24 research outputs found

    The Dark SIDH of Isogenies

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    Many isogeny-based cryptosystems are believed to rely on the hardness of the Supersingular Decision Diffie-Hellman (SSDDH) problem. However, most cryptanalytic efforts have treated the hardness of this problem as being equivalent to the more generic supersingular e\ell^e-isogeny problem --- an established hard problem in number theory. In this work, we shine some light on the possibility that the combination of two additional pieces of information given in practical SSDDH instances --- the image of the torsion subgroup, and the starting curve\u27s endomorphism ring --- can lead to better attacks cryptosystems relying on this assumption. We show that SIKE/SIDH are secure against our techniques. However, in certain settings, e.g., multi-party protocols, our results may suggest a larger gap between the security of these cryptosystems and the e\ell^e-isogeny problem. Our analysis relies on the ability to find many endomorphisms on the base curve that have special properties. To the best of our knowledge, this class of endomorphisms has never been studied in the literature. We informally discuss the parameter sets where these endomorphisms should exist. We also present an algorithm which may provide information about additional torsion points under the party\u27s private isogeny, which is of independent interest. Finally, we present a minor variation of the SIKE protocol that avoids exposing a known endomorphism ring

    Cryptography on Isogeny Graphs

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    How Not to Create an Isogeny-Based PAKE

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    Isogeny-based key establishment protocols are believed to be resistant to quantum cryptanalysis. Two such protocols---supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and commutative supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (CSIDH)---are of particular interest because of their extremely small public key sizes compared with other post-quantum candidates. Although SIDH and CSIDH allow us to achieve key establishment against passive adversaries and authenticated key establishment (using generic constructions), there has been little progress in the creation of provably-secure isogeny-based password-authenticated key establishment protocols (PAKEs). This is in stark contrast with the classical setting, where the Diffie-Hellman protocol can be tweaked in a number of straightforward ways to construct PAKEs, such as EKE, SPEKE, PAK (and variants), J-PAKE, and Dragonfly. Although SIDH and CSIDH superficially resemble Diffie-Hellman, it is often difficult or impossible to ``translate\u27\u27 these Diffie-Hellman-based protocols to the SIDH or CSIDH setting; worse still, even when the construction can be ``translated,\u27\u27 the resultant protocol may be insecure, even if the Diffie-Hellman based protocol is secure. In particular, a recent paper of Terada and Yoneyama and ProvSec 2019 purports to instantiate encrypted key exchange (EKE) over SIDH and CSIDH; however, there is a subtle problem which leads to an offline dictionary attack on the protocol, rendering it insecure. In this work we present man-in-the-middle and offline dictionary attacks on isogeny-based PAKEs from the literature, and explain why other classical constructions do not ``translate\u27\u27 securely to the isogeny-based setting

    POKE: A Framework for Efficient PKEs, Split KEMs, and OPRFs from Higher-dimensional Isogenies

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    We introduce a new framework, POKE, to build cryptographic protocols from irrational isogenies using higher-dimensional representations. The framework enables two parties to manipulate higher-dimensional representations of isogenies to efficiently compute their pushforwards, and ultimately to obtain a shared secret. We provide three constructions based on POKE: the first is a PKE protocol, which is one of the most compact post-quantum PKEs and possibly the most efficient isogeny-based PKE to date. We then introduce a validation technique to ensure the correctness of uniSIDH public keys: by combining the validation method with a POKE-based construction, we obtain a split KEM, a primitive that generalizes NIKEs and can be used to instantiate a post-quantum version of the Signal\u27s X3DH protocol. The third construction builds upon the split KEM and its validation method to obtain a round-optimal verifiable OPRF. It is the first such construction that does not require more than λ\lambda isogeny computations, and it is significantly more compact and more efficient than all other isogeny-based OPRFs

    Faster Isogenies for Quantum-Safe SIKE

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    In the third round of the NIST PQC standardization process, the only isogeny-based candidate, SIKE, suffers from slow performance when compared to other contenders. The large-degree isogeny computation performs a series of isogenous mappings between curves, to account for about 80% of SIKE’s latency. Here, we propose, implement, and evaluate a new method for computing large-degree isogenies of an odd power. Our new strategy for this computation avoids expensive recomputation of temporary isogeny results.We modified open-source libraries targeting x86, ARM64, and ARM32 platforms. Across each of these implementations, our new method achieves 10% and 5% speedups in SIKE’s key encapsulation and decapsulation operations, respectively. Additionally, these implementations use 3% less stack space at only a 48 byte increase in code size. Given the benefit and simplicity of our approach, we recommend this method for current and emerging SIKE implementations

    M-SIDH and MD-SIDH: countering SIDH attacks by masking information

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    The SIDH protocol is an isogeny-based key exchange protocol using supersingular isogenies, designed by Jao and De Feo in 2011. The protocol underlies the SIKE algorithm which advanced to the fourth round of NIST\u27s post-quantum standardization project in May 2022. The algorithm was considered very promising: indeed the most significant attacks against SIDH were meet-in-the-middle variants with exponential complexity, and torsion point attacks which only applied to unbalanced parameters (and in particular, not to SIKE). This security picture dramatically changed in August 2022 with new attacks by Castryck-Decru, Maino-Martindale and Robert. Like prior attacks on unbalanced versions, these new attacks exploit torsion point information provided in the SIDH protocol. Crucially however, the new attacks embed the isogeny problem into a similar isogeny problem in a higher dimension to also affect the balanced parameters. As a result of these works, the SIKE algorithm is now fully broken both in theory and in practice. Given the considerable interest attracted by SIKE and related protocols in recent years, it is natural to seek countermeasures to the new attacks. In this paper, we introduce two such countermeasures based on partially hiding the isogeny degrees and torsion point information in the SIDH protocol. We present a preliminary analysis of the resulting schemes including non-trivial generalizations of prior attacks. Based on this analysis we suggest parameters for our M-SIDH variant with public key sizes of 4434, 7037 and 9750 bytes respectively for NIST security levels 1, 3, 5

