3,671 research outputs found

    A Community of Women in Clorinda Matto De Turner\u27s Indole

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    The focus of this study is Clorinda Matto de Turner’s novel, Índole. After an introduction to the topic in Chapter I, Chapter II will explore the feminist ideas that Matto de Turner described in her essays and other short writings. It will specifically deal with the idea of a community of women, gender and androgyny, Matto de Turner’s appeal for women’s rights, the concept of “la mujer peruana”, and the duties of women workers. In Chapter III, I will analyze Índole and examine the domestic community that the novel presents. I will discuss female morality and responsibility for the morality of the family. Lastly, I will conclude this work with an examination of the three distinct classes of women presented in Matto de Turner’s works, reflect on the characteristics of each class, and explain how Matto de Turner’s role as an author relates to this class system

    Microtremor response of a mass movement in Federal District of Brazil

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    The present study provides a brief description of the ambient noise recorded at a slow moving mass movement in RibeirĂŁo Contagem Basin. The area is an interesting natural laboratory as river detachment processes in a number of different stages can be identified and are easily accessible. We investigate the site dynamic characteristics of the study area by recording ambient noise time-series at nine points, using portable nine three-component short period seismometers. The time-series are processed to give both horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) curves as well as time-frequency plots of noise power spectral density (SPD). The HVSR curves illustrate and quantify aspects of site resonance effects due to underlying geology. Probability density function (PDF) shows that noise level lies well between new high noise model (NHNM) and new lower noise model (NLNM) and their probabilities are higher above 2 Hz. HVSR curves present a uniform lithologically controlled peak at 2 Hz. Directional properties of the wavefield are determined by beamforming method. The f-k analysis results in the E-W component show that at 5 Hz phase velocities are close to 1700 m/s while at 10 Hz dropped to 250 m/s. We observed that between 5 and 16 Hz the incoming wavefield arrive from 260 degrees. Further studies will apply a detailed noise analysis for the understanding of dynamics of the mass movement, which is triggered by the river erosion

    Market analysis for Acrean timbers

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    In the state of Acre (Brazil), keys of development are the valorization of natural resources, which include non-ligneous and timber products. The need to develop a sustainable wood industry lead to assess markets that can be targeted from Acre in an sustainable and economic way. The objective of this analysis is so to highlight the opportunities and the marketing strategies that are the most suitable from a timber business point of view, in the specific context of Acre. Care should be taken that all the conclusions that can be interpreted from this work are valid from a timber business point of view, but these market considerations don’t necessarily prevail on other considerations, such as social or political ones. From a general point of view, Acre State, despite its remote location, is not independent of the globalization process. This means that the market analysis is required to start from the world level markets, and has to deepen progressively down to national, regional and local levels, in order to correctly isolate which are the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the specific Acrean context.

    Big Data Analytics Framework for Effective Higher Education Institutions

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    There has been an increased dependency on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in undertaking various activities in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) ecosystems. Because of that, huge volumes of data have increasingly been generated. There have been, for instance, considerable amounts of data generated through electronic platforms involved in students’ admission and registration process, students’ academic records management, teaching and learning data, curriculum related data, and several other administrative data. Analysis of data generated from these platforms stands to give students, lecturers, HEIs Management, policy makers and implementers, and other stakeholders useful insights that would help in improving HEIs’ effectiveness. Unfortunately, literature have identified several challenges associated with existing big data analytics frameworks in HEIs. It was on this line that the present study, which was based on desk research, was carried out to propose an effective big data framework for analytics of such data. The proposed framework is composed of five stages; data collection, data pre-processing, data storage, data analytics, and data visualization. The stages were arranged systematically to address the identified challenges in the existing frameworks. Effective implementation of this framework will help HEIs to make a productive use of various data they generate. This will ultimately be beneficial to not only HEIs but also to aspired students, labour market, the government and the public at large

    Parents: Active partners in the educational achievement of their children

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    Parents exercise a significant influence on student achievement and psychosocial functioning within the school environment. However, the best way to involve parents as active partners in the education of their children is not always evident. This article explores the perceptions of parents and their role in the academic achievement of students in nine high performing Catholic secondary schools in Western Australia. Initially, the review of literature focuses on three constructs: relational trust, parental involvement and policy documents for Catholic schools. Data collection involved a series of focus group interviews in which parents were invited to reflect not only on their role but also on the impact of school leaders, teachers and student peers on their sons and daughters achievement. The findings of the study are outlined under the following themes: the place of school leadership; the significant role of teachers in their child’s academic achievement; teachers knowing the students; the influence of school culture; and parental reflections on their own capacity to enhance the educational experience of their child

