137 research outputs found

    Tutorial: Business Intelligence – Past, Present, and Future

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    Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of applications, technologies, and processes for gathering, storing, accessing, and analyzing data to help business users make better decisions. This tutorial discusses some of the early, landmark contributions to BI; describes a comprehensive, generic BI environment; and discusses four impor-tant BI trends: scalability, pervasive BI, operational BI, and the BI based organization. It also identifies BI resources that are available for faculty and students


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    Advancement in information and communication technologies has been a key driver of the transition from a goods-basedeconomy to a services-based economy where significant changes are occurring in the way that services are produced andconsumed. There is tremendous opportunity to realize business value from service innovation by using the knowledge aboutservices to develop and deliver new information services and business services. Organizations can seize this opportunity touse service innovation initiatives to set themselves apart from competitors. One of the means for organizations to achieveservice innovation is to incorporate business intelligence (BI) both at the strategic and operational levels. A review of extantIS literature on service innovation and BI revealed that the strategic and operational role of BI in fostering service innovationfrom an organizational ambidexterity perspective is one that has not been explored. We address this gap in research bydeveloping a theoretical model and hypotheses to examine the role of BI in service innovation. Our literature review revealedthat firms use BI strategically and operationally for exploration and exploitation respectively to create opportunities forservice innovations which have the potential to impact organizational performance

    The Role of Business Intelligence in Information-Intensive Small Businesses: Initial Results from an Interpretive Study

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    Small businesses have limited resources that need to be utilised for maximum return. Business intelligence (BI) systems can provide decision-makers, who in small businesses are predominantly the owner-managers, with access to data that enbles them to make informed decisions on where to apply their limited resources. Given the dearth of literature on the role of BI in small businesses this research-in-progress paper documents the intitial results from an interpretive qualitative study, the purpose of which is to explore the use of BI in information-intensive small businesses to support strategic, tactical and operational decision-making that suggest BI can indeed play a role but that support and guidance can ensure that BI to fully exploit data for decision-making. The paper concludes with the next stpes for the current research as well as future research

    Does the Demographic Factor Impact Enterprise Business Intelligence Maturity Initiaves in Companies in Malaysia?

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    This chapter proposes an Enterprise Business Intelligence Maturity Model that involves thirteen key process areas (Strategic Management, Performance Measurement, Balanced Scorecard, Information Quality, Data Warehouse, Master Data Management, Metadata Management, Analytical, Infrastructure, Knowledge Management, People, Organization Culture and Change Management). This key objective of this chapter was to investigate impact on demographic factors such as age of BI initiave, organizational size, number of IT/BI employees, type of industry and revenue of the company towards the Enterprise Business Intelligence Initiave. A survey was conducted around 132 companies in this study. Results shows that age of BI initiatives, organizational size and number of IT/BI employees have relationship on BI maturity level while BI maturity level has strong relationship on the revenue of the company. Results above also show that the type of industry has no relationship on the BI maturity level

    Moderne Führungsinformationssysteme — Anforderungen, Architektur und Umsetzungserfahrungen

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    Zusammenfassungen: Technikaffine Manager finden sich zunehmend auch auf den Führungsebenen von Unternehmen wieder. Sie hinterfragen den >>One-size-fits-all<<-Ansatz ihrer Führungsinformationssysteme (FIS). Aber auch eine komplette Individualisierung ist aus Effizienz- und Konsistenzgründen nicht sinnvoll. FIS sind heute situativ an die Nutzerpräferenzen dieser neuen Generation von Managern anzupassen. Aus den Ergebnissen einer empirischen Untersuchung konsolidieren wir dazu nicht nur die als wesentlich artikulierten Anforderungen, sondern es wird auch der Entwicklungsstand der gegenwärtig in den Unternehmen genutzten Informationssysteme dokumentiert. Hierauf aufbauend leiten wir eine durchgängige Business/IT-Architektur ab, pilotieren diese und fassen erste Umsetzungserfahrungen zusamme

    Linking BI competency and assimilation through absorptive capacity: a conceptual framework

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    Business intelligence (BI) can help support decision-making processes and so contribute to improved BI assimilation and organisational performance. However, a BI undertaking may be effective and profitable for some organisations but not others. How can these differing outcomes be explained for those firms that have adopted BI systems? Drawing on the literature pertaining to absorptive capacity theory, IT competency, and BI assimilation we develop a conceptual framework to investigate the relationships between BI competency, absorptive capacity, and BI assimilation. This research provides insights for BI stakeholders in understanding the mediating role of organisational absorptive capacity within a complex BI environment, enabling many organisations that have implemented BI to leverage the benefits from their costly investments. The conceptual framework provides a sound basis for further research to shed light on the effects of BI competency and organisational absorptive capacity on BI assimilation. Contributions to research and practice are discussed

    Which factors of business intelligence affect individual impact in public healthcare?

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    Enhancing business intelligence traceability through an integrated metadata framework

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    The Business Intelligence (BI) system provides users with multi-dimensional information (so-called BI product) to support their decision-making. However, very often business users still could not fully understand the BI product, nor have a clear picture of the entire information manufacturing chain of the BI product. In response to this situation, this paper presents an integrated metadata framework (&ldquo;BIP-Map&rdquo;) to facilitate the traceability and accountability of a BI product following the design science research approach. Specifically, the salient modelling and management techniques from the business process modelling notation (BPMN), the information product map (IP-Map), and the metadata management are adapted to construct a three-layered integrated metadata framework enabling the business users to make timely and informed decisions. A BIP-Map informed prototype system has been developed in collaboration with online job recruitment firms. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with seven key BI stakeholders of the recruitment firms to evaluate the usefulness of the BIP-Map. It is envisaged that the metadata framework allows the technical personnel to understand the business processes that relate to certain information provided in the BI reports. Business users will also be able to gain insights into the logic behind any BI report.<br /


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    Every organization needs the proper knowledge management (KM) strategy for the development of the organization. In the last decades the business environment has changed and recently it becomes more dynamic and more complex. At present KM is valuable not only for individuals, and organizations, but also, for global humanity. So, the directors of the organizations must emphasize on the existing knowledge and try to develop them to achieve the competitive advantage. The purpose of the study is to explore the recent KM practice in the organizations and to show the ways to develop the new KM strategy in future. An attempt has been taken here to apply KM strategy in business performance, business intelligence, and e-business
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