2,122 research outputs found

    Autism from a Biometric Perspective

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    Purpose:The aim of this pilot study was to test autistic children, siblings and their parents using a biometric device based on the gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique in order to assess their psycho-emotional and physiological functional state based on the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that the biometric assessment based on GDV will enable us: (1) to evaluate some specific features associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as to compare autistic children to their siblings and to controls; (2) to analyze the differences in individual values of parents of autistic children versus parents of normal children. Results: Out of total of 48 acupuncture points present on ten fingertips of both hands and associated to organs/organ systems, autistic children differed significantly from controls (p < 0.05) in 36 (images without filter) and 12 (images with filter), siblings differed significantly from controls (p < 0.05) in 12 (images without filter) and seven (images with filter), autistic children differed significantly (p < 0.05) from siblings in eight (images without filter) and one (images with filter), fathers of autistic children differed significantly (p < 0.05) from controls in 14 (images without filter) and three (images with filter) and mothers of autistic children differed significantly (p < 0.05) from controls in five (images without filter) and nine (images with filter) acupuncture points. Conclusions: All compared groups have shown significant difference on both psycho-emotional (images without filter) and physiological (images with filter) levels. However, the differences between autistic children and controls expressed on psycho-emotional level were the most significant as compared to the other groups. Therefore, the activity of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system is significantly altered in children with autism. The biometric method based on GDV is a promising step in autism research that may lead towards creating a disease profile and identify unique signature/biomarker for autism. Further work should involve more participants in order to augment our findings

    Application of Electrophoton Capture (EPC) Analysis Based on Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique in Medicine: a Systematic Review

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: To evaluate the scale and scope of implementing EPC analysis based on gas discharge visualization technique in diverse medical applications and psycho-physiology; to identify the range of applications in medicine; and to show in which areas the procedure can be useful to health professionals. Design: Systematic review. Methods: The database included papers published in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings of the international scientific congress "Science, Information, Spirit" (2003, papers from the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) database, proceedings of other conferences devoted to EPC or GDV, bioelectrography and biophotonics. Search restrictions were human subjects, English or Russian language, and publication date from 2003 up to the present. All randomized controlled studies (RCTs) and systematic research reports (SRRs) were evaluated using Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and Jadad checklists. Results: The search yielded 136 papers addressing 4 different fields of medical and psychophysiological applications of EPC (GDV). Among them were 26 SRR, 19 RCT, 18 case reports or case series, and 13 cohort studies. 19 SRRs and 13 RCTs were rated "high" on the two conventional checklists. Conclusions: (1) The software and equipment EPC/GDV-complex is a convenient and easy to use device, easily allows examining patients with various pathologies and, therefore, offers a wide range of applications
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