4 research outputs found

    Rediscovering Ranganathan: A Prismatic View of His Life through the Knowledge Graph Spectrum

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    The present study puts forward a novel biographical knowledge graph (KG) on Prof. S. R. Ranganathan, one of the pioneering figures in the Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. It has been found that most of the relevant facts about Ranganathan exist in a variety of resources (e.g., books, essays, journal articles, websites, blogs, etc.), offering information in a fragmented and piecemeal way. With this dedicated KG (henceforth known as RKG), we hope to furnish a 360-degree view of his life and achievements. To the best of our knowledge, such a dedicated representation is unparalleled in its scope and coverage: using state-of-the-art technology for anyone to openly access, use/re-use, and contribute. Inspired by Ranganathan's theories and ideas, the KG was developed using a "facet-based methodology" at two levels: in the identification of the vital biographical aspects and the development of the ontological model. Finally, with this study, we call for a community-driven effort to enhance the KG and pay homage to the Father of Library Science on the hundredth anniversary of his revitalizing the LIS domain through his enduring participation.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figure

    Fisco, società e potere nel Mezzogiorno tardomedievale. Esperimenti di ricerca storica tra fonti e linked open data

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    La presente tesi propone i risultati e le riflessioni scaturite da un progetto di dottorato "industriale", che aveva per obiettivo sperimentare le possibilità delle edizioni XML/TEI e dei Linked Open Data nel quadro degli strumenti utili alla ricerca storica e alla condivisione dei suoi dati. Vista la volontà di ragionare in stretta connessione con le prassi reali del mestiere di storico, questi esperimenti si sono sviluppati in parallelo con l'indagine sul sistema fiscale del regno di Napoli nel XV secolo e in particolare sulla riforma delle nuove imposizioni del 1481-85. Il lavoro è articolato in due parti. La prima è dedicata a illustrare i principi, il potenziale e quanto si è potuto fare con le tecnologie menzionate. Ne sono traduzione in atto l'edizione online del registro Partium 19 dell'Archivio di Stato di Napoli e la costruzione di alcune triple RDF con i dati provenienti dall'edizione stessa. La seconda parte della tesi è idealmente concepita come base per una monografia su fisco, società e potere nel regno di Napoli tardomedievale. Si concentra dapprima su un inquadramento del sistema fiscale regnicolo nel Quattrocento, sugli equilibri che ne consentivano l'esistenza e sulle prassi e i discorsi attraverso i quali era esperito. Dopodiché dedica ampio spazio all'analisi della poco studiata riforma delle nuove imposizioni, ragionando sulle sue logiche e il suo impatto per farne un perno della vicenda della "respublica Regni" durante il XV secolo

    The Epistemology of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems

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    The Semantic Web is a young discipline, even if only in comparison to other areas of computer science. Nonetheless, it already exhibits an interesting history and evolution. This book is a reflection on this evolution, aiming to take a snapshot of where we are at this specific point in time, and also showing what might be the focus of future research. This book provides both a conceptual and practical view of this evolution, especially targeted at readers who are starting research in this area and as support material for their supervisors. From a conceptual point of view, it highlights and discusses key questions that have animated the research community: what does it mean to be a Semantic Web system and how is it different from other types of systems, such as knowledge systems or web-based information systems? From a more practical point of view, the core of the book introduces a simple conceptual framework which characterizes Intelligent Semantic Web Systems. We describe this framework, the components it includes, and give pointers to some of the approaches and technologies that might be used to implement them. We also look in detail at concrete systems falling under the category of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems, according to the proposed framework, allowing us to compare them, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and identify the key fundamental challenges still open for researchers to tackle

    The epistemology of intelligent semantic web systems

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