3 research outputs found

    Pathway Commons, a web resource for biological pathway data

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    Pathway Commons (http://www.pathwaycommons.org) is a collection of publicly available pathway data from multiple organisms. Pathway Commons provides a web-based interface that enables biologists to browse and search a comprehensive collection of pathways from multiple sources represented in a common language, a download site that provides integrated bulk sets of pathway information in standard or convenient formats and a web service that software developers can use to conveniently query and access all data. Database providers can share their pathway data via a common repository. Pathways include biochemical reactions, complex assembly, transport and catalysis events and physical interactions involving proteins, DNA, RNA, small molecules and complexes. Pathway Commons aims to collect and integrate all public pathway data available in standard formats. Pathway Commons currently contains data from nine databases with over 1400 pathways and 687ā€‰000 interactions and will be continually expanded and updated

    Meeting report from the first meetings of the Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE)

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    The Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE, http://co.mbine.org/), an initiative whose goal is to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in computational systems biology and related fields. This report summarises the activities pursued at the first annual COMBINE meeting held in Edinburgh on October 6-9 2010 and the first HARMONY hackathons, held in New-York on April 18-22 2011. The first of those meetings hosted 81 attendees, and discussions covered not only the standards part of COMBINE such as BioPAX, SBGN and SBML, but emerging efforts and interoperability between the different formats. The second meeting, oriented towards developers, welcomed 59 participants and witnessed many technical discussions and development enhancing software support of the standards, and conversion between them. Both meetings were resounding successes and showed that the field is now mature enough to develop representation formats and related standards in a coordinated manner

    Knowledge Management approaches to model pathophysiological mechanisms and discover drug targets in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases for which a cure is not yet available. MS is a complex disease for numerous reasons; its etiology is unknown, the diagnosis is not exclusive, the disease course is unpredictable and therapeutic response varies from patient to patient. There are four established subtypes of MS, which are segregated based on different characteristics. Many environmental and genetic factors are considered to play a role in MS etiology, including viral infection, vitamin D deficiency, epigenetical changes and some genes. Despite the large body of diverse scientific knowledge, from laboratory findings to clinical trials, no integrated model which portrays the underlying mechanisms of the disease state of MS is available. Contemporary therapies only provide reduction in the severity of the disease, and there is an unmet need of efficient drugs. The present thesis provides a knowledge-based rationale to model MS disease mechanisms and identify potential drug candidates by using systems biology approaches. Systems biology is an emerging field which utilizes the computational methods to integrate datasets of various granularities and simulate the disease outcome. It provides a framework to model molecular dynamics with their precise interaction and contextual details. The proposed approaches were used to extract knowledge from literature by state of the art text mining technologies, integrate it with proprietary data using semantic platforms, and build different models (molecular interactions map, agent based models to simulate disease outcome, and MS disease progression model with respect to time). For better information representation, disease ontology was also developed and a methodology of automatic enrichment was derived. The models provide an insight into the disease, and several pathways were explored by combining the therapeutics and the disease-specific prescriptions. The approaches and models developed in this work resulted in the identification of novel drug candidates that are backed up by existing experimental and clinical knowledge