45 research outputs found

    Lower bounds for dilation, wirelength, and edge congestion of embedding graphs into hypercubes

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    Interconnection networks provide an effective mechanism for exchanging data between processors in a parallel computing system. One of the most efficient interconnection networks is the hypercube due to its structural regularity, potential for parallel computation of various algorithms, and the high degree of fault tolerance. Thus it becomes the first choice of topological structure of parallel processing and computing systems. In this paper, lower bounds for the dilation, wirelength, and edge congestion of an embedding of a graph into a hypercube are proved. Two of these bounds are expressed in terms of the bisection width. Applying these results, the dilation and wirelength of embedding of certain complete multipartite graphs, folded hypercubes, wheels, and specific Cartesian products are computed

    Per-RMAP: Feasibility-Seeking and Superiorization Methods for Floorplanning with I/O Assignment

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    The feasibility-seeking approach provides a systematic scheme to manage and solve complex constraints for continuous problems, and we explore it for the floorplanning problems with increasingly heterogeneous constraints. The classic legality constraints can be formulated as the union of convex sets. However, the convergence of conventional projection-based algorithms is not guaranteed as the constrain sets are non-convex. In this work, we propose a resetting strategy to greatly eliminate the the divergence issue of the projection-based algorithm for the feasibility-seeking formulation. Furthermore, the superiorization methodology (SM), which lies between feasibility-seeking and constrained optimization, is firstly applied to floorplanning. The SM uses perturbations to steer the feasibility-seeking algorithm to a feasible solution with shorter total wirelength. The proposed flow is extendable to tackle various constraints and variants of floorplanning problems, e.g., floorplanning with I/O assignment problems. We have evaluated the proposed algorithm on the MCNC benchmarks. We can obtain legal floorplans only two times slower than the branch-and-bound method in its current prototype using MATLAB, with only 3% wirelength inferior to the optimal results. We evaluate the effectiveness of the flow by considering the constraints of I/O assignment, and our algorithm achieve 8% improvement on wirelength.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the International Symposium of EDA (Electronics Design Automation) ISEDA-2023, Nanjing, China, May 8-11, 202

    On-Chip Transparent Wire Pipelining (invited paper)

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    Wire pipelining has been proposed as a viable mean to break the discrepancy between decreasing gate delays and increasing wire delays in deep-submicron technologies. Far from being a straightforwardly applicable technique, this methodology requires a number of design modifications in order to insert it seamlessly in the current design flow. In this paper we briefly survey the methods presented by other researchers in the field and then we thoroughly analyze the solutions we recently proposed, ranging from system-level wire pipelining to physical design aspects

    Routing congestion analysis and reduction in deep sub-micron VLSI design

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    Congestion is one of the main optimization objectives in global routing. However, the optimization performance is constrained because the cells are already fixed at this stage. Therefore, designer can save substantial time and resources by detecting and reducing congested regions during the planning stages. An efficient and yet accurate congestion estimation model is crucial to be included in the inner loop of floorplanning and placement design. In this dissertation, we mainly focus on routing congestion modeling and reduction during floorplanning and placement

    Physical design algorithms for asynchronous circuits

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    Asynchronous designs have been demonstrated to be able to achieve both higher performance and lower power compared with their synchronous counterparts. It provides a very promising solution to the emerging challenges in advanced technology. However, due to the lack of proper EDA tool support, the design cycle for asynchronous circuits is much longer compared with the one for synchronous circuits. Thus, even with many advantages, asynchronous circuits are still not the mainstream in the industry. In this thesis, we provides several algorithms to resolve the emerging issues for the physical design of asynchronous circuits. Our proposed algorithms optimize asynchronous circuits using placement, gate sizing, repeater insertion and pipeline buffer insertion techniques. An incremental maximum cycle ratio algorithm is also proposed to speed up the timing analysis of asynchronous circuits

    Variation and power issues in VLSI clock networks

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    Clock Distribution Network (CDN) is an important component of any synchronous logic circuit. The function of CDN is to deliver the clock signal to the clock sinks. Clock skew is defined as the difference in the arrival time of the clock signal at the clock sinks. Higher uncertainty in skew (due to PVT variations) degrades circuit performance by decreasing the maximum possible delay between any two sequential elements. Aggressive frequency scaling has also led to high power consumption especially in CDN. This dissertation addresses variation and power issues in the design of current and potential future CDN. The research detailed in this work presents algorithmic techniques for the following problems: (1) Variation tolerance in useful skew design, (2) Link insertion for buffered clock nets, (3) Methodology and algorithms for rotary clocking and (4) Clock mesh optimization for skew-power trade off. For clock trees this dissertation presents techniques to integrate the different aspects of clock tree synthesis (skew scheduling, abstract topology and layout embedding) into one framework- tolerance to variations. This research addresses the issues involved in inserting cross-links in a buffered clock tree and proposes design criteria to avoid the risk of short-circuit current. Rotary clocking is a promising new clocking scheme that consists of unterminated rings formed by differential transmission lines. Rotary clocking achieves reduction in power dissipation clock skew. This dissertation addresses the issues in adopting current CAD methodology to rotary clocks. Alternative methodology and corresponding algorithmic techniques are detailed. Clock mesh is a popular form of CDN used in high performance systems. The problem of simultaneous sizing and placement of mesh buffers in a clock mesh is addressed. The algorithms presented remove the edges from the clock mesh to trade off skew tolerance for low power. For clock trees as well as link insertion, our experiments indicate significant reduction in clock skew due to variations. For clock mesh, experimental results indicate 18.5% reduction in power with 1.3% delay penalty on a average. In summary, this dissertation details methodologies/algorithms that address two critical issues- variation and power dissipation in current and potential future CDN

    High-performance Global Routing for Trillion-gate Systems-on-Chips.

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    Due to aggressive transistor scaling, modern-day CMOS circuits have continually increased in both complexity and productivity. Modern semiconductor designs have narrower and more resistive wires, thereby shifting the performance bottleneck to interconnect delay. These trends considerably impact timing closure and call for improvements in high-performance physical design tools to keep pace with the current state of IC innovation. As leading-edge designs may incorporate tens of millions of gates, algorithm and software scalability are crucial to achieving reasonable turnaround time. Moreover, with decreasing device sizes, optimizing traditional objectives is no longer sufficient. Our research focuses on (i) expanding the capabilities of standalone global routing, (ii) extending global routing for use in different design applications, and (iii) integrating routing within broader physical design optimizations and flows, e.g., congestion-driven placement. Our first global router relies on integer-linear programming (ILP), and can solve fairly large problem instances to optimality. Our second iterative global router relies on Lagrangian relaxation, where we relax the routing violation constraints to allowing routing overflow at a penalty. In both approaches, our desire is to give the router the maximum degree of freedom within a specified context. Empirically, both routers produce competitive results within a reasonable amount of runtime. To improve routability, we explore the incorporation of routing with placement, where the router estimates congestion and feeds this information to the placer. In turn, the emphasis on runtime is heightened, as the router will be invoked multiple times. Empirically, our placement-and-route framework significantly improves the final solution’s routability than performing the steps sequentially. To further enhance routability-driven placement, we (i) leverage incrementality to generate fast and accurate congestion maps, and (ii) develop several techniques to relieve cell-based and layout-based congestion. To broaden the scope of routing, we integrate a global router in a chip-design flow that addresses the buffer explosion problem.PHDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98025/1/jinhu_1.pd