    How Natural Are the “Natural” Materials? Proposal for a Quali-Quantitative Measurement Index of Naturalness in the Environmental Sustainability Context

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    The overall purpose of the paper is overcoming the misunderstanding of the “naturalness” attribute of materials. This is due to the always-increasing innovative materials considered “environmentally sustainable” and “natural” by producers, material libraries, and designers. The investigated research problem is: how to simply and effectively evaluate the degree of naturalness of a material, preventing a complete and complex LCA analysis? The basic design of the study was focused on (i) creating a multicriteria quali-quantitative method—Material Naturalness Index (MNI)— in order to assess materials’ naturalness scientifically, and (ii) test it by running the evaluation on 60 innovative materials. MNI was set considering the least number of parameters of the Material Life Cycle (i.e., resource kingdom, material resource, material processing, post-use processing). The 60 latest materials selected from the “natural” material family of six international material libraries were selected to test the index. The data analysis was based on the Theory of Attractive Quality, considering attractive, must-be, or reverse qualities. Major findings concerning the index utility were found as a result. MNI was demonstrated to support different actors with different aims: (i) designers, in independently evaluating naturalness of materials using real evidence and pursuing a critical point of view not influenced by marketing claims; (ii) producers, in facing the challenge of naturalness; (iii) material libraries, which are collocated between the two other actors, in proposing measurable information concerning naturalness. In conclusion, the study demonstrated how the key-concept of “naturalness” should be assumed as an attribute rather than as a material family

    Examining the Association Between Self-Concept Clarity and Self-Esteem on a Sample of Romanian Students

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    AbstractCurrent studies indicate that Self-Esteem is positively related to Self-Concept Clarity; findings highlighting that people with a higher Self-Concept Clarity also attained high levels of Self-Esteem. The Self-Concept Clarity Scale (Campbell, Trapnell, Heine, Katz, Lavallee & Lehman, 1996) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) were applied on a sample of 149 Romanian students. Results indicate strong correlations between the two constructs, the male students obtaining stronger correlation levels than the female students. The obtained findings support previous research conducted on students of other nationalities

    A Literature Review on Current Uses of Art therapy in Short-Term Adult Inpatient Setting

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    Current short-term adult inpatient psychiatric treatment presents with multiple challenges to researchers and practitioners due to the extremely short length of stay (3-10 days). Other compounding factors that make this level of treatment difficult to navigate are multidisciplinary treatment team barriers and a heterogeneous group of patients and psychopathologies, all of which influence the quality of treatment provided. In this treatment approach, art therapy has been found to be under-utilized because of the scarcity of dedicated research that satisfies the needs of the short-term adult inpatient setting. As a result, the effectiveness of art therapy has not translated into the public and mental health fields efficiently as a way to gain traction in a competitive healthcare environment. This literature review addresses the current role, function, and knowledge of art therapy, and sheds light on the areas of strengths and weakness in current art therapy research for the short-term adult inpatient setting. Through multiple avenues of literature, art therapy has shown to be effective, economic and more powerful when theoretically revised and disciplinarily integrated into short-term inpatient psychiatric treatment. This literature review provides comprehensive knowledge and data of this area of treatment as a means to inform mental health professionals how to optimize potential treatment of art therapy. The findings from the review are translated to present a theoretical framework for consideration of art therapy as the standard of care and encourage the collaborative use of the multimodality model in the short-term adult inpatient setting

    Communicating Emotion Through Images and Music in Narrative Film

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    Art can be the bearer of expressive qualities embodied into the work by its creator. The creator of the work can imbed into the work his or her own feelings which are deeper than mere emotions. The emotions can be named, but the feelings are on a deeper subconscious more intangible level for which mere labels can not describe, but which in sensitive hands can be incorporated into the work. In the case of narrative film, which is a collaborative art form, it is the choices made by the film\u27s director which facilitates this process, augmented by the musical score when present. The feelings and emotion embedded into the film are in the form of vital energies which can be felt by the viewer. In narrative film it is the images and music that communicates the emotion to the audience
