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    The Even More Liberalized δ-Rule in Free Variable Semantic Tableaux

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    . In this paper we have a closer look at one of the rules of the tableau calculus presented in [3], called the ffi--rule, and the modification of this rule, that has been proved to be sound and complete in [6], called the ffi + --rule, which uses fewer free variables. We show that an even more liberalized version, the ffi + + --rule, that in addition reduces the number of different Skolem--function symbols that have to be used, is also sound and complete. Examples show the relevance of this modification for building tableau--based theorem provers. Introduction The most popular version of the proof procedure which is usually called Analytic Tableaux or Semantic Tableaux is due to Raymond Smullyan [8] and goes back to Beth and Hintikka. Semantic tableaux have recently experienced a renewed interest by AI researchers, since their closeness to the semantic definitions of logical operators makes the basic system easily adjustable to a wide scope of non-- standard logics. For example, i..