24 research outputs found

    Identification of Features from User Opinions using Domain Relevance

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    Identification of opinion features from online user reviews is a task to identify on which feature user is going to put his opinion. There are number of existing techniques for opinion feature identification but, they are extracting features from a single corpus [2]. These techniques ignore the non trivial disparities in distribution of words of opinion features across two or more corpora. This work discusses a novel method for opinion feature identification from online reviews by evaluation of frequencies in two corpora, one is domain-specific and other is domain-independent corpus. This distribution is measured by using domain relevance [12]. The first task of this work is the identify candidate features in user reviews by applying a set of syntactic rules. The second step is to measure intrinsic-domain relevance and extrinsic-domain relevance scores on the domain dependent and domain-independent corpora respectively. The third step is to extract candidate features that are less generic and more domain specific, are then conformed as opinion features. This approach is called as intrinsic extrinsic domain relevance. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150611

    Reputation Agent: Prompting Fair Reviews in Gig Markets

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    Our study presents a new tool, Reputation Agent, to promote fairer reviews from requesters (employers or customers) on gig markets. Unfair reviews, created when requesters consider factors outside of a worker's control, are known to plague gig workers and can result in lost job opportunities and even termination from the marketplace. Our tool leverages machine learning to implement an intelligent interface that: (1) uses deep learning to automatically detect when an individual has included unfair factors into her review (factors outside the worker's control per the policies of the market); and (2) prompts the individual to reconsider her review if she has incorporated unfair factors. To study the effectiveness of Reputation Agent, we conducted a controlled experiment over different gig markets. Our experiment illustrates that across markets, Reputation Agent, in contrast with traditional approaches, motivates requesters to review gig workers' performance more fairly. We discuss how tools that bring more transparency to employers about the policies of a gig market can help build empathy thus resulting in reasoned discussions around potential injustices towards workers generated by these interfaces. Our vision is that with tools that promote truth and transparency we can bring fairer treatment to gig workers.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, The Web Conference 2020, ACM WWW 202

    A Unified Dual-view Model for Review Summarization and Sentiment Classification with Inconsistency Loss

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    Acquiring accurate summarization and sentiment from user reviews is an essential component of modern e-commerce platforms. Review summarization aims at generating a concise summary that describes the key opinions and sentiment of a review, while sentiment classification aims to predict a sentiment label indicating the sentiment attitude of a review. To effectively leverage the shared sentiment information in both review summarization and sentiment classification tasks, we propose a novel dual-view model that jointly improves the performance of these two tasks. In our model, an encoder first learns a context representation for the review, then a summary decoder generates a review summary word by word. After that, a source-view sentiment classifier uses the encoded context representation to predict a sentiment label for the review, while a summary-view sentiment classifier uses the decoder hidden states to predict a sentiment label for the generated summary. During training, we introduce an inconsistency loss to penalize the disagreement between these two classifiers. It helps the decoder to generate a summary to have a consistent sentiment tendency with the review and also helps the two sentiment classifiers learn from each other. Experiment results on four real-world datasets from different domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.Comment: Accepted by SIGIR 2020. Updated the results of balanced accuracy scores in Table 3 since we found a bug in our source code. Nevertheless, our model still achieves higher balanced accuracy scores than the baselines after we fixed this bu

    Exploiting Emotions via Composite Pretrained Embedding and Ensemble Language Model

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    Decisions in the modern era are based on more than just the available data; they also incorporate feedback from online sources. Processing reviews known as Sentiment analysis (SA) or Emotion analysis. Understanding the user's perspective and routines is crucial now-a-days for multiple reasons. It is used by both businesses and governments to make strategic decisions. Various architectural and vector embedding strategies have been developed for SA processing. Accurate representation of text is crucial for automatic SA. Due to the large number of languages spoken and written,  polysemy and syntactic or semantic issues were common. To get around these problems, we developed effective composite embedding (ECE), a method that combines the advantages of vector embedding techniques that are either context-independent (like glove & fasttext) or context-aware (like  XLNet) to effectively represent the features needed for processing.  To improve the performace towards emotion or  sentiment we proposed stacked ensemble model of deep lanugae models.ECE with Ensembled model is evaluated on balanced  dataset to prove that it is a reliable embedding technique and a generalised model for SA.In order to evaluate ECE, cutting-edge ML and Deep net language models are deployed and comapared. The model is evaluated using benchmark datset such as  MR, Kindle along with realtime tweet dataset of user complaints . LIME is used to verify the model's predictions and to provide statistical results for sentence.The model with ECE embedding provides state-of-art results with real time dataset as well

    Dynamic convolutional neural network for eliminating item sparse data on recommender system

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    Several efforts have been conducted to handle sparse product rating in e-commerce recommender system. One of them is the inclusion of texts such as product review, abstract, product description, and synopsis. Later, it converted to become rating value. Previous researches have tried to extract these texts based on bag of word and word order. However, this approach was given misunderstanding of text description of products. This research proposes a novel Dynamic Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) to improve meaning accuracy of product review on a collaborative filtering recommender system. DCNN was used to eliminate item sparse data on text product review while the accuracy level was measured by Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The result shows that DCNN has outperformed the other previous methods