8 research outputs found

    Modelling the emergence of speech sound categories in evolving connectionist systems

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    We report on the clustering of nodes in internally represented acoustic space. Learners of different languages partition perceptual space distinctly. Here, an Evolving Connectionist-Based System (ECOS) is used to model the perceptual space of New Zealand English. Currently, the system evolves in an unsupervised, self-organising manner. The perceptual space can be visualised, and the important features of the input patterns analysed. Additionally, the path of the internal representations can be seen. The results here will be used to develop a supervised system that can be used for speech recognition based on the evolved, internal sub-word units.Unpublished[1] P. Jusczyk, The Discovery of Spoken Language, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997. [2] P. K. Kuhl, "Speech Perception," in Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders, F. Minifie, Ed., San Diego, CA: Singular Pub Group, 1994, pp. 77-142. [3] P. Lieberman, Uniquely Human: The Evolution of Speech, Thought, and Selfless Behavior, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991 [4] Liberman, Speech: A Special Code, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996. [5] N. Chomsky, The Minimalist Program, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. [6] M. S. Seidenberg, "Language acquisition and use: Learning and applying probabilistic constraints," Science, vol. 275, pp. 1599-1603, 1997. [7] E. Bates and J. Elman, "Learning rediscovered," Science, vol. 274, pp 1849-1850, 1996. [8] K. Plunkett, "Connectionist approaches to language acquisition," in The Handbook of Child Language, P. Fletcher and B. MacWhinney, Eds., Oxford: Blackwell, 1995, pp. 36-72. [9] N. Kasabov, "The ECOS framework and the 'eco' training method for evolving connectionist systems," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 195-202, 1998. [10] N. Kasabov, "Evolving fuzzy neural networks: Theory and applications for on-line adaptive prediction, decision making and control," Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, vol. 5 (3), pp. 154-160, 1998. [11] N. Kasabov, "Evolving connectionist and fuzzy connectionist systems – theory and applications for adaptive, on-line intelligent systems," in Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Information Systems, N. Kasabov and R. Kozma, Eds., Heidelberg: Physica Verlag, 1999, pp. 111-146. [12] S. Sinclair, and C. Watson, "The Development of the Otago Speech Database," in Proceedings of ANNES ’95, 1995, pp. 298-301. [13] N. Kasabov, R. Kilgour and S. Sinclair, "From hybrid adjustable neuro-fuzzy systems to adaptive connectionist-based systems for phoneme and word recognition," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 130 (2), 1999. [14] N. Kasabov, "A framework for intelligent conscious machines and its application to multilingual speech recognition systems," Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, S. Amari and N. Kasabov, Eds., Singapore: Springer Verlag, 1998

    Modelling the emergence of speech sound categories in evolving connectionist systems

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    We report on the clustering of nodes in internally represented acoustic space. Learners of different languages partition perceptual space distinctly. Here, an Evolving Connectionist-Based System (ECOS) is used to model the perceptual space of New Zealand English. Currently, the system evolves in an unsupervised, self-organising manner. The perceptual space can be visualised, and the important features of the input patterns analysed. Additionally, the path of the internal representations can be seen. The results here will be used to develop a supervised system that can be used for speech recognition based on the evolved, internal sub-word units.Unpublished[1] P. Jusczyk, The Discovery of Spoken Language, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997. [2] P. K. Kuhl, "Speech Perception," in Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders, F. Minifie, Ed., San Diego, CA: Singular Pub Group, 1994, pp. 77-142. [3] P. Lieberman, Uniquely Human: The Evolution of Speech, Thought, and Selfless Behavior, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991 [4] Liberman, Speech: A Special Code, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996. [5] N. Chomsky, The Minimalist Program, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. [6] M. S. Seidenberg, "Language acquisition and use: Learning and applying