11,435 research outputs found

    Topological self-organization of strongly interacting particles

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    We investigate the self-organization of strongly interacting particles confined in 1D and 2D. We consider hardcore bosons in spinless Hubbard lattice models with short-range interactions. We show that many-body states with topological features emerge at different energy bands separated by large gaps. The topology manifests in the way the particles organize in real space to form states with different energy. Each of these states contains topological defects/condensations whose Euler characteristic can be used as a topological number to categorize states belonging to the same energy band. We provide analytical formulas for this topological number and the full energy spectrum of the system for both sparsely and densely filled systems. Furthermore, we analyze the connection with the Gauss-Bonnet theorem of differential geometry, by using the curvature generated in real space by the particle structures. Our result is a demonstration of how states with topological characteristics, emerge in strongly interacting many-body systems following simple underlying rules, without considering the spin, long-range microscopic interactions, or external fields.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, some revisions, published in EPJ

    SPH Simulations with Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator

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    We present a novel approach to accelerate astrophysical hydrodynamical simulations. In astrophysical many-body simulations, GRAPE (GRAvity piPE) system has been widely used by many researchers. However, in the GRAPE systems, its function is completely fixed because specially developed LSI is used as a computing engine. Instead of using such LSI, we are developing a special purpose computing system using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips as the computing engine. Together with our developed programming system, we have implemented computing pipelines for the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method on our PROGRAPE-3 system. The SPH pipelines running on PROGRAPE-3 system have the peak speed of 85 GFLOPS and in a realistic setup, the SPH calculation using one PROGRAPE-3 board is 5-10 times faster than the calculation on the host computer. Our results clearly shows for the first time that we can accelerate the speed of the SPH simulations of a simple astrophysical phenomena using considerable computing power offered by the hardware.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PAS

    Handwritten digit classification

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    Pattern recognition is one of the major challenges in statistics framework. Its goal is the feature extraction to classify the patterns into categories. A well-known example in this field is the handwritten digit recognition where digits have to be assigned into one of the 10 classes using some classification method. Our purpose is to present alternative classification methods based on statistical techniques. We show a comparison between a multivariate and a probabilistic approach, concluding that both methods provide similar results in terms of test-error rate. Experiments are performed on the known MNIST and USPS databases in binary-level image. Then, as an additional contribution we introduce a novel method to binarize images, based on statistical concepts associated to the written trace of the digitDigit, Classification, Images

    Lagrangian ADER-WENO Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Triangular Meshes Based On Genuinely Multidimensional HLL Riemann Solvers

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    In this paper we use the genuinely multidimensional HLL Riemann solvers recently developed by Balsara et al. to construct a new class of computationally efficient high order Lagrangian ADER-WENO one-step ALE finite volume schemes on unstructured triangular meshes. A nonlinear WENO reconstruction operator allows the algorithm to achieve high order of accuracy in space, while high order of accuracy in time is obtained by the use of an ADER time-stepping technique based on a local space-time Galerkin predictor. The multidimensional HLL and HLLC Riemann solvers operate at each vertex of the grid, considering the entire Voronoi neighborhood of each node and allows for larger time steps than conventional one-dimensional Riemann solvers. The results produced by the multidimensional Riemann solver are then used twice in our one-step ALE algorithm: first, as a node solver that assigns a unique velocity vector to each vertex, in order to preserve the continuity of the computational mesh; second, as a building block for genuinely multidimensional numerical flux evaluation that allows the scheme to run with larger time steps compared to conventional finite volume schemes that use classical one-dimensional Riemann solvers in normal direction. A rezoning step may be necessary in order to overcome element overlapping or crossing-over. We apply the method presented in this article to two systems of hyperbolic conservation laws, namely the Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics and the equations of ideal classical magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). Convergence studies up to fourth order of accuracy in space and time have been carried out. Several numerical test problems have been solved to validate the new approach

    Phase transitions and configuration space topology

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    Equilibrium phase transitions may be defined as nonanalytic points of thermodynamic functions, e.g., of the canonical free energy. Given a certain physical system, it is of interest to understand which properties of the system account for the presence of a phase transition, and an understanding of these properties may lead to a deeper understanding of the physical phenomenon. One possible approach of this issue, reviewed and discussed in the present paper, is the study of topology changes in configuration space which, remarkably, are found to be related to equilibrium phase transitions in classical statistical mechanical systems. For the study of configuration space topology, one considers the subsets M_v, consisting of all points from configuration space with a potential energy per particle equal to or less than a given v. For finite systems, topology changes of M_v are intimately related to nonanalytic points of the microcanonical entropy (which, as a surprise to many, do exist). In the thermodynamic limit, a more complex relation between nonanalytic points of thermodynamic functions (i.e., phase transitions) and topology changes is observed. For some class of short-range systems, a topology change of the M_v at v=v_t was proved to be necessary for a phase transition to take place at a potential energy v_t. In contrast, phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions or in systems with non-confining potentials need not be accompanied by such a topology change. Instead, for such systems the nonanalytic point in a thermodynamic function is found to have some maximization procedure at its origin. These results may foster insight into the mechanisms which lead to the occurrence of a phase transition, and thus may help to explore the origin of this physical phenomenon.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    High Order Cell-Centered Lagrangian-Type Finite Volume Schemes with Time-Accurate Local Time Stepping on Unstructured Triangular Meshes

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    We present a novel cell-centered direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) finite volume scheme on unstructured triangular meshes that is high order accurate in space and time and that also allows for time-accurate local time stepping (LTS). The new scheme uses the following basic ingredients: a high order WENO reconstruction in space on unstructured meshes, an element-local high-order accurate space-time Galerkin predictor that performs the time evolution of the reconstructed polynomials within each element, the computation of numerical ALE fluxes at the moving element interfaces through approximate Riemann solvers, and a one-step finite volume scheme for the time update which is directly based on the integral form of the conservation equations in space-time. The inclusion of the LTS algorithm requires a number of crucial extensions, such as a proper scheduling criterion for the time update of each element and for each node; a virtual projection of the elements contained in the reconstruction stencils of the element that has to perform the WENO reconstruction; and the proper computation of the fluxes through the space-time boundary surfaces that will inevitably contain hanging nodes in time due to the LTS algorithm. We have validated our new unstructured Lagrangian LTS approach over a wide sample of test cases solving the Euler equations of compressible gasdynamics in two space dimensions, including shock tube problems, cylindrical explosion problems, as well as specific tests typically adopted in Lagrangian calculations, such as the Kidder and the Saltzman problem. When compared to the traditional global time stepping (GTS) method, the newly proposed LTS algorithm allows to reduce the number of element updates in a given simulation by a factor that may depend on the complexity of the dynamics, but which can be as large as 4.7.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure