101,312 research outputs found

    The structure of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: A mapping on the basis of aggregated citations among 1,157 journals

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    Using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) 2008, we apply mapping techniques previously developed for mapping journal structures in the Science and Social Science Citation Indices. Citation relations among the 110,718 records were aggregated at the level of 1,157 journals specific to the A&HCI, and the journal structures are questioned on whether a cognitive structure can be reconstructed and visualized. Both cosine-normalization (bottom up) and factor analysis (top down) suggest a division into approximately twelve subsets. The relations among these subsets are explored using various visualization techniques. However, we were not able to retrieve this structure using the ISI Subject Categories, including the 25 categories which are specific to the A&HCI. We discuss options for validation such as against the categories of the Humanities Indicators of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the panel structure of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and compare our results with the curriculum organization of the Humanities Section of the College of Letters and Sciences of UCLA as an example of institutional organization

    Post-digital humanities: computation and cultural critique in the arts and humanities

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    Today we live in computational abundance whereby our everyday lives and the environment that surrounds us are suffused with digital technologies. This is a world of anticipatory technology and contextual computing that uses smart diffused computational processing to create a fine web of computational resources that are embedded into the material world. Thus, the historical distinction between the digital and the non-digital becomes increasingly blurred, to the extent that to talk about the digital presupposes an experiential disjuncture that makes less and less sense. Indeed, just as the ideas of “online” or “being online” have become anachronistic as a result of our always-on smartphones and tablets and widespread wireless networking technologies, so too the term “digital” perhaps assumes a world of the past

    Evaluation the software tools quality to thesaurus in the implementation of a controlled media art vocabulary

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    In this project, he develops the evaluation of seven thesaurus software tools, in the implementation of a controlled vocabulary, for the CAAC (Collections and Archives of Contemporary Art of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca, UCLM) in collaboration with UC3M; framed in the "Media Art vocabulary" project. For the conservation of artistic products as digital objects of the museum of Cuenca, Spain. The Construction and application of the thesaurus, Web implementation, publication of its terms as Linked Data, using TemaTres Software. A customized method is used combining quality, usability and semantic web techniques. A method was designed to evaluate the characteristics of each of the tools. Such as the availability of download, easy of access, use, learning, deployment on the server, sharing, and exchange of data, and free use. This study is a part project to Vocabularies for a Media Art Archives and Collections Network. This project establishes the scientific and methodological convergence of two research teams, one from Humanities, Art and Fine Arts, the other from Documentation, with a support of Computer Science and Audiovisual Communication. The importance of project progress lies in metadata labeling, identification by descriptors of the specific thesaurus, guarantee of semantic reuse of content, interoperability for a network of Media Art archives and collections, its digital continuity and dissemination in virtual spaces Wide projection. Winning the TemaTres tool, the thesaurus was implemented in the period from April to July 2019.The Minister of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) for the funding of the project "Vocabularies for a Network of Archives and Media Art Collections and its effects: metaliteracy and knowledge tourism" whose reference is HAR2016-75949-C2-1-R. The Fundación Carolina (Spain), in the program: "Estancias cortas postdoctorales" in colaboration The Exerior Relations Secretary (México)

    The Two Composers, November 19, 2009

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    This is the concert program of the Two Composers performance on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 7:30 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Catapult by Marc Berger, transit out by Ketty Nez, Viola Sonata by Peter Child, and Viola Sonata op. 53 by Charles Koechlin. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Center for the Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Coming Up Taller

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    Coming Up Taller is a report filled with hope, a narrative about youth learning to paint, sing, write plays and poems, take photographs, make videos and play drums or violins. Here are stories of children who learn to dance, mount exhibitions, explore the history of their neighborhoods and write and print their own books. This report documents arts and humanities programs in communities across America that offer opportunities for children and youth to learn new skills, expand their horizons and develop a sense of self, well-being and belonging. Coming Up Taller is also an account of the men and women who share their skills as they help to shape the talents of children and youth and tap their hidden potentials. These dedicated individuals, often working long hours for little pay, are educators, social workers, playwrights, actors, poets, videographers, museum curators, dancers, musicians, muralists, scholars and librarians. The President's Committee believes strongly in the importance of including the arts and the disciplines of the humanities in the school curriculum. This study looks at what happens to young people when they are not in school and when they need adult supervision, safe places to go and activities that expand their skills and offer them hope. The individual programs described in this study take place in many locations, some unusual, in their communities. Children, artists and scholars come together at cultural centers, museums, libraries, performing arts centers and arts schools, to be sure. Arts and humanities programs also are based at public radio and television stations, parks and recreation centers, churches, public housing complexes, teen centers, settlement houses and Boys and Girls Clubs. In places unnoticed by mainstream media, acts of commitment and achievement are evident every da

    2014-2015 President\u27s Report

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    The Linfield College President\u27s Annual Report is a collection of information about the year in review, including academics, student life and athletics, enrollment, finances, philanthropy, and leadership

    Do Education Decisions Respond to Returns by Field of Study?

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    We utilize the 2000 cohort of university graduates from the National Graduate Survey (NGS) to estimate the extent to which the choice of field of study is influenced by expected returns to those fields of study. The expected returns are based on earnings equations estimated from the earlier 1990 NGS cohort for the years 1992 and 1995 -- years that are around the time when the 2000 cohort would be applying to university and forming expectations of their expected returns by field of study. We estimate those expected returns using conventional OLS earnings equations as well as IV estimates to account for the potential endogeneity of the returns by field of study since selection effects may bias the expected returns. Our IV estimates utilize measures of skill-biased technological change as instruments. Overall, our results suggest that prospective students do choose fields of study in part at least on the basis of earnings they can expect to receive in those fields. Furthermore, earnings expectations formed around the time they are applying are more influential than earnings expectations based on years further away from that time, although both generally have an impact on the choice of field of study.Education decisions; field of study; returns to education; multi-nomial logits; National Graduate Survey (NGS)

    IMPACT: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Volume 4, Issue 1, Winter 2015

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    Impact: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning is a peer-reviewed, biannual online journal that publishes scholarly and creative non-fiction essays about the theory, practice and assessment of interdisciplinary education. Impact is produced by the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning at the College of General Studies, Boston University (www.bu.edu/cgs/citl)