probabilistic constraints," Science, vol. 275, pp. 1599-1603, 1997. [7] E. Bates and J. Elman, "Learning rediscovered," Science, vol. 274, pp 1849-1850, 1996. [8] K. Plunkett, "Connectionist approaches to language acquisition," in The Handbook of Child Language, P. Fletcher and B. MacWhinney, Eds., Oxford: Blackwell, 1995, pp. 36-72. [9] N. Kasabov, "The ECOS framework and the 'eco' training method for evolving connectionist systems," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 195-202, 1998. [10] N. Kasabov, "Evolving fuzzy neural networks: Theory and applications for on-line adaptive prediction, decision making and control," Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, vol. 5 (3), pp. 154-160, 1998. [11] N. Kasabov, "Evolving connectionist and fuzzy connectionist systems – theory and applications for adaptive, on-line intelligent systems," in Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Information Systems, N. Kasabov and R. Kozma, Eds., Heidelberg: Physica Verlag, 1999, pp. 111-146. [12] S. Sinclair, and C. Watson, "The Development of the Otago Speech Database," in Proceedings of ANNES ’95, 1995, pp. 298-301. [13] N. Kasabov, R. Kilgour and S. Sinclair, "From hybrid adjustable neuro-fuzzy systems to adaptive connectionist-based systems for phoneme and word recognition," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 130 (2), 1999. [14] N. Kasabov, "A framework for intelligent conscious machines and its application to multilingual speech recognition systems," Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, S. Amari and N. Kasabov, Eds., Singapore: Springer Verlag, 1998

    From hybrid adjustable neuro-fuzzy systems to adaptive connectionist-based systems for phoneme and word recognition

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    This paper discusses the problem of adaptation in automatic speech recognition systems (ASRS) and suggests several strategies for adaptation in a modular architecture for speech recognition. The architecture allows for adaptation at different levels of the recognition process, where modules can be adapted individually based on their performance and the performance of the whole system. Two realisations of this architecture are presented along with experimental results from small-scale experiments. The first realisation is a hybrid system for speaker-independent phoneme-based spoken word recognition, consisting of neural networks for recognising English phonemes and fuzzy systems for modelling acoustic and linguistic knowledge. This system is adjustable by additional training of individual neural network modules and tuning the fuzzy systems. The increased accuracy of the recognition through appropriate adjustment is also discussed. The second realisation of the architecture is a connectionist system that uses fuzzy neural networks FuNNs to accommodate both a prior linguistic knowledge and data from a speech corpus. A method for on-line adaptation of FuNNs is also presented.Unpublished[1] S. Amari, N.K. Kasabov (Eds.), Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems, Springer, Berlin, 1997. [2] Clark, C. Yallop, An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology, Blackwell, Cambridge MA, 1990. [3] Cole et al., The challenge of spoken language systems: research directions for the Nineties, IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process. 3 (1) (1995) 1-21. [4] Li-Min Fu, Building expert systems on neural architectures, Proc. Ist IEEE Internat. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 1989, pp. 221-225. [5] Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimisation and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1989. [6] Q. Huo, C.-H. Lee, A study of on-line Quasi-Bayes adaptation for CDHMM-based speech recognition, Proc. IEEE Internat. Conf. on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1996, pp. 705-708. [7] J.S.R. Jang, ANFIS: adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system, IEEETrans. Systems Man Cybernet. 23 (3) (1993) 665-684. [8] N.K. Kasabov, Building comprehensive AI and the task of speech recognition, in: J. Alspector, R. Goodman, T. Brown (Eds.), Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications 2, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1995, pp. 178-185. [9] N.K. Kasabov, Hybrid connectionist fuzzy production systems - towards building comprehensive AI, Intell. Automat. Soft Comput. 