6 research outputs found

    Autotuning the Intel HLS Compiler using the Opentuner Framework

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    High level synthesis (HLS) tools can be used to improve design flow and decrease verification times for field programmable gate array (FPGA) and application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design. The Intel HLS Compiler is a high level synthesis tool that takes in untimed C/C++ as input and generates production-quality register transfer level (RTL) code that is optimized for Intel FPGAs. The translation does, however, require multiple iterations and manual optimizations to get comparable synthesized results to that of a solution written in a hardware descriptive language. The synthesis results can vary greatly based upon coding style and optimization techniques, and typically require an in-depth knowledge of FPGAs to fully optimize the translation which limits the audience of the tool. The extra abstraction that the C/C++ source code presents can also make it difficult to meet more specific design requirements; this includes designs to meet specific resource usage or performance based metrics. To improve the quality of results generated by the Intel HLS Compiler without a manual iterative process that requires an in-depth knowledge of FPGAs, this research proposes a method of automating some of the optimization techniques that improve the synthesized design through an autotuning process. The proposed approach utilizes the PyCParser library to parse C source files and the OpenTuner Framework to autotune the synthesis to provide a method that generates results that better meet the needs of the designer's requirements through lower FPGA resource usage or increased design performance. Such functionality is not currently available in Intel's commercial tools. The proposed approach was tested with the CHStone Benchmarking Suite of C programs as well as a standard digital signal processing finite impulse response filter. The results show that the commercial HLS tool can be automatically autotuned through placeholder injection using a source parsing tool for C code and using the OpenTuner Framework to autotune the results. For designs that are small in nature and include conducive structures to be autotuned, the results indicate resource usage reductions and/or performance increases of up to 40% as compared to the default Intel HLS Compiler results. The method developed in this research also allows additional design targets to be specified through the autotuner for consideration in the synthesized design which can yield results that are better matched to a design's requirements

    NengoFPGA: an FPGA Backend for the Nengo Neural Simulator

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    Low-power, high-speed neural networks are critical for providing deployable embedded AI applications at the edge. We describe a Xilinx FPGA implementation of Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) networks with online learning that outperforms mobile Nvidia GPU implementations by an order of magnitude or more. Specifically, we provide an embedded Python-capable PYNQ FPGA implementation supported with a Xilinx Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS) workflow that allows sub-millisecond implementation of adaptive neural networks with low-latency, direct I/O access to the physical world. The outcome of this work is NengoFPGA, a seamless and user-friendly extension to the neural compiler Python package Nengo. To reduce memory requirements and improve performance we tune the precision of the different intermediate variables in the code to achieve competitive absolute accuracy against slower and larger floating-point reference designs. The online learning component of the neural network exploits immediate feedback to adjust the network weights to best support a given arithmetic precision. As the space of possible design configurations of such quantized networks is vast and is subject to a target accuracy constraint, we use the Hyperopt hyper-parameter tuning tool instead of manual search to find Pareto optimal designs. Specifically, we are able to generate the optimized designs in under 500 short iterations of Vivado HLS C synthesis before running the complete Vivado place-and-route phase on that subset, a much longer process not conducive to rapid exploration. For neural network populations of 64–4096 neurons and 1–8 representational dimensions our optimized FPGA implementation generated by Hyperopt has a speedup of 10–484× over a competing cuBLAS implementation on the Jetson TX1 GPU while using 2.4–9.5× less power. Our speedups are a result of HLS-specific reformulation (15× improvement), precision adaptation (3× improvement), and low-latency direct I/O access (1000× improvement)

    Towards hardware as a reconfigurable, elastic, and specialized service

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    As modern Data Center workloads become increasingly complex, constrained, and critical, mainstream CPU-centric computing has had ever more difficulty in keeping pace. Future data centers are moving towards a more fluid and heterogeneous model, with computation and communication no longer localized to commodity CPUs and routers. Next generation data-centric Data Centers will compute everywhere, whether data is stationary (e.g. in memory) or on the move (e.g. in network). While deploying FPGAs in NICS, as co-processors, in the router, and in Bump-in-the-Wire configurations is a step towards implementing the data-centric model, it is only part of the overall solution. The other part is actually leveraging this reconfigurable hardware. For this to happen, two problems must be addressed: code generation and deployment generation. By code generation we mean transforming abstract representations of an algorithm into equivalent hardware. Deployment generation refers to the runtime support needed to facilitate the execution of this hardware on an FPGA. Efforts at creating supporting tools in these two areas have thus far provided limited benefits. This is because the efforts are limited in one or more of the following ways: They i) do not provide fundamental solutions to a number of challenges, which makes them useful only to a limited group of (mostly) hardware developers, ii) are constrained in their scope, or iii) are ad hoc, i.e., specific to a single usage context, FPGA vendor, or Data Center configuration. Moreover, efforts in these areas have largely been mutually exclusive, which results in incompatibility across development layers; this requires wrappers to be designed to make interfaces compatible. As a result there is significant complexity and effort required to code and deploy efficient custom hardware for FPGAs; effort that may be orders-of-magnitude greater than for analogous software environments. The goal of this dissertation is to create a framework that enables reconfigurable logic in Data Centers to be targeted with the same level of effort as for a single CPU core. The underlying mechanism to this is a framework, which we refer to as Hardware as a Reconfigurable, Elastic and Specialized Service, or HaaRNESS. In this dissertation, we address two of the core challenges of HaaRNESS: reducing the complexity of code generation by constraining High Level Synthesis (HLS) toolflows, and replacing ad hoc models of deployment generation by generalizing and formalizing what is needed for a hardware Operating System. These parts are unified by the back-end of HLS toolflows which link generated compute pipelines with the operating system, and provide appropriate APIs, wrappers, and software runtimes. The contributions of this dissertation are the following: i) an empirically guided set of systematic transformations for generating high quality HLS code; ii) a framework for instrumenting HLS compiler to identify and remove optimization blockers; iii) a framework for RTL simulation and IP generation of HLS kernels for rapid turnaround; and iv) a framework for generalization and formalization of hardware operating systems to address the {\it ad hoc}'ness of existing deployment generation and ensure uniform structure and APIs

    The Effect of Compiler Optimizations on High-Level Synthesis for FPGAs

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    Abstract—We consider the impact of compiler optimizations on the quality of high-level synthesis (HLS)-generated FPGA hardware. Using a HLS tool implemented within the state-of-the-art LLVM [1] compiler, we study the effect of compiler optimiza-tions on the hardware metrics of circuit area, execution cycles, Fmax, and wall-clock time. We evaluate 56 different compiler optimizations implemented within LLVM and show that some optimizations significantly affect hardware quality. Moreover, we show that hardware quality is also affected by the order in which optimizations are applied. We then present a new HLS-directed approach to compiler optimizations, wherein we execute partial HLS and profiling at intermittent points in the optimization process and use the results to judiciously undo the impact of optimization passes predicted to be damaging to the generated hardware quality. Results show that our approach produces circuits with 16 % better speed performance, on average, versus using the standard-O3 optimization level. I