8 research outputs found

    The Roly-Poly Mouse: Designing a Rolling Input Device Unifying 2D and 3D Interaction

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    International audienceWe present the design and evaluation of the Roly-Poly Mouse (RPM), a rolling input device that combines the advantages of the mouse (position displacement) and of 3D devices (roll and rotation) to unify 2D and 3D interaction. Our first study explores RPM gesture amplitude and stability for different upper shapes (Hemispherical, Convex) and hand postures. 8 roll directions can be performed precisely and their amplitude is larger on Hemispherical RPM. As minor rolls affect translation, we propose a roll correction algorithm to support stable 2D pointing with RPM. We propose the use of compound gestures for 3D pointing and docking, and evaluate them against a commercial 3D device, the SpaceMouse. Our studies reveal that RPM performs 31% faster than the SpaceMouse for 3D pointing and equivalently for 3D rotation. Finally, we present a proof-of-concept integrated RPM prototype along with discussion on the various technical challenges to overcome to build a final integrated version of RPM

    The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations

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    We present the CAT (Control Action Table), a 6 degrees of freedom freestanding input device designed for interaction with Virtual Environments displayed on huge screens. Both isotonic and isometric sensing modes allow the user to easily and efficiently perform 3D interaction techniques. A 2D tablet fixed on the tabletop allows them to perform accurate 2D interaction techniques

    The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations

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    AB!?0 C<D 1=E< FG1. -HAI1J1=1 1&;:;!?0@<AB!?0 C<D 28990 M@PQ,8=R! 1&;:;!?0@<AB!?0 C<D 28990-5 VAI@N!QWXYK<[ZX\1 0C.0 1- .C1M]G 6I'&R1D F 1=< XYK<[ZX\1 0C.0 1- .C1M]G 6I'&R1D 289 !Q0J1 1M=_1 <0F1. 0;PQ1MI` .0 1=_ 1UAE11AI1U CD 1 6Sa8 <0F1. 0;PQ1MI` .0 1=_ 1UAE11AI1U CD I#&%"'b L7J1 1=21 ;< FG1M.0 6%BWX\<.CcG1=E C 1 71MAI0G &<2<0AIM1.@5 1-L@Fd8 .CcG1=E C 1 . $ 43200 <0AIM1.@5 1-L@Fd8 .CcG1=E C 1 < FG1. E<[ K5 R M1.@5 1-L@Fd8 .CcG1=E C 1 .0- ('h1 28940-41110 R M1.@5 1-L@Fd8 .CcG1=E C 11AI Categories and Subject Descriptors OC6 W6mEn op>q[rTsut vGw_xEwyrTz3{g|-}0~+\u7f,5C<Pi5%/.C1U .0 8EOD ;X0F1. 0 TO76 W6 :an op>qerTskt vGwx2w5yrTzk{g|d}0~\u7fIL7 G<-=-1 K<N'k0.71M] /O 0C.0 1-;'k .C1M]G 6 G6 Zn 0k+pKwq[yt@{?p > } t vq}0~\u7fQO!gAE 1-VOG 7 -;'k .C1M]G 6 22680-34470 3657 O 0 \u7fQO! Keywords O Q< FG1M.0-H0F-M 1-HK k .C1M]G 1

    Visualisation interactive de données volumiques texturées pour la détection supervisée de failles en imagerie sismique

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    L'interprétation des images sismiques tridimensionnelles est une étape clé de léxploration pétrolière. Les enjeux de cette activité sont de produire un modèle des différentes structures, telles que les failles, incluses au sein des données sismiques. Les objectifs multiples de cette thèse, menée en partenariat avec le groupe TOTAL, sont de concevoir, d'implémenter et de valider des techniques innovantes de visualisation et d'interaction aidant à la détection et à la modélisation des failles, supervisée par un interprétateur. Bien que spécifiquement développés à destination d'un contexte opérationnel particulier, les outils proposés s'appliquent plus généralement à lénsemble des données volumiques texturées ainsi qu'à la segmentation manuelle de structures tridimensionnelles. Ils s'inscrivent dans un cadre théorique et méthodologique nécessairement pluridisciplinaire qui concerne des domaines aussi divers que la psychologie expérimentale, l'ingénierie cognitive, la réalité virtuelle ou encore l'interaction homme-machine.The interpretation of seismic 3D imagery is a step key leading to hydrocarbon exploitation. The challenge of this activity is to produce a model of several geological structures, like faults, embedded in seismic dataset. The aim of this thesis, carried out with TOTAL company, is to elaborate, design and evaluate new techniques of visualization and interaction for fault detection and modelization supervised by a human expert. Even if specially designed for an operational context, our tools are also dedicated to other volumetric data and manual segmentation of 3D structures. The theorical foundation of our works are based on a pluridisciplinary approach and concerns several scientific fields like experimental psychology, cognitive engineering, virtual reality or human computer interaction

    Quantitative analysis of computer interaction movements

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