1 (1995) 351-360. [10] N.K. Kasabov, Hybrid Connectionist Fuzzy Rule-based Systems for Speech Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1011, Springer, Berlin, 1995, pp. 20-33. [11] N.K. Kasabov, Adaptable counectionist production systems, Neurocomputing 13 (1996) 95-117. [12] N.K. Kasabov, Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996. [13] N.K. Kasabov, Learning and approximate reasoning in fuzzy neural networks and hybrid systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 82 (1996) 135-149. [14] N.K. Kasabov, Learning strategies for modular neuro-fuzzy systems: a case study on phoneme-based speech recognition, J. Intell. Fuzzy Systems 5 (1997) 1-10. [15] N.K. Kasabov, A framework for intelligent conscious machines and applications for adaptive speech recognition, in: Amari, N.K. Kasabov (Eds.), Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Systems, Springer, Berlin, 1997. [16] N.K. Kasabov, ECOS: Evolving connectionist systems - methods, algorithms, applications, in: Proc. ICONIP'98 Conf. (International Conference on Neuro-Information Processing), Kitakyushu, Japan, 21-23 October 1998, pp. 793-796. [17] N.K. Kasabov, J.S. Kim, M. Watts, A. Gray, FuNN/2 - a fuzzy neural network architecture for adaptive learning and knowledge acquisition, Inform. Sci. 101 (3-4) (1997) 155-175. [18] N.K. Kasabov, R. Kozma, M. Watts, Optimization and adaption of fuzzy neural networks through genetic algorithms and learning-with-forgetting methods and applications for phoneme based speech recognition, Inform. Sci. 110 (1998) 61-79. [19] N.K. Kasabov, E. Postma, J. van en Herik, AVIS: a connectionist framework for integrated audio and visual information processing systems, in: Proc. Iizuka'98 Conf., 16-20 October, Iizuka, Japan, 1998. [20] N.K. Kasabov, S.J. Sinclair, R. Kilgour, C. Watson, M. Laws, D. Kassabova, Intelligent human computer interfaces and the case study of building English-to-Māori talking dictionary, in: N.K. Kasabov, G. Coghill (Eds.), Proc. ANNES'95, Dunedin, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1995, pp. 294-297. [21] R.I, Kilgour, Hybrid fuzzy systems and neural networks for speech recognition, Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of Otago, 1996. [22] K. Kim, N. Relkin, K.-M. Lee, J. Hirsch, Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages, Nature 388 (1997) 171-174. [23] D. Massaro, Perceiving Talking Faces, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997. [24] D. Massaro, M. Cohen, Integration of visual and auditory information in speech perception, J. Experimental Psychol.: Human Perception Performance 9 (1983) 753-771. [25] Mitra, S. Pal, Fuzzy multi-layer perceptron, inferencing and rule generation, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 6 (1995) 51-63. [26] Morgan, C. Scofield, Neural Networks and Speech Processing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 1991. [27] N. Pal, E. Kumar, Neural networks for dimensionality reduction, in: Kasabov et al. (Eds.), Connectionist Based Information Systems, Proc. ICONIP'97 Conf., Dunedin, Springer, Singapore, 1997, pp. 221-224. [28] R. Rabiner, Applications of voice processing to telecommunications, Proc. IEEE 82 (1994) 199-228. [29] D. Robinson, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, McGraw Hill, New York, 1988. [30] G. Rummery, M. Niranjan, On-line Q-learning using connectionist systems, CUED/F-INFENG/TR 166, Cambridge University Engineering Department, 1994. [31] A. Sankar, L. Neumeyer, M. Weintraub, An experimental study of acoustic adaptation algorithms, Proc. IEEE Internat. Conf. on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1996, pp. 713-716. [32] M.A-S. Seyed, Bayesian and predictive techniques for speaker adaptation, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1996. [33] S.J. Sinclair, Development of an isolated speech digit recognition system based on backpropagation neural networks, Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of Otago, 1996. [34] S.J. Sinclair, C. Watson, The development of the Otago speech database, in: N. Kasabov, G. Coghill (Eds.), Proc. ANNES '95, Dunedin, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1995, pp. 294-297. [35] T. Yamakawa, H. Kusanagi, E. Uchino, T. Miki, A new effective algorithm for neo fuzzy neuron model, in: Proc. 5th IFSA World Congress, 1993, pp. 1017-1020. [36] Yamazaki, Research activities on spontaneous speech, in: N. Kasabov, G. Coghill (Eds.), Proc. ANNES '95, Dunedin, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1995, pp. 280-283. [37] S. Young, Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition: a review, Internal Report, Cambridge University Engineering Department, 1996

    Evolving connectionist systems for on-line, knowledge-based learning: Principles and applications

