4 research outputs found

    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Elektro (SNPTE) 2013

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    Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Elektro (SNPTE) 2013 ini diselenggarakan sebagai wahana bagi akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, asosiasi, industri dan pengambil kebijakan untuk bisa saling bertukar pikiran, bertukar pendapat, mempresentasikan pengalaman-pengalaman hasil penelitian maupun hasil kajian di bidang Pendidikan dan Teknologi Elektro. Tema dalam SNPTE 2013 ini adalah "Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Kejuruan Mengacu Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI)"

    Factors affecting awareness on information security in Internet banking among Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) students

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    Internet banking is becoming one of the important services to many consumers.Most of the banking transactions can now be done online regardless of time and place.Information security is one of the crucial components in Internet banking where it ensures the confidentiality of bank users’ information.It was found that there is lack of empirical studies on awareness of information security in Internet banking among tertiary education students.Therefore, this study is conducted to fulfill two objectives; (1) to identify potential factors that can influence awareness on information security in Internet banking among tertiary education students, and (2) to measure the relationship between the identified factors and the level of awareness on information security for Internet banking among tertiary education students.Seven factors have been identified from the literature including security concern, security care, social norm, computer literacy, regulatory literacy, recovery facility and information support.This study applied questionnaire instrument to evaluate the relationship between the identified factors and the level of awareness on Internet banking information security among tertiary education students.Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) students have been selected as subject for this study which represent tertiary education students. Descriptive and inferential analyses were used to analyze the consolidated data.Results showed that all seven factors influenced the level of awareness except the social norm

    Informational Technology and Its Impact on American Education

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    A report by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) that "examines both the demands that the information revolution will make on education and the opportunities afforded by the new information technologies to meet those demands" (p. iii)

    The Development of New Conceptual Model for MobileSchool

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