12 research outputs found

    The codegree threshold for 3-graphs with independent neighborhoods

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    Given a family of 3-graphs F, we define its codegree threshold coex(n, F) to be the largest number d = d(n) such that there exists an n-vertex 3-graph in which every pair of vertices is contained in at least d 3-edges but which contains no member of F as a subgraph. Let F3,2 be the 3-graph on {a, b, c, d, e} with 3-edges abc, abd, abe, and cde. In this paper, we give two proofs that coex(n, {F3,2}) = 1 3 + o(1) n, the first by a direct combinatorial argument and the second via a flag algebra computation. Information extracted from the latter proof is then used to obtain a stability result, from which in turn we derive the exact codegree threshold for all sufficiently large n: coex(n, {F3,2}) = n/3 − 1 if n is congruent to 1 modulo 3, and n/3 otherwise. In addition we determine the set of codegree-extremal configurations for all sufficiently large n

    Improving bounds on packing densities of 4-point permutations

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    We consolidate what is currently known about packing densities of 4-point permutations and in the process improve the lower bounds for the packing densities of 1324 and 1342. We also provide rigorous upper bounds for the packing densities of 1324, 1342, and 2413. All our bounds are within 10−410^{-4} of the true packing densities. Together with the known bounds, this gives us a fairly complete picture of all 4-point packing densities. We also provide new upper bounds for several small permutations of length at least five. Our main tool for the upper bounds is the framework of flag algebras introduced by Razborov in 2007.Comment: journal style, 18 page

    Codegree Turán density of complete rr-uniform hypergraphs

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    Inducibility of directed paths

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    A long standing open problem in extremal graph theory is to describe all graphs that maximize the number of induced copies of a path on four vertices. The character of the problem changes in the setting of oriented graphs, and becomes more tractable. Here we resolve this problem in the setting of oriented graphs without transitive triangles

    Semidefinite Programming and Ramsey Numbers

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    We use the theory of flag algebras to find new upper bounds for several small graph and hypergraph Ramsey numbers. In particular, we prove the exact values R(K−, K−, K−) = 28, R(K8, C5) = 29, R(K9, C6) = 41, R(Q3, Q3) = 13, R(K3,5, K1,6) = 17, R(C3, C5, C5) = 17, and R(K−, K−; 3) = 12, and in addition improve many additional upper bounds