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    The paper introduces evolving connectionist systems (ECOS) as an effective approach to building on-line, adaptive intelligent systems. ECOS evolve through incremental, hybrid (supervised/unsupervised), on-line learning. They can accommodate new input data, including new features, new classes, etc. through local element tuning. New connections and new neurons are created during the operation of the system. The ECOS framework is presented and illustrated on a particular type of evolving neural networks---evolving fuzzy neural networks (EFuNNs). EFuNNs can learn spatial-temporal sequences in an adaptive way, through one pass learning. Rules can be inserted and extracted at any time of the system operation. The characteristics of ECOS and EFuNNs are illustrated on several case studies that include: adaptive pattern classification; adaptive, phoneme-based spoken language recognition; adaptive dynamic time-series prediction; intelligent agents.Unpublished1. Albus, J.S., A new approach to manipulator control: The cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC), Tarns. of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, pp.220:227, Sept. (1975) 2. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. eds, “Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems”, Springer Verlag,1998. 3. Amari, S., Mathematical foundations of neuro-computing, Proc. of IEEE, 78 (9), Sept. (1990) 4. Arbib, M. (ed) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks,The MIT Press, 1995. 5. Bollacker, K., S.Lawrence and L.Giles, CiteSeer: An autonomous Web agent for automatic retrieval and identification of interesting publications, 2nd International ACM conference on autonomous agents, ACM Press, 1998, 116-123 6. Bottu and Vapnik, “Local learning computation”, Neural Computation, 4, 888-900 (1992) 7. Carpenter, G. and Grossberg S., Pattern recognition by self-organizing neural networks , The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1991) 8. Carpenter, G. and S. 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    Evolving connectionist systems for on-line, knowledge-based learning: Principles and applications

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    The paper introduces evolving connectionist systems (ECOS) as an effective approach to building on-line, adaptive intelligent systems. ECOS evolve through incremental, hybrid (supervised/unsupervised), on-line learning. They can accommodate new input data, including new features, new classes, etc. through local element tuning. New connections and new neurons are created during the operation of the system. The ECOS framework is presented and illustrated on a particular type of evolving neural networks---evolving fuzzy neural networks (EFuNNs). EFuNNs can learn spatial-temporal sequences in an adaptive way, through one pass learning. Rules can be inserted and extracted at any time of the system operation. The characteristics of ECOS and EFuNNs are illustrated on several case studies that include: adaptive pattern classification; adaptive, phoneme-based spoken language recognition; adaptive dynamic time-series prediction; intelligent agents.Unpublished1. Albus, J.S., A new approach to manipulator control: The cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC), Tarns. of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, pp.220:227, Sept. (1975) 2. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. eds, “Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems”, Springer Verlag,1998. 3. Amari, S., Mathematical foundations of neuro-computing, Proc. of IEEE, 78 (9), Sept. (1990) 4. Arbib, M. (ed) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks,The MIT Press, 1995. 5. Bollacker, K., S.Lawrence and L.Giles, CiteSeer: An autonomous Web agent for automatic retrieval and identification of interesting publications, 2nd International ACM conference on autonomous agents, ACM Press, 1998, 116-123 6. Bottu and Vapnik, “Local learning computation”, Neural Computation, 4, 888-900 (1992) 7. Carpenter, G. and Grossberg S., Pattern recognition by self-organizing neural networks , The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1991) 8. Carpenter, G. and S. Grossberg, “ART3: Hierarchical search using chemical transmitters in self-organising pattern-recognition architectures”, Neural Networks, 3(2) 129-152(1990). 9. Carpenter, G. S. Grossberg, N. Markuzon, J.H. Reynolds, D.B. Rosen, “FuzzyARTMAP: A neural network architecture for incremental supervised learning of analog multi-dimensional maps,” IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks , vol.3, No.5, 698-713 (1991). 