    Security Analysis of Isogeny-Based Cryptosystems

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    Let EE be a supersingular elliptic curve over a finite field. In this document we study public-key encryption schemes which use non-constant rational maps from EE. The purpose of this study is to determine if such cryptosystems are secure. Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and other supersingular isogeny-based cryptosystems are considered. The content is naturally divided by cryptosystem, and in the case of SIDH, further divided by type of cryptanalysis: SIDH when the endomorphism ring of the base elliptic curve is given (as is done in practice), repeated use of keys in SIDH, and endomorphism ring constructing algorithms. In each case the relevent background material is presented to develop the theory. In studying the security of SIDH when the endomorphism ring of the base curve EE is known, one of the main results is the following. This theorem is then used to reduce the security of such an SIDH instantiation to the problem of finding particular endomorphisms in \End(E). \begin{thm} Given \begin{enumerate} \item a supersingular elliptic curve E/\FQ such that p=N1N21p = N_1 N_2 - 1 for coprime N1N2N_1\approx N_2, where N2N_2 is logp\log p-smooth, \item an elliptic curve EE' that is the codomain of an N1N_1-isogeny ϕ:EE\phi:E\rightarrow E', \item the action of ϕ\phi on E[N2]E[N_2], and \item a kk-endomorphism ψ\psi of EE, where gcd(k,N1)=1\gcd(k, N_1) = 1, and if \g is the greatest integer such that gN22g\mid N_2^2 and gkg\mid k, then \h := \frac{k}{g} < N_1, \end{enumerate} there exists a classical algorithm with worst case runtime \tilde{O}(\h^3) which decides whether ψ(kerϕ)=kerϕ\psi(\ker\phi) = \ker\phi or not, but may give false positives with probability 1p\approx \frac{1}{\sqrt{p}}. Further, if \h is logp\log{p}-smooth, then the runtime is \tilde{O} (\sqrt{\h}). \end{thm} In studying the security of repeated use of SIDH public keys, the main result presented is the following theorem, which proves that performing multiple pairwise instances of SIDH prevents certain active attacks when keys are reused. \begin{thm} Assuming that the CSSI problem is intractable, it is computationally infeasible for a malicious adversary, with non-negligible probability, to modify a public key (EB,ϕB(PA),ϕB(QA))(E_B,\phi_B(P_A),\phi_B(Q_A)) to some (EB,R,S)(E_B,R,S) which is malicious for SIDH. \end{thm} It is well known that the problem of computing hidden supersingular isogenies can be reduced to computing the endomorphism rings of the domain and codomain elliptic curves. A novel algorithm for computing an order in the endomorphism ring of a supersingular elliptic curve is presented and analyzed to have runtime O(p1/2(logp)2)O(p^{1/2}(\log p)^2). In studying non-SIDH cryptosystems, four other isogeny-based cryptosystems are examined. The first three were all proposed by the same authors and use secret endomorphisms. These are each shown to be either totally insecure (private keys can be recovered directly from public keys) or impractical to implement efficiently. The fourth scheme is a novel proposal which attempts to combine isogenies with the learning with errors problem. This proposal is also shown to be totally insecure

    Failing to hash into supersingular isogeny graphs

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    An important open problem in supersingular isogeny-based cryptography is to produce, without a trusted authority, concrete examples of "hard supersingular curves" that is, equations for supersingular curves for which computing the endomorphism ring is as difficult as it is for random supersingular curves. A related open problem is to produce a hash function to the vertices of the supersingular \ell-isogeny graph which does not reveal the endomorphism ring, or a path to a curve of known endomorphism ring. Such a hash function would open up interesting cryptographic applications. In this paper, we document a number of (thus far) failed attempts to solve this problem, in the hope that we may spur further research, and shed light on the challenges and obstacles to this endeavour. The mathematical approaches contained in this article include: (i) iterative root-finding for the supersingular polynomial; (ii) gcd's of specialized modular polynomials; (iii) using division polynomials to create small systems of equations; (iv) taking random walks in the isogeny graph of abelian surfaces; and (v) using quantum random walks.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figure

    Solving the Hidden Number Problem for CSIDH and CSURF via Automated Coppersmith

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    We define and analyze the Commutative Isogeny Hidden Number Problem which is the natural analogue of the Hidden Number Problem in the CSIDH and CSURF setting. In short, the task is as follows: Given two supersingular elliptic curves EAE_A, EBE_B and access to an oracle that outputs some of the most significant bits of the CDH{\mathsf{CDH}} of two curves, an adversary must compute the shared curve EAB=CDH(EA,EB)E_{AB}={\mathsf{CDH}}(E_A,E_B). We show that we can recover EABE_{AB} in polynomial time by using Coppersmith\u27s method as long as the oracle outputs 1324+ε54%{\frac{13}{24}} + \varepsilon \approx 54\% (CSIDH) and 3141+ε76%{\frac{31}{41}} + \varepsilon \approx 76\% (CSURF) of the most significant bits of the CDH{\mathsf{CDH}}, where ε>0\varepsilon > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant. To this end, we give a purely combinatorial restatement of Coppersmith\u27s method, effectively concealing the intricate aspects of lattice theory and allowing for near-complete automation. By leveraging this approach, we attain recovery attacks with ε\varepsilon close to zero within a few minutes of computation