11,540 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification

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    Image classification has advanced significantly in recent years with the availability of large-scale image sets. However, fine-grained classification remains a major challenge due to the annotation cost of large numbers of fine-grained categories. This project shows that compelling classification performance can be achieved on such categories even without labeled training data. Given image and class embeddings, we learn a compatibility function such that matching embeddings are assigned a higher score than mismatching ones; zero-shot classification of an image proceeds by finding the label yielding the highest joint compatibility score. We use state-of-the-art image features and focus on different supervised attributes and unsupervised output embeddings either derived from hierarchies or learned from unlabeled text corpora. We establish a substantially improved state-of-the-art on the Animals with Attributes and Caltech-UCSD Birds datasets. Most encouragingly, we demonstrate that purely unsupervised output embeddings (learned from Wikipedia and improved with fine-grained text) achieve compelling results, even outperforming the previous supervised state-of-the-art. By combining different output embeddings, we further improve results.Comment: @inproceedings {ARWLS15, title = {Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification}, booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, year = {2015}, author = {Zeynep Akata and Scott Reed and Daniel Walter and Honglak Lee and Bernt Schiele}

    DocTag2Vec: An Embedding Based Multi-label Learning Approach for Document Tagging

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    Tagging news articles or blog posts with relevant tags from a collection of predefined ones is coined as document tagging in this work. Accurate tagging of articles can benefit several downstream applications such as recommendation and search. In this work, we propose a novel yet simple approach called DocTag2Vec to accomplish this task. We substantially extend Word2Vec and Doc2Vec---two popular models for learning distributed representation of words and documents. In DocTag2Vec, we simultaneously learn the representation of words, documents, and tags in a joint vector space during training, and employ the simple kk-nearest neighbor search to predict tags for unseen documents. In contrast to previous multi-label learning methods, DocTag2Vec directly deals with raw text instead of provided feature vector, and in addition, enjoys advantages like the learning of tag representation, and the ability of handling newly created tags. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct experiments on several datasets and show promising results against state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 10 page

    Automatic Discovery, Association Estimation and Learning of Semantic Attributes for a Thousand Categories

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    Attribute-based recognition models, due to their impressive performance and their ability to generalize well on novel categories, have been widely adopted for many computer vision applications. However, usually both the attribute vocabulary and the class-attribute associations have to be provided manually by domain experts or large number of annotators. This is very costly and not necessarily optimal regarding recognition performance, and most importantly, it limits the applicability of attribute-based models to large scale data sets. To tackle this problem, we propose an end-to-end unsupervised attribute learning approach. We utilize online text corpora to automatically discover a salient and discriminative vocabulary that correlates well with the human concept of semantic attributes. Moreover, we propose a deep convolutional model to optimize class-attribute associations with a linguistic prior that accounts for noise and missing data in text. In a thorough evaluation on ImageNet, we demonstrate that our model is able to efficiently discover and learn semantic attributes at a large scale. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art in zero-shot learning on three data sets: ImageNet, Animals with Attributes and aPascal/aYahoo. Finally, we enable attribute-based learning on ImageNet and will share the attributes and associations for future research.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper at CVPR 201
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