10. Cybenko, G., Approximation by super-positions of sigmoidal function, Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, 2, 303-314 (1989) 11. DeGaris, H., “Circuits of Production Rule - GenNets – The genetic programming of nervous systems”, in: Albrecht, R., Reeves, C. and Steele, N. (eds) Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Springer Verlag (1993) 12. Duda and Hart, “Pattern classification and scene analysis”, New York: Willey (1973) 13. Edelman, G., Neuronal Darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection, Basic Books (1992). 14. 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    Looking for a new AI paradigm: Evolving connectionist and fuzzy connectionist systems—Theory and applications for adaptive, on-line intelligent systems

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    Please note that this is a searchable PDF derived via optical character recognition (OCR) from the original source document. As the OCR process is never 100% perfect, there may be some discrepancies between the document image and the underlying text.The paper introduces one paradigm of neuro-fuzzy techniques and an approach to building on-line, adaptive intelligent systems. This approach is called evolving connectionist systems (ECOS). ECOS evolve through incremental, on-line learning, both supervised and unsupervised. They can accommodate new input data, including new features, new classes, etc. The ECOS framework is presented and illustrated on a particular type of evolving neural networks—evolving fuzzy neural networks. ECOS are three to six orders of magnitude faster than the multilayer perceptrons, or the fuzzy neural networks, trained with the backpropagation algorithm, or with a genetic programming technique. ECOS belong to the new generation of adaptive intelligent systems. This is illustrated on several real world problems for adaptive, on-line classification, prediction, decision making and control: phoneme-based speech recognition; moving person identification; wastewater flow time-series prediction and control; intelligent agents; financial time series prediction and control. The principles of recurrent ECOS and reinforcement learning are outlined.Unpublished1. Almeida,L., T. Langlois, J. Amaral, J. On-line Step Size Adaptation, Technical Report, INESC RT07/97, 1997 2. Altman, G., Cognitive Models of Speech Processing, MIT Press, 1990 3. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. eds (1997) Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, Springer Verlag 4. Andrews, R., J. Diederich, A.B.Tickle, "A Survey and Critique of Techniques for Extracting Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks", Knowledge-Based Systems, 8, 373-389 (1995). 5. Arbib, M. 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Gray, M.S., J.R.Movellan, and T.J.Sejnowski, Dynammic features for visual speech reading: A systematic comparison. In M.C. Mozer, M.I. Jordan, and T. Petsche (Eds.), Advances in Neural Inform. Proc. Systems, Vol.9, pp.751- 757. Morgan-Kaufmann: San Fransisco, CA, 1997. 24. Hashiyama,T., Furuhashi, T., Uchikawa, Y. (1992) A Decision Making Model Using a Fuzzy Neural Network, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks, Iizuka, Japan, 1057-1060. 25. Hassibi and Stork, Second order derivatives for network pruning: Optimal Brain Surgeon, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 4, (1992) 164-171 26. Heskes, T.M., Kappen, B. (1993) On-line learning processes in artificial neural networks, in: Math. foundations of neural networks, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 199-233 27. Ishikawa, M. (1996) "Structural Learning with Forgetting", Neural Networks 9, 501-521. 28. Jang, R. (1993) ANFIS: adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system, IEEE Trans. on Syst.,Man, Cybernetics, 23(3), May-June 1993, 665-685 29. Joseph, S.R.H. Theories of adaptive neural growth, PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1998 30. Kasabov, N. A framework for intelligent conscious machines utilising fuzzy neural networks and spatial temporal maps and a case study of multilingual speech recognition", in: Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. (eds) Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, Springer, 106-126 (1997) 31. Kasabov, N. and Fedrizzi, M. (1999) Fuzzy Neural Networks and Evolving Connectionist Systems for Intelligent Decision Making, Proc. of IFSA'99, Taiwan, 1999, submitted. 