4 research outputs found

    XNORBIN: A 95 TOp/s/W Hardware Accelerator for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deploying state-of-the-art CNNs requires power-hungry processors and off-chip memory. This precludes the implementation of CNNs in low-power embedded systems. Recent research shows CNNs sustain extreme quantization, binarizing their weights and intermediate feature maps, thereby saving 8-32\x memory and collapsing energy-intensive sum-of-products into XNOR-and-popcount operations. We present XNORBIN, an accelerator for binary CNNs with computation tightly coupled to memory for aggressive data reuse. Implemented in UMC 65nm technology XNORBIN achieves an energy efficiency of 95 TOp/s/W and an area efficiency of 2.0 TOp/s/MGE at 0.8 V

    Problems of Control and Information Theory

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    1976 / 1. szám Krasovskii, A. A.: A generalization of a control system analytical design problem Beneš, J.: Stochastic control of impulses on plane crystallographic group lattices Petrov, B. N. - Dobrushin, R. L. - Pinsker, M. S. - Ulanov, G. M. -Ulyanov, S. V.: On some interrelations between the theories of information and control Frey, T. - Gyürki, J.: Recursive state and parameter estimation in nonlinear stochastic systems. I Kazakov, I. E.: Analytical synthesis of the statistical quasioptimal control of the nonlinear subject Schwarz, H.: Markov-parameter representation of linear timevariable systems with separable system functions Butkovskii, A. G. - Mustafaev, M. I.: Fundamental finite control Rao, A. N. V. - Tsokos, C. P.: On the existence and stability behavior of a stochastic integral equation in a Banach space Raibman, N. S.: The Sixth Congress of IFAC Book review 1976 / 2. szám Lunderstädt, R.: Transportation systems with optimal parameters Nevelson, M. B.: On stochastic approximation processes by sums of independent random variables Rejtő, L.: Pattern recognition in a Markovian case Mikhailov, F. A.: The method of generalized characteristic equation in the Theory of linear time-varying systems Sultan, M. A.: A method of analysis of a limit cycling relay system Grodzki, Z.: New class of the controlled schift-registers. I Rodionova, N. I.: The 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Book Review 1976 / 3. szám Goppa, V. D.: Deocding and diophantine approximations Raczyński, S.: A global optimization procedure for dynamic systems Fritz, J.: Two optimization methods in nearest neighbor pattern classification Donkov, D. - Glushkov, L.: Simulation models of computing systems with two different memory structures Grodzki, Z.: New class of the controlled shift-registers. II Lantos, B.: Necessary conditions for the optimality in abstract optimum control problems with nonscalar-valued performance criterion The IVth IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation Book Review 1976 / 4. szám Krasovskii, N. N.: Game-theoretic control under incomplete phase-state information Frigyes, A.: A special method of fast Fourier transform to determine the low and middle frequency portion of the frequency characteristic of a control system Giorgadze, A. Kh.: An approach to decomposition of probabilistic automata Rózsa, P. - Sinha, N. K.: Decoupling and pole placement in linear multivariable systems: A direct algebraic approach Masgras, V. V.: Connection between the weight distributions of a group code and its dual Fritz, J. - Györfi, L.: On the minimization of classification error probability in statistical pattern recognition Book review 1976 / 5-6. szám Emelyanov, S. V. - Larichev, O. I.: A multi-criteria approach to applied R and D planning: the case of qualitative criteria Pupkov, K. A. - Moroz, A. I.: Contribution to the theory of relay-linear control laws Pospelov, D. A. - Cherezova, N. N. - Shapiro, D. I.: Situation recognition in the pursuit problem Romanov, V. G.: On method of moment dynamics Györfi, L.: An upper bound of error probabilities for multihypotheses testing and its application in adaptive pattern recognition Kárpáti, A. - Szentai, E. - Ipsits, I. - Hermann, I.: Computerized reliability study of thyristorized continuous power supply system