5 research outputs found

    A Framework for SAR-Optical Stereogrammetry over Urban Areas

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    Currently, numerous remote sensing satellites provide a huge volume of diverse earth observation data. As these data show different features regarding resolution, accuracy, coverage, and spectral imaging ability, fusion techniques are required to integrate the different properties of each sensor and produce useful information. For example, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data can be fused with optical imagery to produce 3D information using stereogrammetric methods. The main focus of this study is to investigate the possibility of applying a stereogrammetry pipeline to very-high-resolution (VHR) SAR-optical image pairs. For this purpose, the applicability of semi-global matching is investigated in this unconventional multi-sensor setting. To support the image matching by reducing the search space and accelerating the identification of correct, reliable matches, the possibility of establishing an epipolarity constraint for VHR SAR-optical image pairs is investigated as well. In addition, it is shown that the absolute geolocation accuracy of VHR optical imagery with respect to VHR SAR imagery such as provided by TerraSAR-X can be improved by a multi-sensor block adjustment formulation based on rational polynomial coefficients. Finally, the feasibility of generating point clouds with a median accuracy of about 2m is demonstrated and confirms the potential of 3D reconstruction from SAR-optical image pairs over urban areas.Comment: This is the pre-acceptance version, to read the final version, please go to ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing on ScienceDirec

    Towards Automatic SAR-Optical Stereogrammetry over Urban Areas using Very High Resolution Imagery

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    In this paper we discuss the potential and challenges regarding SAR-optical stereogrammetry for urban areas, using very-high-resolution (VHR) remote sensing imagery. Since we do this mainly from a geometrical point of view, we first analyze the height reconstruction accuracy to be expected for different stereogrammetric configurations. Then, we propose a strategy for simultaneous tie point matching and 3D reconstruction, which exploits an epipolar-like search window constraint. To drive the matching and ensure some robustness, we combine different established handcrafted similarity measures. For the experiments, we use real test data acquired by the Worldview-2, TerraSAR-X and MEMPHIS sensors. Our results show that SAR-optical stereogrammetry using VHR imagery is generally feasible with 3D positioning accuracies in the meter-domain, although the matching of these strongly hetereogeneous multi-sensor data remains very challenging. Keywords: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), optical images, remote sensing, data fusion, stereogrammetr

    Disaster debris estimation using high-resolution polarimetric stereo-SAR

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the problem of debris estimation which is one of the most important initial challenges in the wake of a disaster like the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Reasonable estimates of the debris have to be made available to decision makers as quickly as possible. Current approaches to obtain this information are far from being optimal as they usually rely on manual interpretation of optical imagery. We have developed a novel approach for the estimation of tsunami debris pile heights and volumes for improved emergency response. The method is based on a stereo-synthetic aperture radar (stereo-SAR) approach for very high-resolution polarimetric SAR. An advanced gradient-based optical-flow estimation technique is applied for optimal image coregistration of the low-coherence non-interferometric data resulting from the illumination from opposite directions and in different polarizations. By applying model based decomposition of the coherency matrix, only the odd bounce scattering contributions are used to optimize echo time computation. The method exclusively considers the relative height differences from the top of the piles to their base to achieve a very fine resolution in height estimation. To define the base, a reference point on non-debris-covered ground surface is located adjacent to the debris pile targets by exploiting the polarimetric scattering information. The proposed technique is validated using in situ data of real tsunami debris taken on a temporary debris management site in the tsunami affected area near Sendai city, Japan. The estimated height error is smaller than 0.6m RMSE. The good quality of derived pile heights allows for a voxel-based estimation of debris volumes with a RMSE of 1099m3. Advantages of the proposed method are fast computation time, and robust height and volume estimation of debris piles without the need for pre-event data or auxiliary information like DEM, topographic maps or GCPs

    Method of airborne SAR image match integrating multi-information for block adjustment

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    Calibration of DART Radiative Transfer Model with Satellite Images for Simulating Albedo and Thermal Irradiance Images and 3D Radiative Budget of Urban Environment

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    Remote sensing is increasingly used for managing urban environment. In this context, the H2020 project URBANFLUXES aims to improve our knowledge on urban anthropogenic heat fluxes, with the specific study of three cities: London, Basel and Heraklion. Usually, one expects to derive directly 2 major urban parameters from remote sensing: the albedo and thermal irradiance. However, the determination of these two parameters is seriously hampered by complexity of urban architecture. For example, urban reflectance and brightness temperature are far from isotropic and are spatially heterogeneous. Hence, radiative transfer models that consider the complexity of urban architecture when simulating remote sensing signals are essential tools. Even for these sophisticated models, there is a major constraint for an operational use of remote sensing: the complex 3D distribution of optical properties and temperatures in urban environments. Here, the work is conducted with the DART (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer) model. It is a comprehensive physically based 3D radiative transfer model that simulates optical signals at the entrance of imaging spectro-radiometers and LiDAR scanners on board of satellites and airplanes, as well as the 3D radiative budget, of urban and natural landscapes for any experimental (atmosphere, topography,…) and instrumental (sensor altitude, spatial resolution, UV to thermal infrared,…) configuration. Paul Sabatier University distributes free licenses for research activities. This paper presents the calibration of DART model with high spatial resolution satellite images (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, etc.) that are acquired in the visible (VIS) / near infrared (NIR) domain and in the thermal infrared (TIR) domain. Here, the work is conducted with an atmospherically corrected Landsat 8 image and Bale city, with its urban database. The calibration approach in the VIS/IR domain encompasses 5 steps for computing the 2D distribution (image) of urban albedo at satellite spatial resolution. (1) DART simulation of satellite image at very high spatial resolution (e.g., 50cm) per satellite spectral band. Atmosphere conditions are specific to the satellite image acquisition. (2) Spatial resampling of DART image at the coarser spatial resolution of the available satellite image, per spectral band. (3) Iterative derivation of the urban surfaces (roofs, walls, streets, vegetation,…) optical properties as derived from pixel-wise comparison of DART and satellite images, independently per spectral band. (4) Computation of the band albedo image of the city, per spectral band. (5) Computation of the image of the city albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, as an integral over all satellite spectral bands. In order to get a time series of albedo and VIS/NIR exitance, even in the absence of satellite images, ECMWF information about local irradiance and atmosphere conditions are used. A similar approach is used for calculating the city thermal exitance using satellite images acquired in the thermal infrared domain. Finally, DART simulations that are conducted with the optical properties derived from remote sensing images give also the 3D radiative budget of the city at any date including the date of the satellite image acquisition