32. Kasabov, N. and Kozma, R. Multi-scale analysis of time series based on neuro-fuzzy-chaos methodology applied to financial data. In: Refenes, A., Burges, A. and Moody, B. eds. Computational Finance 1997, Kluwer Academic, 1998, accepted 33. Kasabov, N. ECOS: A framework for evolving connectionist systems and the eco learning paradigm, Proc. of ICONIP'98, Kitakyushu, Oct. 1998 34. Kasabov, N. Evolving conneetionist and fuzzy connectionist system for on-line decision making and control, Proc. of the 3rd On-line WWW World Congress on Soft Computing in Engineering Design, June 1998, Springer Verlag, to appear. 35. Kasabov, N. Evolving connectionist and fuzzy connectionist systems. IEEE Transactions on Man, Machine and Cybernetics, submitted 36. Kasabov, N. Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks - Algorithms, Applications and Biological Motivation, in Proc. of Iizuka'98, Iizuka, Japan, Oct.1998 37. Kasabov, N.(1996) Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, The MIT Press, CA, MA. 38. Kasabov, N., "Adaptable conneetionist production systems". Neurocomputing, 13 (2-4) 95-117 (1996). 39. 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Kasabov, N., Postma, E., and Van den Herik, J AVIS: A Connectionist-based Framework tor Integrated Audio and Visual Information Processing, in Proc. of Iizuka'98, Iizuka, Japan, Oct.1998 44. Kasabov, N., Watts, M. Genetic algorithms for structural optimisation, dynamic adaptation and automated design of fuzzy neural networks. in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN’97, IEEE Press, Houston (1997) 45. Kater, S.B., Mattson, N.P., Cohan, C. and Connor, J. Calcium regulation of the neuronal cone growth, Trends in Neuroscience, 11 (1988) 315-321. 46. Kohonen, T. (1990) The Self-Organizing Map. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.78, N-9, pp.146-4-1497. 47. Kohonen, T.,. Self-Organizing Maps, second edition, Springer Verlag, 1997 48. Kozma, R. and Kasabov, N Generic neuro-fuzzy-chaos methodologies and techniques for intelligent time-series analysis. In: Soft Computing in Financial Engineering. R. Ribeiro, R.Yager, H. J. Zimmermann and J. Kacprzyk eds. 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Touretzky, ed., Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 2, 598-605 (1990). 54. Lin, C.T. and C.S. G. Lee, Neuro Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall (1996). 55. Massaro, D., and M.Cohen, "Integration of visual and auditory information in speech perception", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol 9, pp.753-771, 1983. 56. McClelland, J., B.L. McNaughton, and R.C. Reilly (1994) "Why there are Complementary Learning Systems in the Hippocampus and Neocortx: Insights from the Successes and Failures of Connectionist Models of Learning and Memeory", CMU Technical Report PDP_CNS.94.1, March 57. Miller, D.,J.Zurada and JH. Lilly, "Pruning via Dynamic Adaptation of the Forgetting Rate in Structural Learning," Proc. IEEE ICNN'96, Vol.1, p.448 (1996). 58. Mitchell, M.T. "Machine Learning", MacGraw-Hill (1997) 59. Mitchell, Melanie, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1996). 60. Mozer. M, and P.Smolensky, A technique for trimming the fat from a network via relevance assessment, in: D.Touretzky (ed) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.2, Morgan Kaufmann, 598-605 (1989). 61. Quartz, S.R., and Sejnowski, T.J. The neural basis of cognitive development: a constructivist manifesto, Behavioral and Brain Science, to appear 62. Reed, R. (1993) Pruning algorithms - a survey, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 4 (5) 740-747. 63. Robins, A. Consolidation in neural networks and the sleeping brain, Connection Science, 8, 2 (1996) 259-275 64. Rummery, G.A. and Niranjan, M., On-line Q-learning using connectionist systems, Cambridge University Engineering Department, CUED/F-INENG/TR 166 (1994) 65. Sanchez, E. , DNA Biosoft Computing, in: Methodology for the Conception, design, and Application of Intelligent Systems, Proc. Iizuka'96, 30-37 66. Sankar, A. and R.J. Mammone, Growing and Pruning Neural Tree Networks, IEEE Trans. Comput. 42(3) 291-299 (1993). 67. 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    Looking for a new AI paradigm: Evolving connectionist and fuzzy connectionist systems—Theory and applications for adaptive, on-line intelligent systems

