76 research outputs found

    Double-Edge Factor Graphs: Definition, Properties, and Examples

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    Some of the most interesting quantities associated with a factor graph are its marginals and its partition sum. For factor graphs \emph{without cycles} and moderate message update complexities, the sum-product algorithm (SPA) can be used to efficiently compute these quantities exactly. Moreover, for various classes of factor graphs \emph{with cycles}, the SPA has been successfully applied to efficiently compute good approximations to these quantities. Note that in the case of factor graphs with cycles, the local functions are usually non-negative real-valued functions. In this paper we introduce a class of factor graphs, called double-edge factor graphs (DE-FGs), which allow local functions to be complex-valued and only require them, in some suitable sense, to be positive semi-definite. We discuss various properties of the SPA when running it on DE-FGs and we show promising numerical results for various example DE-FGs, some of which have connections to quantum information processing.Comment: Submitte

    Zero-Temperature Limit of a Convergent Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe Free Energy

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    After the discovery that fixed points of loopy belief propagation coincide with stationary points of the Bethe free energy, several researchers proposed provably convergent algorithms to directly minimize the Bethe free energy. These algorithms were formulated only for non-zero temperature (thus finding fixed points of the sum-product algorithm) and their possible extension to zero temperature is not obvious. We present the zero-temperature limit of the double-loop algorithm by Heskes, which converges a max-product fixed point. The inner loop of this algorithm is max-sum diffusion. Under certain conditions, the algorithm combines the complementary advantages of the max-product belief propagation and max-sum diffusion (LP relaxation): it yields good approximation of both ground states and max-marginals.Comment: Research Repor

    Clamping improves TRW and mean field approximations

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    We examine the effect of clamping variables for approximate inference in undirected graphical models with pairwise relationships and discrete variables. For any number of variable labels, we demonstrate that clamping and summing approximate sub-partition functions can lead only to a decrease in the partition function estimate for TRW, and an increase for the naive mean field method, in each case guaranteeing an improvement in the approximation and bound. We next focus on binary variables, add the Bethe approximation to consideration and examine ways to choose good variables to clamp, introducing new methods. We show the importance of identifying highly frustrated cycles, and of checking the singleton entropy of a variable. We explore the value of our methods by empirical analysis and draw lessons to guide practitioners.NICTA is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Communications and the Australian Research Council through the ICT Centre of Excellence Program.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by MIT Press

    On Sampling from the Gibbs Distribution with Random Maximum A-Posteriori Perturbations

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    In this paper we describe how MAP inference can be used to sample efficiently from Gibbs distributions. Specifically, we provide means for drawing either approximate or unbiased samples from Gibbs' distributions by introducing low dimensional perturbations and solving the corresponding MAP assignments. Our approach also leads to new ways to derive lower bounds on partition functions. We demonstrate empirically that our method excels in the typical "high signal - high coupling" regime. The setting results in ragged energy landscapes that are challenging for alternative approaches to sampling and/or lower bounds

    Inferning 2012

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    We consider the problem of inference in a graphical model with binary variables. While in theory it is arguably preferable to compute marginal probabilities, in practice researchers often use MAP inference due to the availability of efficient discrete optimization algorithms. We bridge the gap between the two approaches by introducing the Discrete Marginals technique in which approximate marginals are obtained by minimizing an objective function with unary and pairwise terms over a discretized domain. This allows the use of techniques originally developed for MAP-MRF inference and learning. We explore two ways to set up the objective function - by discretizing the Bethe free energy and by learning it from training data. Experimental results show that for certain types of graphs a learned function can outperform the Bethe approximation. We also establish a link between the Bethe free energy and submodular functions