62 research outputs found

    The Burbea-Rao and Bhattacharyya centroids

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    We study the centroid with respect to the class of information-theoretic Burbea-Rao divergences that generalize the celebrated Jensen-Shannon divergence by measuring the non-negative Jensen difference induced by a strictly convex and differentiable function. Although those Burbea-Rao divergences are symmetric by construction, they are not metric since they fail to satisfy the triangle inequality. We first explain how a particular symmetrization of Bregman divergences called Jensen-Bregman distances yields exactly those Burbea-Rao divergences. We then proceed by defining skew Burbea-Rao divergences, and show that skew Burbea-Rao divergences amount in limit cases to compute Bregman divergences. We then prove that Burbea-Rao centroids are unique, and can be arbitrarily finely approximated by a generic iterative concave-convex optimization algorithm with guaranteed convergence property. In the second part of the paper, we consider the Bhattacharyya distance that is commonly used to measure overlapping degree of probability distributions. We show that Bhattacharyya distances on members of the same statistical exponential family amount to calculate a Burbea-Rao divergence in disguise. Thus we get an efficient algorithm for computing the Bhattacharyya centroid of a set of parametric distributions belonging to the same exponential families, improving over former specialized methods found in the literature that were limited to univariate or "diagonal" multivariate Gaussians. To illustrate the performance of our Bhattacharyya/Burbea-Rao centroid algorithm, we present experimental performance results for kk-means and hierarchical clustering methods of Gaussian mixture models.Comment: 13 page

    On a generalization of the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the JS-symmetrization of distances relying on abstract means

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    The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a renown bounded symmetrization of the unbounded Kullback-Leibler divergence which measures the total Kullback-Leibler divergence to the average mixture distribution. However the Jensen-Shannon divergence between Gaussian distributions is not available in closed-form. To bypass this problem, we present a generalization of the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence using abstract means which yields closed-form expressions when the mean is chosen according to the parametric family of distributions. More generally, we define the JS-symmetrizations of any distance using generalized statistical mixtures derived from abstract means. In particular, we first show that the geometric mean is well-suited for exponential families, and report two closed-form formula for (i) the geometric Jensen-Shannon divergence between probability densities of the same exponential family, and (ii) the geometric JS-symmetrization of the reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence. As a second illustrating example, we show that the harmonic mean is well-suited for the scale Cauchy distributions, and report a closed-form formula for the harmonic Jensen-Shannon divergence between scale Cauchy distributions. We also define generalized Jensen-Shannon divergences between matrices (e.g., quantum Jensen-Shannon divergences) and consider clustering with respect to these novel Jensen-Shannon divergences.Comment: 30 page

    The Bregman chord divergence

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    Distances are fundamental primitives whose choice significantly impacts the performances of algorithms in machine learning and signal processing. However selecting the most appropriate distance for a given task is an endeavor. Instead of testing one by one the entries of an ever-expanding dictionary of {\em ad hoc} distances, one rather prefers to consider parametric classes of distances that are exhaustively characterized by axioms derived from first principles. Bregman divergences are such a class. However fine-tuning a Bregman divergence is delicate since it requires to smoothly adjust a functional generator. In this work, we propose an extension of Bregman divergences called the Bregman chord divergences. This new class of distances does not require gradient calculations, uses two scalar parameters that can be easily tailored in applications, and generalizes asymptotically Bregman divergences.Comment: 10 page

    Total Jensen divergences: Definition, Properties and k-Means++ Clustering

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    We present a novel class of divergences induced by a smooth convex function called total Jensen divergences. Those total Jensen divergences are invariant by construction to rotations, a feature yielding regularization of ordinary Jensen divergences by a conformal factor. We analyze the relationships between this novel class of total Jensen divergences and the recently introduced total Bregman divergences. We then proceed by defining the total Jensen centroids as average distortion minimizers, and study their robustness performance to outliers. Finally, we prove that the k-means++ initialization that bypasses explicit centroid computations is good enough in practice to guarantee probabilistically a constant approximation factor to the optimal k-means clustering.Comment: 27 page

    Bregman divergences based on optimal design criteria and simplicial measures of dispersion

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    In previous work the authors defined the k-th order simplicial distance between probability distributions which arises naturally from a measure of dispersion based on the squared volume of random simplices of dimension k. This theory is embedded in the wider theory of divergences and distances between distributions which includes Kullback–Leibler, Jensen–Shannon, Jeffreys–Bregman divergence and Bhattacharyya distance. A general construction is given based on defining a directional derivative of a function ϕ from one distribution to the other whose concavity or strict concavity influences the properties of the resulting divergence. For the normal distribution these divergences can be expressed as matrix formula for the (multivariate) means and covariances. Optimal experimental design criteria contribute a range of functionals applied to non-negative, or positive definite, information matrices. Not all can distinguish normal distributions but sufficient conditions are given. The k-th order simplicial distance is revisited from this aspect and the results are used to test empirically the identity of means and covariances

    Generalized Bregman and Jensen divergences which include some f-divergences

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    In this paper, we introduce new classes of divergences by extending the definitions of the Bregman divergence and the skew Jensen divergence. These new divergence classes (g-Bregman divergence and skew g-Jensen divergence) satisfy some properties similar to the Bregman or skew Jensen divergence. We show these g-divergences include divergences which belong to a class of f-divergence (the Hellinger distance, the chi-square divergence and the alpha-divergence in addition to the Kullback-Leibler divergence). Moreover, we derive an inequality between the g-Bregman divergence and the skew g-Jensen divergence and show this inequality is a generalization of Lin's inequality.Comment: 11 page
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