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    Please note that this is a searchable PDF derived via optical character recognition (OCR) from the original source document. As the OCR process is never 100% perfect, there may be some discrepancies between the document image and the underlying text.The paper introduces one paradigm of neuro-fuzzy techniques and an approach to building on-line, adaptive intelligent systems. This approach is called evolving connectionist systems (ECOS). ECOS evolve through incremental, on-line learning, both supervised and unsupervised. They can accommodate new input data, including new features, new classes, etc. The ECOS framework is presented and illustrated on a particular type of evolving neural networks—evolving fuzzy neural networks. ECOS are three to six orders of magnitude faster than the multilayer perceptrons, or the fuzzy neural networks, trained with the backpropagation algorithm, or with a genetic programming technique. ECOS belong to the new generation of adaptive intelligent systems. This is illustrated on several real world problems for adaptive, on-line classification, prediction, decision making and control: phoneme-based speech recognition; moving person identification; wastewater flow time-series prediction and control; intelligent agents; financial time series prediction and control. The principles of recurrent ECOS and reinforcement learning are outlined.Unpublished1. Almeida,L., T. Langlois, J. Amaral, J. On-line Step Size Adaptation, Technical Report, INESC RT07/97, 1997 2. Altman, G., Cognitive Models of Speech Processing, MIT Press, 1990 3. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. eds (1997) Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, Springer Verlag 4. Andrews, R., J. Diederich, A.B.Tickle, "A Survey and Critique of Techniques for Extracting Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks", Knowledge-Based Systems, 8, 373-389 (1995). 5. Arbib, M. 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    A bilingual speech interface for New Zealand English to Māori

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    The 'Bilingual Speech Interface for New Zealand English to Māori ' is part of the 'Intelligent Human Computer Interfaces' project under 'Objective 3' of the 'Connectionist-Based Information Systems' programme (FoRST UOO606) Department of Information Science, University of Otago. The project experiments with artificial intelligent knowledge-based engineering methodologies and techniques for designing tools that utilise a hybrid system approach that is both adaptable and flexible to different speakers and languages-namely New Zealand English and Māori. Artificial neural networks, fuzzy rule-based inferencing techniques, genetic algorithms and multimedia based applications form the multiple paradigm approaches for solving real applied problems for speech generation. All are fundamental in the developmental direction of an intelligent human computer interface. Multimedia interfaces to databases use conventional software engineering techniques for the management, access and retrieval of information, therefore, implementing an interface application to access a speech and language database means that a change in computer interaction from manual to automatic control is facilitated between the user and the database. The 'Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Speech Recognition System' called HySpeech is based on isolated word recognition for New Zealand English that utilises an English-Māori lexical database to provide an automatic language translator or 'Talking Dictionary'. The current development with version two of HySpeech incorporates the advanced 'Fuzzy Neural Network' models with new 'Learning with Forgetting' algorithms for better speaker adaptive capabilities, an aggregation function provides cleaner phoneme compression and 'Self-Organising Maps' for phoneme and word lists-all to facilitate new language modelling techniques. The language information is housed in a separate database management system designed for HySpeech, it contains; the speakers' characteristics, English and Māori words, phonetic transcriptions and pronunciations, segmental labels, phoneme activation and co-ordinate vectors, and a growing set of digitised Māori speech examples. The interface component of HySpeech thus comprises and text examples from the aforementioned database, interactive dialogues, and a graphical user interface generated environment. Also, experiments in artificial language generation for speech synthesis provide the system with some knowledge and information about the languages. The system could therefore be capable of recreating a form of machine generated speech. Many approaches are available to facilitate synthesised speech, so by utilising the present methodologies and techniques, there is a future solution that can run parallel to the existing direction of HySpeech, for a complete bilingual speech interface. 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