4 research outputs found

    Bifurcation on diffusive Holling–Tanner predator–prey model with stoichiometric density dependence

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    This paper studies a diffusive Holling–Tanner predator–prey system with stoichiometric density dependence. The local stability of positive equilibrium, the existence of Hopf bifurcation and stability of bifurcating periodic solutions have been obtained in the absence of diffusion. We also study the spatially homogeneous and nonhomogeneous periodic solutions through all parameters of the system, which are spatially homogeneous. In order to verify our theoretical results, some numerical simulations are carried out.&nbsp

    Stabilizing Effect of Prey Refuge and Predator’s Interference on the Dynamics of Prey with Delayed Growth and Generalist Predator with Delayed Gestation

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    In the present paper, I study a prey-predator model with multiple time delays where the predator population is regarded as generalist. For this regard, I consider a Holling-Tanner prey-predator system where a constant time delay is incorporated in the logistic growth of the prey to represent a delayed density dependent feedback mechanism and the second time delay is considered to account for the length of the gestation period of the predator. Predator’s interference in predator-prey relationship provides better descriptions of predator's feeding over a range of prey-predator abundances, so the predator's functional response here is considered to be Type II ratio-dependent. In accordance with previous studies, it is observed that delay destabilizes the system, in general, and stability loss occurs via Hopf bifurcation. There exist critical values of delay parameters below which the coexistence equilibrium is stable and above which it is unstable. Hopf bifurcation occurs when delay parameters cross their critical values. When delay parameters are large enough than their critical values, the system exhibits chaotic behavior and this abnormal behavior may be controlled by refuge. Numerical computation is also performed to validate different theoretical results. Lyapunov exponent, recurrence plot, and power spectral density confirm the chaotic dynamical behaviors

    Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of a Delayed Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey System with Nonmonotonic Functional Response

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    A delayed Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with nonmonotonic functional response is studied. The existence and local stability of the positive equilibrium of the system with or without delay are completely determined in the parameter plane. Using the method of upper and lower solutions and monotone iterative scheme, a sufficient condition independent of delay for the global stability of the positive equilibrium is obtained. Hopf bifurcations induced by the ratio of the intrinsic growth rates of the predator and prey and by delay, respectively, are found. Employing the normal form theory, the direction and stability of Hopf bifurcations can be explicitly determined by the parameters of the system. Some numerical simulations are given to support and extend our theoretical results. Two limit cycles enclosing an equilibrium, one limit cycle enclosing three equilibria and different types of heteroclinic orbits such as connecting two equilibria and connecting a limit cycle and an equilibrium are also found by using analytic and numerical methods