171,511 research outputs found

    Ph.D. graduates in the humanities and social sciences: what do they do?

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    In recent years, more and more doctorate holders in Belgium and other OECD countries are employed in jobs outside academia. Particularly little is known about careers of graduates in the social sciences and the humanities (SSH). Therefore, this paper addresses several aspects of their careers. Based on the Belgian CDH data 2010, 919 doctorate holders were surveyed. We found that academia is the largest sector of employment for doctorate holders in humanities and social sciences but there is variation among cohorts and various subdisciplines within SSH. Only for a minority of the doctorate holders working outside higher education, a doctoral degree is required. Compared to other fields of study, doctorate holders in SSH experienced a difficult transition from academia to other sectors of employment. Despite these findings, Ph.D. holders in SSH feel their research experience is an asset for their current job. Future research needs to explore how the training of Ph.D. students can facilitate the transition to the non-academic labour market

    Silicon Valley's Changing Nonprofit Sector

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    Measures the growth of nonprofits and foundations in Silicon Valley between 1994 and 2003 to provide an overview of the region's nonprofit sector in relation to business and industry, and compares it to the Bay Area and the entire state of California

    VCU Peer Mentoring Program: 2017-18 End-of-Year Report

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    The 2017-18 End-of-Year Report provides background information on the VCU Peer Mentoring Program and end-of-year data based on evaluation, feedback and recommendations. This report also contains participant demographics, a complete cohort listing and a summary of the end-of-year feedback survey. The VCU Peer Mentoring program is part of the VCU Office of Faculty Affairs

    Giving in Minnesota, 2010 Edition

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    The Minnesota Council on Foundations has produced its Giving in Minnesota, 2010 Edition research report, the most comprehensive analysis of charitable giving in the state. The 2010 edition features Minnesota giving in 2008, the most recent year for which comprehensive data are available. This report includes information about overall giving by foundations, corporations and individuals in Minnesota, along with detailed grantmaking trends by the Giving in Minnesota sample, which is comprised of 100 of the state's largest grantmakers based on grants paid

    Education or Reputation? A Look At America's Top-Ranked Liberal Arts Colleges

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    This report examines the country's most prestigious liberal arts colleges. Despite endowments soaring as high as 1.8billion,nearlyallinstitutionsincreasedtuitionduringtheGreatRecessiontofinancebloatedadministrativespending,withmanycollegepresidentsenjoyingsalarieshigherthanBarackObama′s.Thisreportpeelsbackreputationtofindoutwhatstudentsarereallygettingfortheirdiploma′s1.8 billion, nearly all institutions increased tuition during the Great Recession to finance bloated administrative spending, with many college presidents enjoying salaries higher than Barack Obama's. This report peels back reputation to find out what students are really getting for their diploma's 240,000 price ta

    Giving in Minnesota, 2012 Edition

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    The Minnesota Council on Foundations (MCF) has produced its Giving in Minnesota, 2012 Edition research report, the most comprehensive analysis of charitable giving in the state. The 2012 edition features Minnesota giving in 2010, the most recent time period for which complete data are available. The report includes information about overall giving by foundations, corporations and individuals in Minnesota, along with detailed grantmaking trends by the Giving in Minnesota sample, which is comprised of 100 of the states largest grantmakers based on grants paid
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